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Orders is Orders

Posted on Thu Jun 18th, 2020 @ 6:41pm by Major Orin Thrix & Commander Alora Knight & Captain Randolph (Randy) Mantooth

709 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: USS Tokyo Bridge
Timeline: 1 Day Prior

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."
-Henry Ford-


Major Orin Thrix and Captain Randy Mantooth were headed up to see the XO. The ship's computer said that she was currently on the bridge. So, both men walked out of the turbo lift and looked around. There were people at every station. And nobody was paying attention to them. That's when Major Thrix cleared his throat. And he looked at the Uridian male at the communication station.

"Excuse me Ensign, where's the XO?" He asked just loud enough to be heard. "We need duty stations" He added

A Vulcan female who was a brighter green than normal turned from checking the scanners. "I'm Commander Knight. Can I help you?"

The 2 men wearing flight suits walked over to the XO. "Yes Ma'am." Said the green man while they both saluted. "Major Orin Thrix and Captain Randy Mantooth reporting for assignments as ordered by the Commanding Officer. We are your new Marine Commanding Officer and Marine Executive Officer, Ma'am."

"Normally, you will have your own duties, and if there's a need, you will be asked to help security and SWORD. You don't have a dedicated bridge station, but I can set something up if you feel the need." She paused for a moment. "I prefer each department to set their own duty rotations and send them to me for approval. You know your people best."

"Yes Ma'am." Said Orin. "Setting up a bridge duty station will be fine. Thank you. It will come in handy should we be used in a joint venture. I think for the first little while we are going to concentrate most of our efforts on training. I want to make sure the Marines here are ready for anything and loaded for bear." He said.

"A good plan. The Tokyo has a Starfighter wing and the SWORD team that will occasionally work together for special assignments. Once you get settled in, meet them as well. Is there anything specific you need from me? Have you been to the Marine area?"

"Ma'am, we have'nt been anywhere yet. But we do have places the Captain told us she wanted us to go to." Said Orin.

"Yes Ma'am, like to get a physical" Said Captain Mantooth.

"We are going to go down and talk to the Chief of Security to talk about co-ordination of efforts between our respective departments." Said Thrix. "We don't have quarters or even know where the Marine barracks are on the ship."

"Deck eight," she replied. She went to her station and pulled up the data on her console, then transferred it to a PADD. "Here you go. You will each have your own quarters. They're listed on the PADD."

"Thank you Ma'am." Said Orin. "Got to ask, I know we have 3 jump ships, 2 fighter, well, 3 now with the one that we came in. Do we have any Argo's? We don't need the shuttle. But the the land vehicle would be handy. We can always use a drop ship just for equipment and store them there."

She thought for a moment. "That I'm not sure of. There might be one in a cargo bay. We haven't used one, or needed one, since I've been here."

"Well, just to tell you Ma'am, we can squeeze 3 in a drop ship. And IF we can get three, we can have half a platoon mobile and mechanized. Be great for recon, or quick in and out work" Captain Mantooth said.

"I think we can work something out." Alora smiled. "Marines are new to the Tokyo, so things may be a bit crazy right now, but we'll do what we can to accommodate you."

"And for that, Ma'am we thank you." Said Orin. "Will that be all you require of us at this time?"

"Yes. Take the time you need to settle in. I'm sure the captain will keep you busy enough later." She smiled. "Welcome aboard. Feel free to let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you Ma'am." Said the 2 Marines saluting. "Now, on to our next meeting." Said Randy.

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Major Orin Thrix
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Randy Mantooth
Marine Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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