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Once more, Unto the Breach

Posted on Wed Jun 17th, 2020 @ 3:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Major Orin Thrix & Captain Randolph (Randy) Mantooth

1,187 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: USS Tokyo's landing Bay/Captain's ready room
Timeline: 1 Day Prior

"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in."
-Napoleon Bonaparte-


The feel of a fighter at full cruising speed is very powerful indeed. Just thinking of making the KD-56 Gryphon warp class fighter do something was usually enough to do it. The controls were that well tuned. In truth, officially this class of fighter was also known as the MK 2 Valkyrie. But, she was the next evolution of the fighter. And required special training to operate. Special training, and nerves of steal.

Orin Thrix Operated the controls like a pro. He should. He spent 3 months learning not only how to fly this bird. But qualified as an instructor as well for it. It was Starfleet's baddest bird. And she was given to the Marines first. It made Orin smile thinking how jealous those Fleety's were going to be seeing this new piece of kit coming into their hanger. Always happy to oblige. Orin thought as he put the craft into overdrive just to feel what she could do. She was fast. She made other fighters look not fast.

"How we doing back there Randy?" Asked Orin. Sitting in Orin's rear seat was Marine Captain Randy Mantooth. He was a full blood Apache. Callsign: Scalper.

"You know Orin, just another day at the office baby." Replied Randy. "So, you never did tell me about how Risa was before we were recalled. Meet anyone interesting?" He asked.

Orin paused for a second. "Keep your eyes on the controls Captain." Orin said sounding miffed.

"Well, THAT means no." Replied Randy giggling. And after a pregnant pause, Orin finally responded.

"That means no." Orin said. And the 2 men laughed.

It was then that beeping came from the control panel in the back seat. It was com system. They were receiving a message.

=/\= Unknown Federation Fighter, this is the USS Tokyo. Please Identify. =/\=

Randy answered the hail. =/\= USS Tokyo, This is Marine fighter Alpha-Foxtrot-Uniform 1 requesting landing instructions.=/\=

=/\= Affirmative Alpha-Foxtrot-Tango 1, you are expected. come to bearing 785.3 Mark 6 and approach through the rear. You are to land in the rear shuttle bays. =/\= Replied the Tokyo. =/\= And upon landing, you are to report in with the CO in her ready room. =/\=

=/\= Affirmative. Thank you Tokyo. =/\= Replied Randy.

After the landing approach was made, Orin set the fighter down with perfect precision. Had to look good for the Fleety's after all. The fighter sat in the hanger bay, and she got eyed up and down from every crewman there. It was like she was the Belle of that ball. Orin and Randy climbed out of the cockpit.

"She's a beauty. Had to see her myself" Came a voice from off to the side approaching them. "Sorry, I'm the acting Asst TIC, Lt. Stanovitch" Said the man.

"Major Thrix, and that's Capt. Mantooth. Our Callsigns are Scalper and Firefox" Said Orin. "Where's the Captain's ready room?" Asked Thrix

The man smiled. "Out that door, down the hall, take the turbo lift to the bridge and there you go. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy." Said Stanovitch.

"Thanks." Said Orin. "Try not to drool on the warp nacelles."

As the 2 men walked out the hanger, they looked around. "Not bad." said Randy.

they entered the turbo lift. "Bridge" said Orin. and the lift moved. Seconds later, the door opened with a swoosh. They were standing on the Bridge of the USS Tokyo.

They looked around. and seeing as they were the only Marines in flightsuits, they were easy to spot. Orin noticed to communication's officer pointing to a door off the side of the Bridge. Orin smiled and the 2 men walked to it. Orin rang the chine.

"Come in" a female voice called from the other side of the door.

The 2 men entered the room to find the Captain sitting behind the desk. Both men walked up, stood to attention and saluted "Major Orin Thrix and Captain Randolph Mantooth reporting as ordered to assume the positions of the Marine Commanding Officer and Executive Officer aboard the USS Tokyo, as ordered Ma'am." Said Thrix.

The short blonde haired woman looked up at the two marines. "Relax, both of you before you strain something" she said first. "And take a seat" she added indicating to the two empty seats in front of the desk.

The 2 men relaxed their stance and took a seat behind the desk. "Ma'am, may I ask what is the state of training of the Marines on the Tokyo in your opinion, and what would you have our role on your ship be Ma'am?" Asked the Major.

Taiga picked up a PADD from her desk and skimmed its contents. "The Marine Company is a new addition on the Tokyo. Starfleet believes that we need a more military ground force. We've recently taken delivery of three warp capable drop ships for you to utilise and two escort fighters, as well as the one you brought" Taiga explained. "However be aware that those are only to be used to escort the dropships, the Starfighter wing are run and commanded by Commander Trigman" she told them both. "Your main priority is heavy ground assault operations and working with ships security when needed"

She paused. "As for the training. There's just over one hundred of you. Its upto you to determine their skills and training. However, I expect you to train them all well and to my standards, which are not low" Taiga explained.

"That is not a problem at all Ma'am" Said Thrix. "We love to train. I'll give you not only the best Marines in the quadrant. But the best in the fleet." The 2 men paused briefly unsure of what to say next. Then Thrix spoke again. "Do you have any questions for us Ma'am?"

Taiga shook her head. "Not at the moment Major. However, you both need to report for a physical. I want you both in tip top shape. You should also meet with the XO for crew assignment and you may want to get a hold of Commander Daxer regarding any security duties" she told them simply. "Once that's done, you can report to the Marine Barracks and get your new men into check".

"Ok Ma'am" Said the Major. "We will do that right after we are done here. So, are we officially reported in Ma'am?" Asked the Major? "Where can we find the XO?" He asked.

"As far as I'm aware yes. As for finding Commander Knight. I don't know where she is right now. You'll have to ask the computer, I like my crew to take initiative. After all I'm a Starfleet Captain not a babysitter." Shevstood up which truly showed how short she was and extended a hand to the Major. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo"

The 2 men stood, towering over the Captain. and saluted. Then the Major shook the Captain's hand "Thank you Ma'am. Permission to carry on?" He asked.

"By all means. Dismissed" Taiga replied as she released the Majors hand.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Major Orin Thrix
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Randy Mantooth
Marine Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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