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A license to spy

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 7:41am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Earth - SF HQ
Timeline: 1 week before the Tokyo arrives at the outpost

"After what the last Admiral did to myself, and the crew of the Tokyo, I don't care what you want, Sir." Daxer said plainly, as she stood looking at Admiral Dobson in an at-ease stance. In the time, since her assimilation, the woman had become bolder, and more prone to defy orders in particular situations. "I'm the only one willing to do this. I want full discretion on this investigation, and no leash to keep me from properly doing my job."

"This is a new opportunity for you." Dobson said simply. "It seems as if that the Tokyo has gotten itself into a bit of bother again. They've limped back to spacedock after a rough time in the Cardassian Demilitarized zone." he explained as he slid a PADD towards the woman. The contents of the PADd contained several classified orders for her.

Jennifer picked up the PADD, quickly skimming through it's contents, before setting it back down again. "These repairs will probably take a few days at least." She replied, without a second thought. One thing she did remember were the schematics for the ship. "And a lot of new gel packs."

"Indeed" Dobson said simply. "I know you're due to finally return to duty. Now be aware that Captain Aisaka doesn't know that you'll be coming back. She doesn't even know who she'll be getting as a new Chief of Security just yet." A sly smile crept across his face, he obviously had heard of the Captain and this little surprise was something to test her. He secretly looked forward to the first report back from Daxer.

"I'm sure she will be surprised to see me." Jen replied simply. "Whether she will welcome someone who tried to assimilate her crew is another question."

"I don't think she will mind" Dobson replied with a smile. "She gave you a glowing report for your bravery" he explained to her softly. He had already looked at all the reports regarding the mission with the Tokyo. "You'll also be happy to know that the Admiral who sent the Tokyo on that mission is now serving time in a Starfleet Penal Colony for his crimes"

"Good. It's where he belongs." Jen replied, without missing a beat, offering a handshake, instead of a salute. "Do we have a deal, Admiral?"

"We have a deal Lieutenant Commander. I take it you'll enjoy being back on the Tokyo?" he asked curiously.

"Perhaps." Jen replied. She sighed lightly, straightening her uniform. It had been a while since she'd worn it, and it felt uncomfortable in some places. "Except this damned uniform. They never seem to fit right, no matter how much they change them."

"Yes, the new uniforms are meant to look smarter. Something about being more 'traditional' according to the R&D Department" Dobson replied with a slight smile. "I'm sure you'll get used to it. You have a few days to get your things together and report to the transporter shuttle"

"Maybe they should add comfort along with tradition." Jen said dryly. "It will take me only a few hours to be ready. I don't keep much these days."

Dobson nodded. "Understood. Do you want me to let Captain Aisaka know that you'll be rejoining your old crew? Or would you rather tall her yourself?"

"I think I'll tell her in person." Daxer gave Dobson a smirk, wondering how the woman would react. "Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise."

"I see" Dobson said. "Then when you're ready, report to the Starship Tokyo before she departs space dock" he told her with a smile. "Go do what you're good at out there, you know where I am if you need things. But don't expect me to be digigng you out of any holes if you dig them yourself. Dismissed"

"Yes, sir." The Vulcan woman replied simply, straightening up just enough to assume attention. "If there's nothing else, I'd like to get my things from the armory."

"Dismissed then" Dobson said.

Posting By

Captain Taiga Aisaka (Playing Adm Dobson)
Commanding Officer

Lt Commander Jennifer Daxer
Security/Tactical Chief


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