
Doctor's Orders

Posted on Fri Jun 5th, 2015 @ 2:38am by
Edited on Mon Jun 15th, 2015 @ 6:57am

332 words; about a 2 minute read

Lt John Joeseph Hawk was walking around sickbay, it was 0200. He was super tired. Considering it was way past duty hours,he was walking around in jeans,tshirt and a doctor's jacket with his combadge on his shirt under the jacket.

Computer,Begin Personal Log of Chief Medical Officer. (beep beep)

"So I've been here about a week. I finally caught up on paper and all the exams that the CMO was supposed to do before the ship sent off." he sighed,flipping through a padd. "I wish this place had a doctor before it left, but I suppose that's out of my control. Everyone checks out. The last one done was the Commanding Officer, Commander Tiaga Aisaka. Pretty woman, very healthy and eyes of stone. I have to admit, if she was single I'd probably pursue her romantically. Then again..." he trialed off as he walked to a wall computer and started skimming all the personnel checklist for exams. "Lots of pretty faces, and a few guys that make me feel ugly." he chuckled "Ah well. I'm sure someone will come into my life." he turned around and faced the empty sickbay. "On a more proper note... I have only two nurses besides myself in here.. hardly a staff. Another proper doctor would be wonderful as we can take turns being on duty in 12 hour shifts instead of me being here until I flop to the floor."

He noticed it was closing in on 0300. He walked into the medical office and tossed his doctor jacket on the hanger. "Since I'm done with paper, I'll get my three hours of sleep and starting tomorrow I can leave sickbay in a more proper time instead of..pfft.. three in the morning." he sat in the chair,plopped feet up on his desk and leaned back. "I will give the Commander credit, all the officer chairs around this place are comfy" He yawned, placing his combadge on the desk. "Computer,end log." (beep beep)



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