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Meeting Ops

Posted on Tue Apr 4th, 2017 @ 7:01am by Lieutenant Mimi & Commander Alora Knight

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Operations


Alora wanted to meet as many of the senior officers as she could, while she had the chance. She walked into operations, hoping that the Chief wasn't too busy. "Excuse me," she said. "Is Lieutenant Mimi available?"

"Commander." Binea greeted Alora as she approached. "Last time I saw her she was in one of the deck ceiling spaces just down the corridor." she glanced up at the clock on the wall. "She should still be there Sir."

"Thank you," Alora said. She headed down the corridor, looking and listening for signs of the Chief Operations Officer in the ceiling.

Mimi lay on her back in one of the many ceiling spaces on deck 5, the lights in the section had been flickering on and off for the last 2 hours and she was investigating, her tail dangled out the hatch into the corridor.

Alora didn't go far until she saw a tail swishing through an open hatch. She paused below the opening. "Hello, Lieutenant."

Mimi's tail twitched and curled up towards the person calling to her. She pulled her tail back up into the hatch and turned around poking her head out. "Can I help you.... Commander?"

"I am the new First Officer," Alora said. "I'm going around meeting the senior staff. Are you busy?"

"I won't be in a few moments." Mimi said and rolled back over and adjusted a few more controls, the lights in the section flicked off and back on one final time. "There we are." She shuffled back towards the hatch and dropped out landing on her toes without a sound before dropping down onto her feet.

"Impressive," Alora said.

"That was nothing Commander" Mimi said with a quick smile "I can drop from oh 20 times that height without injury."

Alora raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating. Is that due to the environment on your homeworld?" she asked.

"Comes from being a cat." Mimi replied swishing her tail a little.

"True, but but I have met some felinoids who lack that particular ability."

"Really?" Mimi asked then paused for a moment to work out the right words. "They must have......evolved out of the need for it."

Alora nodded. "Most likely. It occasionally occurs when a species goes for too long relying on technology alone. Or perhaps their planet was different enough for them to develop other skills. I admit, I have not researched the subject."

"Interesting." Mimi remarked cocking her head to the side a little. "I can do all kinds of things. Run really fast, jump high and long, meow and hiss, claw and scratch."

One side of Alora's mouth twitched up in a smile. "I can hiss, claw and scratch, but I do not believe it is quite as effective as yours."

"Not quite, no." Mimi replied extending the claws on one hand a little.

"Do the claws help you in your job?" she asked.

"Not really, maybe if I need to cut something." Mimi shrugged slightly. "Their main use is as... claws."

Alora nodded. "Another question, if I may. How do you find life on a Starship? What do you do when you need to relax?"

"I read a lot." Mimi said. "The universal translator finds my language hard to translate so my foster mother taught me to speak english. Reading helps me learn new words and practice."

"Reading also helps you understand other cultures," Alora said. "I have learned much by reading."

"That is one of the things I love, learning about other species." Mimi paused before starting the story she'd told many people in her time. "I'm the only one of my species known to the federation."

Alora nodded. "Yes. I did not find much about your species in the database. Why are you the only one?"

"My people, the Nekomi had a colony not far from Klingon space. We found a big...shaft full of dilithium crystals and began trading with nearby planets. One day a group of Klingon ships came for the dilithium we had, we refused to give it over so they started killing everyone."

"I am so sorry," Alora said quietly.

"I got separated from my family and stuck under a damaged building that was hit with disruptor fire." Mimi answered. "No one found me until after the sun had set, a starfleet ship had come to.... investigate and the found me, only me."

"No one else survived?" she asked.

"I don't know, no one else was found alive." Mimi said shuddering slightly about what she was going to say next. "They found several bodies...... all with their tails cut off."

"Why the tails?" Alora asked. "That is an odd thing to collect."

"I don't know." Mimi replied. "I guess they thought they would make good.. Premyo"

Alora didn't understand the word, but she got the general idea and nodded. "How do you find the Tokyo?"

"She is a good ship, well she will be after we.... iron out the klinks from this refit."

"That's good to know. I've had my share of problems with ships," Alora admitted. "Is there anything you need from me as the new First Officer? If not, I'll let you get back to your work."

"There is nothing I need. Good day Commander." Mimi said, she waited watching as Alora left before drawing a Padd from for uniform, marking off the job as done and looking down the list at the next.

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer


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