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The Final Push (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Sep 2nd, 2018 @ 12:19pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Sun Sep 2nd, 2018 @ 12:21pm

1,982 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Various Locations

Alex made his way through the corridor. Weapon in one hand and his trusted knife in the other. He didn't seem to show any sign of stopping. He was focused. He was determined. Alex would shoot one advancing Mirror Universe Officer, only to find some way to get another with is knife. He wasn't going to let anything stop him from getting to Alora, even though he would be cutting it really close.

He didn't have much to be worried about. Jazz had his back the whole way. Even when she was Grimm, she didn't worry herself with Alex because he always knew what he was doing. There was something that bothered her. Something that seemed to tug at her arm that she just had to know. "How do you know where you're going?"

Alex said nothing. He simply hugged the wall and continued forward.

"I mean, its not like you know exactly where she is. She said she was in a corridor outside the bridge, and the room's keep changing, so its not like you have an actual map to go by." Jazz continued, speaking softly. All she got was silence. Alex kept moving on. "It's not like an ESP thing is it? You guys aren't like telepathically bonded at the hip are you? I know you guys are sweet on each other, but this is a little much, don't you think?" She paused again before adding. "That's not the case... is it?"

Alex finally stopped, leaning against the wall, positioning himself at the corner so he could peek around to check for incoming Terran Officers. He let out a sigh before turning his head to look at Jazz. He gave her a firm look before holding up his tricorder and replying softly. "Beacon. Programmed the tricorder to lock onto her combadge, using it as a beacon. The rooms may shift, but I have a general direction of where to go. If you would shut your mouth for about a few second, old man, I can hear it better."

"You can do that?" Jazz replied softly and slightly shocked.

"You've been gone a long time, Grimm. We've all broadened our skill set while you were away." Alex answered with a smirk before leaning back against the wall and adding. "Get with the times, old timer."

"That." Jazz said softly. "That right there. That was mean. You know I've always been sensitive about my age. And now, as a woman, it's even worse. I hope you don't treat the Misses like that."

Alex shook his head and smiled. "I don't need to tell her to shut up as much as I have to with you. Now, stop talking. Not only am I listening for the beacon, I have to keep an ear opened for incoming. Your talking doesn't help."

Jazz let out a bit of a smirk before tapping Alex on the shoulder and whispering. "Lead the way, Lover boy."

Alora heard footsteps and more weapons fire. Not Alex. She couldn't wait any longer. Alex would find her, of that she had no doubt. She picked up the MU officer and carried her into the nearest room which was, fortunately, empty.

There was a table, long enough to lay her victim on? OR was she her prisoner? She shook her head. The woman was a mutineer, and Alora did need information. She carefully laid the woman on the table and stretched.

Okay. No time like the present. Alora carefully put her hands on the pressure points on the other woman's face and controlled her breathing. "My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts." She did not go deep, there wasn't enough time. But she could stay just long enough to get what she needed. The name of the person behind the mutiny and the reason for it.

Images flashed through the joined mind. Women... A very familiar Borg woman... And then Soren. The Mirror Soren, laughing. It was enough. She carefully pulled out of the meld. It hadn't taken much time, but she was a little out of practice and so felt a little dizzy.

After some commotion coming from outside, the doors finally opened, allowed Alex and Jazz to enter the room. Alex was relieved to finally see Alora, but immediately he felt something was off. She had an officer laid out on the table, as well as her hands on the side of his face, Before he had a chance to say anything, he saw her suddenly begin to feel weak at the knees.

Alex reacted quickly, taking two steps toward her, before falling down on his knees with his arms out. She would feel her legs come out from under her, but was saved from the ground by Alex catching her mid fall and taking a majority of the strength from her legs. "Alora? Alora?!!" He shouted slightly. "Talk to me."

"You don't need to yell," she said quietly, a teasing smile indicating she wasn't upset. "Just a dizzy spell. I haven't done that in a while." She didn't, however, want to move from her current position. "I'll be fine in a minute."

Alex placed his hand on the side of her face and smirked looking down at her. "I'm here now, Babe." He said softly before looking over to Jazz and shouting. "Clear the room, Jazz."

"You got it, Boss." She replied before walking off.

Alex looked back down to Alora as his voice went back to being soft. "What did you do?"

"Mind meld," she admitted. "I needed to know who was behind the mutiny." She had her suspicions, which she now verified, but at the time, suspicion was not proof. "It's Soren Dillinger. He's taking over the ISS Tokyo."

