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I Don't Wanna

Posted on Tue Jun 16th, 2020 @ 3:28pm by Major Orin Thrix

795 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Risa
Timeline: 2 Days prior

"My ideas have undergone a process of emergence by emergency. When they are needed badly enough, they are accepted."
-R Buckminster Fuller-


It was a beautiful day starting on Risa, as usual. The sun was out. The sky was blue. Perfect weather. Picture perfect landscapes. All in all, it was paradise. It should be. The technology needed to keep it that way was tremendous and expensive. But well worth it. But even a fabricated paradise is still a paradise indeed. The Hotel Voluptas was a very popular hotel on the Pleasure Planet. It was right on the beach, at the foot of a mountain. There was So much to do there, IF you wanted to do anything at all.

It was at the outdoor pool at the Hotel Voluptas, (The Hotel had 2,) where a young Andorian lady sat. The pool it's self was huge. A Olympic sized pool. complete with hot tubs all around. The entrance had a huge Horgon on the gate you needed to walk under to enter. She was sitting alone at a small round table She was wearing a summer skirt, with a 1 piece bathing suit underneath. She had just received a sumerian sunset from her waiter and was enjoying it while engaged in some light reading on a padd.

"Hi, Is this seat taken?" Asked a man who walked up to her. She glanced at him. He was Orion. Good looking, Great shape. ( but aren't they usually?) She thought as she looked at him. She sized him up for a second before speaking.

She smiled, "Maybe." She said not sure what to make of it. On one hand, he wasn't carrying a horgon. On the other, not all snakes have scales. "And you are?" She asked with curious interest.

"I'm Orin." He said with a smile.

"And what do you do Orin?" She asked.

"I fly a bus on Mars. Just here on holiday." He said noticing that she was beginning to take interest. "And what about you?" He asked.

She paused and smiled, "I'm a lab assistant for a geological laboratory." Her voice sounded like her job was even boring to her. "And my name is Shalvot. Call me Shal." She added. "So, what brought you to my table, Mr. Orin?"

"you know, I could give you any old line here, and none of it would be true. The truth is, I think you are very pretty. And I just want to meet you." Orin said sounding sincere.

Shal's antenna perked up. Could it be? She thought. A guy, who is actually being.....Honest??? Wow, time to buy a lottery ticket. ""How sweet." She said gesturing for Orin to join her at the table. Orin sat and the 2 engaged in conversation.

"So, tell me more." She said. "Tell me more about truth."

Orin thought for a second. "Well, the truth is...there is a good chance our offspring could be purple." He said jokingly. And the 2 laughed.

It was then that a voice came from behind the couple. "Major Thrix? Major Orin Thrix?"

Orin turned to see 2 men. 1 Hunan, 1 Bolian. "Major Thrix, Starfleet Security.We need to talk." Said the Bolian.

"No No, I still have 1 week of leave left." Said Orin.

Shal was looking really confused. "Major?" She then looked extremely mad. "Excuse me." She said leaving with great haste.

"Yeah, but I......" He said trying to save face and make one last brave effort before she left in a huff. To late. "Call me." He added knowing that she wouldn't. Orin sighed. Then turned to the 2 men. "Thanks for the REALLY bad timing guys" He said, sounding disappointed. "This better be good"

Then the Bolian handed Orin a computer chip. "Here are your orders and new assignment. This comes from the top. It's all there." He said.

Then, the Human smiled. "Just curious, what did you tell her to get so mad?"

"I told her I fly buses on Mars." He said looking at the men.

"You do know that honesty IS the best policy." Said the Bolian. "Why did you lie?"

"Because when you say you are a Major in the Federation Marine Corp women look at you like you are lying. So, I lie to avoid that. I know, It makes no sense, But it is now a lesson in futility." He said.

"Yes." Said the Bolian. "You travel orders are on the chip. Your to leave in 2 hours. Be at the starport then. It's all in the file. And next time, you might want to tell the truth." He said smiling as the 2 men walked away.

"Yes Mother" Said Orin as he got up to go to his room and go over his orders.


Major Orin Thrix
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo


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