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SWORD Mission Log 1: The Gathering

Posted on Sat Mar 11th, 2017 @ 8:56pm by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: On The Prowler


Alexander 'Alex' Knight sat down behind his desk, in his quarters, on board his runabout The Prowler. She was a great runabout. The Prowler was given to him by his mother, one of the leaders of the rebel groups fighting against the Terrain Empire. She is a Gryphon Class, one of the new tactical assault shuttles designed for the war. He was going to need it for his own personal mission. He tapped on his console as he leaned back in his chair, letting out a deep sigh before speaking firmly. "Begin SWORD log." The computer toned in response signifying it was recording.

"SWORD Mission Log. The team is still getting used to the new runabout. She's a fine vessel and perfect for this mission. It will take them a while, but they can't take too long, we're heading out ASAP. We're hunting for Dylan, my brother, but he isn't our primary target. My alternate from the other side is who we are really after. Alexander Knight. Lieutenant of Starfleet. At least he was returning as one. Prior to coming back to Starfleet he was a criminal, specialized in smuggling, stealing, and being an all about pain in the ass." He paused, laughing softly before continuing. "Although he looks like me, we are nothing alike. He is arrogant, lewd, and obnoxious. The only thing he has going for him is he is a hell of a pilot. Lex is also a crewman, and since Dylan is involved, its my responsibility to get him back. Dylan, my brother, is evil. He may kill him just because he looks like me. Like us. I don't know what happened to make Dylan so broken, but I can't leave him out there to hurt or kill anyone else."

Alex tapped on the console and paused the log. He stood up for a moment and walked to the small rack by his desk and removed a bottle, as well as a small glass. He returned to his chair and sat down, opening the bottle and pouring its contents into the glass. After taking a small sip of it, he tapped the console again, continuing the log.

"We have two new members of the team. Jazra Sirel, a joined Trill and Vivnissa, an Orion. Vivnissa, whom the team have affectionately began calling Viva, is a good addition. She's had experience with this class of runabout, and we need that now, but she is also very determined to prove her worth with us. She goes above and beyond , first one awake and last one to sleep, as well as cooking us breakfast." Alex laughed lightly. "Pitbull approved before he took the first bite. Lem gets annoyed sometimes because she insists on shadowing him as he works on the Prowler and Dutch, well, he's smitten. I'd say it was the pheromones, but they were forcibly removed. She will make a great pilot, and dare I say, replacement from Cletus."

"Sirel is another story. It's like he never died. She I should say. I guess they put the Sirel symbiote in another body and she found herself back to us." Alex replied softly, leaning back in his chair. "She beautiful, too. I can pick up a conversation about the old times just like it was Grim. It was difficult at first, but after a while, it was just like those good old times. Its good to have Sirel back, in one form or another."

Alex cleared his throat and concluded. "I am going to find Dylan. I will rescue Lex. I am going to go back to the other universe to Alora. I would say the others are welcomed to stay here, but they made that vote already. 'We aren't going to break up this team, Boss. This family. Strike First. Strike Last. Strike Forever.' were John's exact words." He let out a laughed. "I guess its time to come up with a new motto. We aren't the Strike Team anymore. We're SWORD. Unbreakable. Unyielding. Unstoppable." He paused slightly before leaning back in his chair again. "That just might work."

He smiled a bit as he eased his hand over the console. "Log Off."


Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader


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