"Okay." Alex said softly, smiling a bit. He ran his hand along the side of her face as he asked. "So... whose's that?"

"She's part of the mutiny. This was easier than shooting her." She gave in to temptation and kissed Alex.

Alex kissed her back, holding her close to him, before pulling her away and smiling. He ran his hand through her hair and replied softly. "I'm here now, Babe. Just give me a target and I'll deal with him. I promise."

"I need you to help us get out of here. Once we do, he's the other Taiga's problem. I'll warn her, but after that, it's all up to her."

"Already being done, Love." Alex said softly. "John and the boys are headed back to the Prowler. Once they get there they will send you the navigational log of our trip in so we can get the hell out of this rat maze."

Alora hugged him. "Good. Because the moment we start to leave this place, you and your team need to get on the ship. I can't lose you again."

"Not until you're safe." Alex replied. "There is no solid evidence that we will end up back on the Tokyo with you. We might end up on the other one dealing with this mutiny business. If so, I want to make sure I am with you until the very last second. No arguments. Agreed?"

"I want to argue." Jazz replied.

"You don't get a vote." Alex said quickly looking to her before looking back to Alora. "This is between me and my future wife." He smiled again.

"We don't know where you'll end up," Alora admitted. "We could make sure we're both on the USS Tokyo and see if you stay. If you do, we can celebrate. If you aren't, I will look for you." She ran her fingers down the side of his face. "I will find you."

"Dutch has a theory. When we entered this place, we were out there, but with no shuttle on the other side we weren't trapped like the Tokyo. It was only till you beamed us aboard that we got caught up in the same trap you did." Alex explained, smiling a bit. "He thinks, that because you brought us on board your Tokyo. we synced with yours. So, there is a chance, we might end up with you guys. There is a catch. The team needs to be on the shuttle before the shift. It's just a theory, but its better then the alternative."

"That one involved us blowing up." Jazz added. "We're firmly against that one."

Alex smirked and nodded his head. "I'm putting my faith in Dutch, Alora. I believe he is right. I have to believe, because we've been apart for too long and the universe can't separate us now."

Alora kissed him again, just because she couldn't help herself. Then she pulled back and sighed. "We'd better get to the bridge and see what we can do to help get us back where we belong."

Just to be safe, she went back to the woman on the table and put her hand back on her face. "Forget," she whispered.

Then she turned back to the others. "Okay. Let's go."

"You're the Boss, Lady." Jazz replied with a smile. She looked over to Alex and said. "You coming or are we doing this all on our own?"

Alex raised his brow before shaking his head. "Some days I regret bringing you back."

Jazz looked over to Alora and whispered. "He says that everytime and yet, he never means it."

"Good to know," Alora whispered back.

Fortunately, there was no one outside the corridor as they slipped out and again headed for the bridge.

"So, whats the deal with this Soren guy? What's his issue with the Mirror Captain? Is this just a climbing the ladder thing or is this personal?" Alex asked as they walked down the corridor.

"He's the head of Intelligence and has a Borg assistant. There's something about him turning women into dolls, but I don't know exactly what that is." Alora shook her head. "I had a confrontation with him when the two ships first merged and they tried to take over the bridge. He wasn't very happy about losing. I haven't seen him since."

Alex shook his head slightly. He wasn't happen hearing about Alora having a run in with this guy, but what concerned him more was the fact that he seemed to turn women into dolls. The idea of Alora becoming anything like that put Alex on a bit of an edge, only he wasn't sure how he would respond. "He may not be the forgive and forget type. Maybe you should hang back and let me and Jazz take the lead."

"I'm perfectly okay back here, thank you." Jazz replied quickly.

"Alex, I'm the First Officer. I won't hang back." She turned to Jazz. "Are you sure you want to take up the rear?"

Jazz looked at her firmly, no hint of joking or amusement in her eyes, before finally replying. "One day, not today, but one day you should have a very long conversation about how good I am watching peoples backs." She paused slightly before adding. "And after that conversation, you may very well thank me." Jazz gave her a bit of a smile finally and looked to Alex. "But right now, we got some heads to crack. You got lead, Boss."

"I look forward to that conversation," Alora said.

She turned to Alex. "I need to go to the bridge to make sure the data gets utilized. Where will you be?"

"By your side, of course." Alex replied with a smirk.

"And I'm with him... so..." Jazz added quickly. "I go where he goes, and by default, where you go. So I got no other options."

Alora smiled. "That's just fine with me." She paused at the door and headed to the bridge.

To be continued...


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