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Captains Personal Log, Stardate 239206.22

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 12:51am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Captains Personal Log, Stardate 239206.22

The last mission was a success. Although it did come at a price. We discovered that the Tal Shiar were behind the illegal smuggling of contraband over the Neutral Zone including several fake Starfleet weapons and illegal drugs. The Tokyo managed to secure a freighter where these were found and re-trace its route to a Tal Shiar starbase.

After infilitrating the base we managed to eliminate the threat. However the threat of the fake weapons and contraband is still out there. We are unsure how many were smuggled across and there whereabouts, that is a task for Starfleet Intelligence to handle now.

The Tokyo was damaged in the flee from the starbase, however with assistance from the USS Wolff we did manage to get away, although not as clean as I wanted it to be. I am very angry with the Romulans for what they have done to me personally. I was shot in the stomach by a Romulan guard when beaming out. At the time I was unaware that I was three weeks pregnant with my partner's child.

I lost the child in the process. I am still upset over the matter, but I am trying to remain strong for the sake of my crew. Captain Emerson of the Wolff was a great help with the issue and has helped me realise that I'm not the only one in that boat. I wish her and her crew well and hopefully things will look better.

My new Science officer has reported aboard and I can honestly say that I feel a little green when it comes to his family. He has several children from his partner and his oldest daughter is also expecting. Although this ship is not a warship I do welcome the opportunity to start new life on the Tokyo, any child born aboard a ship becomes part of the ships history and lineage. Mine will not be the first, but will hopefully be in the line of many.

I have recieved confirmation of a new Chief Intelligence officer coming aboard. From his service record he is an unusual character, but I look forward to meeting him. I'm told he will be essential to the outcome of our next mission which I have not recieved orders of yet. Hopefully I won't be putting any of myt crew at risk again, all I can hope for is some nice patrol mission where nothing goes wrong. But thats unlikely knowing this ship.

I am still filing reports for Starfleet on our status.

End of Log


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