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Formulating a Plan

Posted on Thu Apr 19th, 2018 @ 6:29am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Engineering

The two Taiga's walked into Engineering side by side. It was a strange sight to see, two of the same person from different universes entering together peacefully. Both of them made their way over to the main diagnostic console by the warp core and looked down at it together.

"It seems as if my team in Astrometrics have begun to feedback some information to us" Taiga said. Mirror Taiga looked down as well at the data that was starting to come back.

"It seems that way" she commented. She turned around to one of her own men. "You" she said pointing at one of her guards. "You have specialisms in Astrometric Sciences. Get to the Astrometrics lab and help them. I don't want to be stuck here any longer than I need to be!" she ordered him.

The man nodded, saluted by raising his fist to his chest and then walked out of the engine room.

Taiga wasn't surprised at how the Mirror Taiga commanded her crew. She couldn't help but smile, at least they shared some sort of common traits.

"Aisaka to Tau'Ri. We've established the uplink from Engineering to the Astrometric Computer. What have you found that we can use?" she asked as she tapped her comm badge.


"We've confirmed that both ships entered the rift simultaneously. That's why we're stuck in the same pocket of null space," she said. "Both ships will need to go back through the same entrance, at the same time. Alex and the Prowler are our best chance of finding the exact spot."

Alex crossing his arms over his chest as he stood by Alora and adding a bit of a smirk before replying. "We can map a way through one of the spots, because that's the one we came through, but not the one on the other side. However, I would imagine that the spots are the same or not that far away from each other. In order to get an accurate path we might have to link our systems with the USS and the ISS Tokyo."


"How do we do that?" Taiga asked. "With both ships, merged together it would be hard to seperate them into two. What do you predict will happen if we pass through one of these holes?" Taiga's voice had some measure of concern in it. She didn't want either ship to be ripped apart and the lose her crew or either ship. The Terran Empire might have been an enemy for a short while, but as a Starfleet Officer Taiga still had appreciated and wanted to protect everyones lives, Terran or Federation.


"From what I've gathered, both Tokyos came through the same rip in space at the same time, but from different universes. So, it stands to reason that going back through the same rift from this side will get us back where we belong. But we need to go together. The alternative is we stay here and both ships are destroyed," Alora said.

Taiga turned to the Mirror Taiga. "We should get out of here. If we can get through this 'hole' both ships should return back to our own universes" she said. "I would suggest however, that your people return to sections of the ship that is the ISS Tokyo, and mine return to sections that are the USS Tokyo as a precaution"

"What precaution?" Mirror Taiga asked crossing her arms.

"Well" Taiga replied. "I'm not sure if anyone in the 'wrong' section will return to their correct universe" she explained. "For example, Engineering is technically Terran Empire, so if any of the Federation Engineers remain here once we go through the hole they may end up on the Terran Tokyo and Vice Versa" she told her. "It may not be true, but I believe it better to be safe than sorry".

Mirror Taiga nodded. "Much of the ships interior layout is exactly the same. We should establish which parts of the ship belong to each universe" she said.

Taiga nodded in response. "Commander. Can you use the Astrometric Sensors to establish which parts of the ship are Terran and which are Federation?" she asked over the comm.


"No. Astrometrics is for stellar cartography and astral physics, ma'am. The ship's computer is better equipped to do that," Alora said. "Also consider that while there are parts of the ship we're currently on that are ISS and others that are USS, when we exit this pocket of space, both ships will be intact. In order to accomplish that, there would have to be some sort of process where each person goes with they ship they belong to based on the universe we belong in." She glanced at Alex. They'd have to figure out something for him and his team. She didn't want them to be stuck on the ISS Tokyo. But as they didn't actually belong to the ISS Tokyo, there was a chance they'd end up somewhere else. But that was based on what she knew as an Intel officer, not a scientist.


Taiga nodded in response. "Understood commander" she replied. "Feed any information on the co-ordinates of the 'hole' to the helm control systems" she ordered. She then turned back to the Mirror Taiga. "I would rather peform this from the bridge. Engineering can double up, but we'll have to be navigating this ship with fine precision to get out of this".

Mirror Taiga pondered the suggestion. "Understood" she replied simply. "I strongly suggest we return to the bridge then..." she said.

Taiga tapped her comm badge. "All hands, Federation or Terran. Report to your respective sections of the ship with coinside with your universe" she said simply. "This is an order from both Captain Aisaka's"

She closed the communication channel and looked over at Mirror Taiga. "The bridge was Federation in origin, and Engineering is Terran" she explained. "I would suggest you stay here, and I will return to the bridge to navigate the ship out"

Mirror Taiga crossed her arms. "I will remain here" she said simply with a smile. "I will reinforce your order to evacuate to the correct sections of the ship"

Taiga nodded. She turned on a heel, and walked out of engineering beckoning for the Federation crew to join her.

To be continued...


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