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The state of things

Posted on Tue Oct 6th, 2020 @ 12:09am by Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose

1,212 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Tokyo Engineering
Timeline: Before arrival at Earth

With orders given, and the ship well on it's way to Earth, Daxer was making arounds around the ship, checking some of the damage herself. As ordered, the TIC had been closed off, with guards at every access point. Much of the surrounding areas had also been evacuated.

She stepped over what was left of one of the bulkheads, as she rounded the corner into main Engineering, and stopped short as she saw engineers milling about, each dedicated to his or her given task.

"Excuse me, Ensign." Daxer got the attention of a young woman who was passing by. "I'm looking for Lieutenant Ambrose."

She pointed to the upper engineering deck, near the warp core. "He's working on the upper support pylon." She said, then pointed across engineering to a lift. "Use that lift to get there."

"Thank you." Daxer replied, then moved to the lift, thumbing the controls to go to the upper deck.

Hobb was stood by the support pylon, hands on hips as he regarded it critically. 'And you're sure that's what the scans indicated? A stress fracture running the length, with multiple hairlines radiating off of it?' He grilled one of the crewmen clustered around him.

The Efrosian regarded their PADD for a moment, then nodded the affirmative, 'extensive fracturing. The pylon will not be able to support anything for much longer.'

The Chief Engineer turned to another of his crewmen, 'your remedy? Can we just fill in those fractures, hope it holds til Earth?'

A Bolian shook her head, 'no sir. The fracturing is too extensive, nothing short of complete replacement will suffice. Estimate that increases of hull stress of as little as eight-point-two-per-cent will result in failure.'

Nodding his approval, Hobb regarded his own PADD, 'excellent diagnosis, crewman - good all round for the group. You're learning well. Crewman Thallas'na'tanahan, consult with the machining division and find out their capacity. When they tell you it's impossible, stress it's a priority replacement if they enjoy oxygen.'

Looking up as the lift finished its ascent, Hobb nodded in the direction of Daxer before dismissing his cadre of crewmembers. Wiping his hands reflexively on his work overalls he approached the temporary CO, 'Captain, anything I can do for you?'

"A progress report perhaps?" Daxer asked casually, as she stepped off the lift. "Hopefully with some good news, because we could use some about now."

He let a wan smile cross his face, 'the replicators are definitely working.' Hobb stood straighter as he ticked off a list in his head. 'Look, there's no two ways about it, the ship was hit hard. Some of the systems are, frankly, non-salvageable.'

Waving at the pylon behind him he carried on, 'we're working flat out on structural works around Engineering, and there are teams working on our nacelle supports so we can at least get the speed of the ship up. Unfortunately, we're not miracle workers so it's going to take another twenty-four to thirty-six hours before we have replacement parts ready and installed. If we can keep working at the capacity we are now.'

'Another attack like the last one and I really can't guarantee we'll make it to Mars.'

"I expect that once we reach the Sol system, Starfleet will order us in for repairs at Utopia Planetia, so you should get plenty of help in Engineering, and the rest of the ship." She gave him a light pat on the shoulder, as she looked over at the support pylon. "I don't anticipate anymore combat, at least for a bit, so that should ease your mind somewhat."

"On another note, I've arrested Lieutenant Nakazato." She said simply, as she stepped past him, casually looking over the various consoles, and repairs that were underway. She stopped, and turned to face him. "Since he was next in line for the Executive Officer's position, it's yours if you want it... Though right now, it'd be in name only, as I'm handling both jobs, and you're needed down here."

'Executive Officer! Me!?' Despite himself, Hobb let out a small bark of a laugh. Incredulous he looked at his Commanding Officer, and lowered his voice, 'are you sure that you didn't hit you head during the attack? Wouldn't Trigman or Thrix be a better fit?'

Despite his protestations, his heart beat a little faster. Executive Officer, even for as little time as it would take to get to Earth, would still look good on his file. He let his mind wander for a moment, imagining a Corps of Engineering vessel of his own.

"Maybe, but you're qualified, and just like the crewmen huddled around you, when I came in, you've got potential. I like potential..." She said almost absently, as she studied the support pylon more closely. "I'd say this thing's about had it."

He was glad of abrupt change of subject. 'Yeah, pretty much. Riddle with microfractures. The sooner it's replaced, the better. If it goes, it'll create some serious stress in the hull at the very least.' Hobb gave her a sidelong glance, 'so what happened to Nakazato?'

"He admitted intent to interfere with the investigation, and to commit treason against the Federation." Jen replied simply, remembering the things Hobb had said during the meeting. "Basically, he did exactly what you said he might, so I had him taken into custody."

'Commit treason, huh.' Hobb let out a low whistle, 'I hope that doesn't blow back on you, Commander. I may stick to Main Engineering, but I know you've done a helluva job keeping this crew together. You don't deserve the crap an SOB like Miyahara will try and throw at us.' He never threw out compliments lightly, so he hoped Daxer understood he was sincere.

"Neither does the Captain." Jen said in reply. She gave him a light smile, and another pat on the shoulder that said she understood. "That's why I plan on doing whatever it takes to see true justice done." She stopped for a moment, seeing the mess that was engineering, and gave a light sigh. "In the meantime, I'll let you get back to work. I've got other departments, and areas to check in on."

'Good,' replied Hobb as he stared off into the distance, 'I hope the Away Team is alright too. We need all the people we can at the moment.' He looked at the Commander before cracking a smile, 'I appreciate the time you've given. I'll have a more formal report done for you before the end of Gamma shift. And have someone send along the duties the Executive Officer should fill.'

"I hope they're alright as well." Jen replied simply, as she stepped back onto the lift. "I look forward to your report." With that, she thumbed the lift controls. She'd check on a few more areas of the ship, and then head back to the bridge.

For his part, Hobb simply nodded at the retreating officer's back, and turned back to the job at hand. There was enough to do.

Post by:

Lt CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain (Chief Sec/Tac, and 2XO)
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Hamlyn 'Hobb' Ambrose
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Tokyo


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