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Visiting Taiga

Posted on Sun Oct 25th, 2020 @ 12:42am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet HQ, Secured Area

On return to Earth, Starfleet had assigned Taiga to a secured quarters at Starfleet Headquarters. They were small and rather cramped, even the replicator had been deactivated. She had to put up with whatever American food they were serving in the canteen, brought to her by a security officer. Now Taiga enjoyed hamburgers and fries like most people, but she preferred her own pallet.

The doors swished open, Taiga who had been staring out of the window turned to see who it was. Her eyes opened and she jumped up. "Ryuuji!" She said leaping into him and wrapping her arms around him.

Ryuuji smiled as he patted Taigas head. "Hey there trouble" he smirked. They had been separated for several days and it had strained his heart.

"How did you get in here?" She asked simply.

"I had a word with Starfleet Security. You are entitled to family visits. To deny that of you would be against your rights you know. I made that clear to them." He explained softly. Taiga broke free of him. She looked down at the floor before lowering herself into a seat.

"I'm in real trouble aren't I?"

"When are you not?" Ryuuji asked a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "But I wouldn't have it any other way" he approached her and knelt before her. "Taiga..." he lifted up her chin so their eyes met. "You did nothing wrong. You acted like anyone would. You tried to protect innocent civilians and they can't hold that against you"

Taiga shook her head. "I should never have crossed the Neutral Zone. I should have left it to the Romulans to deal with. It wasn't any of our business"

"Could you possibly live with yourself knowing you could have reacted? How would that have helped with our relationship with the Romulans if they knew you could have responded but chose not to?" Ryuuji asked.

"I know. But still. It doesn't help that I screwed up. I lost so many crew. I ordered the away team to get aboard to attempt to disable the vessel. Now they're gone too" Taiga's guilt and doubt was starting to build up inside her.

"You did what you thought was right" Ryuuji replied softly. "This all comes with sitting in the big chair"

"Wwll that won't be much longer. They'll have my commission for this I'm sure" a few years started to trickle down her face. "I'll never get the chance to have a family with you now. I might as well kiss my life goodbye. I'll be in a prison camp by the end of the week"

Ryuuji wiped the tears from Taigas face. "We're not going to stop fighting this. Your entire crew knows the truth and will standby you!"

He paused lowering his voice. "And so will I" he gently reached out and placed his hand flat on Taigas tummy. "Because one day, we'll celebrate having our own little family coming from inside here. And we'll both grow old together as they shape their own lives".

A smile spread across Taigas face. She leant forward both of their lips meeting. It felt like ages since they last shared an intimate moment together. "I'll hold you to that" she replied.

Ryuuji smiled at the woman he loved. "Minori is fighting for you too. So is Daxer. The only one who doesn't seem to be in your field is Nakazato"

Taiga sighed. "Hes far to loyal to that idiot Admiral. But I doubt anything he does can affect the outcome. No doubt Daxer has a plan. Shes always been like that".

Ryuuji chuckled to himself. "Indeed she has. And if I can do anything to help her to protect our dreams, even if it means putting my own ass on the line. I won't hesitate to do so". With that said he rose to his feet. "I'm only allowed a little time. But once this is all over, we'll go home together. And this time, I'm not putting off the 'I do's' that I promised you".

Standing up Taiga waljed to the door with him. It opened and the guards readied their phasers. "Stand down boys. She has no intention of running away. Theres far too much on the line... for both of us"

Taiga nodded as they stood down allowing Ryuuji to pass. She stood there. "I'll see you later Ryuuji. Don't make me wait so long next time" she said playfully as the doors began to close. Ryuuji gave her one last smile before making his way back down the long corridor. This wasn't going to be easy for either of them.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief


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