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Trying to make sense of things... (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:04pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Edited on on Sat Mar 28th, 2020 @ 2:18pm

1,226 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Various


Alora was working with Alex and his team on the Prowler, the only place she had power and a computer that could help her figure out what was going on. She'd cut off contact with the ship and its computer so that whatever was infecting the Tokyo wouldn't get to the Prowler, She had a good idea that the virus came from the other ship, based on what they found, but she needed more to find a cure. "Computer, analyze scans of the away team before and after they went to the Cartagena. Look for any abnormalities."

"Beginning scans." The Prowlers stern male voice replied.

Alex walked over to Alora, stopping beside her, before placing a mug down in front of her. He grabbed her something she knew she would like, something to help her think and keep her moving, while he grabbed his usual hot coffee. "The Prowler has an extensive databank, however most of it is from my universe, but with the added stuff from the Tokyo's databanks there should be something." He took a sip of his coffee before adding. "Hopefully." He paused for a moment, looking to her with a smirk before looking back to the screen and asking. "So... would this be considered our honeymoon or date night?"

She chuckled. "Definitely not a honeymoon, but I'll take date night." She leaned closer. "Once we get through this, we'll have a proper honeymoon."

"I hope so." Alex replied, shaking his head slightly, before continuing. "I've been surrounded by my team, on this runabout, for a long time. It'll be good to finally spend some time away from it, them, and actually settle down with my wife." He looked over to her and smirked a bit. "When this is all over I plan on locking us both in a holodeck and running every exotic, and romantic, place in the computer. You can officially consider yourself my prisoner after this, Miss Knight."

"I can hardly wait." She grinned, sorely temped to kiss him, but she knew if she did, she'd only distract herself. "Now, let's see what we can learn."

"Neither can I." Alex replied, as he raised his mug, and winked at her. He soon turned to face the monitor and said. "Now... let's learn some stuff."

Alora ran a comparison of the Tokyo before the problems, the Tokyo now, and the Cassandra.

"Look at this," she said some time later. "You can see the progress of the virus from the Cassandra to the Tokyo. It's spreading through the bio-neural gel packs." She leaned against her husband. "Can you see any signs of who created it?"

"No, but... it's surprisingly familiar." Alex replied as he tapped on the console. "I'm accessing encrypted files we keep hidden in the Prowler's system. Information we don't want spreading or falling into the wrong hands. Even those on our side." He finished typing in the code and looked to Alora. "With this war, in our universe going so long, things like this may turn good people into the same monsters we're trying to survive. Pitbull, and I, decided that its best to keep stuck like this under lock and key. Only he, and I, have access. Which means, so do you." He smiled slightly, looking back to the screen. "Prowler: Given the new results of the new data, and the files currently available, please identify key characteristic which can help identify the current virus."

The computer let out a tone in respond before replying. "Accessing current data and beginning scan for key identifiers."

Alora got herself another drink and watched Alex and the computer work.

After a few minutes the computer toned, showing the results on the screen. Alex looked over and began to shift through it. "Look at this. According to the data, it showing key elements used in Cardassian chemistry and bio-science." He looked to Alora.

"Cardassian...Computer, show all Cardassian activity in the sector." The information showed up on the screen.

She turned to Alex. "So, now we have to figure out what it is and how to neutralize it."

"That may serve a problem." Alex replied, looking to Alora. "Cardassian's bio-weapons are extremely dangerous, in my universe, and some have yet to be cured." He said softly, gesturing to the information on the monitor. "If this is anything like the ones in my universe, then neutralizing it or stopping it all together, will prove very difficult."

"I hope this is a case of things being better here," she said quietly. "Otherwise, we'll end up like the Cassandra." Alora began another search of the Cassandra for any indication of how the virus got aboard. If they could find that, they might be able to find a cure.

She turned to Alex. "Has medical checked those infected and compared current scans with previous ones to identify the virus?"

"I don't know. Let's find out, shall we?" Alex said, with a smile, as he tapped onto the console. "No results have come in yet. Let's call them directly." He tapped his combadge. "Knight to Sickbay. Any news on those samples?"

Kah'Leth was looking at the medi-analyzer; the two samples were going through the multi-spectrum analysis process while the doctor watched the results.

"The analyzer has taken the samples at present and cross referencing the base line samples."Kah'Leth stated firmly. "From the initial readings I can conclude the change within the Bio-samples is a viral strain that add a chemical agent adding hyrogens to the blood stream of the affected crew and the biochemical bonding of the gel-pack causing a chemical reaction of higher temperatures through negative chemical reaction." He explained and looked around for a second. "It is causing a fever in the crew and fever like symptoms in the Gel packs." He added . "Due to the accelerated fever symptoms from the infections have sparked hallucination like results. The severity of the infection has affected the Primitive Brain in the medulla oblongata which controls aggression in varios levels."

Alex looked over to Alora and raised a brow. "That sounds like fun."

"Oh, yeah," Alora replied. "So, doctor, can you find an antidote?"

"It is more a matter of ceasing the eletrical impulses biochemically from aggitating the Primitive brain rather than the rational brain." He glanced to the ladies. "Lower the fast impulses and thus no aggressive behavior; lowest possible impulses and Brain activity while review." They still did not get it. "Sleep is the most relaxed and then I can equalize the body's bio-eleltrical impulses and lower the iron folicles that collect on the nerve endings. Knock them out biochemically, pump them full of faster acting antibiotics to quell the vires induced fever with a saliene solution to help bring down the body tempature."

"Unless you need to use a chemical to kill off whatever is making the gel packs and the crew sick," Alora added.

Alora paused while she sent the data they'd gathered to the doctor. "That should help you with the antidote. Unless you need anything from us, we'll let medical take it from here."

"We will win the battle against the Virus I assure you." Kah'Leth nodded. "I will get right on it.


Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer


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