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Breaking In? Breaking out?

Posted on Sun Jan 19th, 2025 @ 3:07am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Jennifer Daxer & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Elachi Nursery

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"There's a door at the end of the hall." Jen said as they started moving back into the corridor. "That's the logical place to start... I'll take point."

"Let's... not waste... any time..." Amu said as she caught her breath. "Sorry. Being pregnant... I'm not so... maneuverable these days."

They moved to the door at the end of the corridor. Once everyone was in place, Jen thumbed the controls to open it.

And now the continuation...

** Stairway **

The lower level door slid open, splitting into sections like a pie, each retracting into the wall. There was another corridor, perpendicular to the corridor they were in. It seemed clear, at one end was an Archway with stairs heading up and down and in the other direction a large door set into the same wall as theirs.

Seeing the stairs, Jen headed up to the next floor, with the others following behind her. She thumbed the panel, but nothing happened.

"Stand back." Jen said, looking back at the others. "Time to go all 'Rambo' again."

** Prep Lab **

Talia was still trying to find a way out of her bindings, not that all her attempts had proved fruitful as yet. She sighed as she watched the comings and goings of the scientists, she knew they wanted breeding females but they would have to wait for the birth of her child before they could use her, Liz, or Amu for such purposes.

Talia was still struggling to get free, which hadn’t gone unnoticed by their captors, in return they’d given her a sedative, which she was trying to fight off when she heard something going on outside.

** Top of the stairway **

Just as she had with the room down below, Jen shot the door dead center, causing it to explode into the corridor beyond. If there were Eachi in the adjacent rooms, she knew the explosion would be enough to get their attention... again.

As the smoke cleared from the explosion a distinct voice said. "Jeez Daxer, could you maybe open doors with a little more noise huh?" It was then that Yoshika emerged out of the smoke along with Daxer, Kurumi and Amu.

Sure enough, as they stepped through what remained of the door several Elachi scientists came flooding out of the rooms in search of the source of the explosion. Not waiting for anyone else to react, the Vulcan woman started pulling the trigger repeatedly, emptying her entire clip. One by one, the Elachi scientists lost their heads in a bloody mess.

"I could, but this was quicker." Daxer said dryly. She reloaded her weapon, before they entered into the first room, where Talia was strapped down to a table like the others.

"Fancy seeing you here," Yoshika smirked.

"You look like you could use a hand." Daxer added simply, as she took in the scene.

Talia was glad to see friendly faces, though she was rapidly losing the battle to stay awake. “I’d appreciate it if someone could get these off...” she nodded to the restraints. “I’m not sure...if I can walk, they gave me a...sedative.”

"Don't forget about me, eh?" Came a familiar Canadian accent from a couple beds over.

Yoshika looked over. "I didn't see you there!" She said as she moved over towards the Marine Exec. "So, that's three pregnant officers and three that's not." Yoshika said. She looked back at Daxer. "Don't suppose you have a plan to get us all out of here for you?:

Kurumi butted in. "If I may..." she said. "We should head to that central 'breeding chamber' that the ensign told us about. Maybe the others made it there. We could regroup, strength in numbers and all that..."

"I knew you'd come back for me, love;" Liz said to Yoshika with a cheeky wink. "In the meantime, how about one of you get me down from here? Don't think they got around to giving me the same sedative they gave Johnson."

Yoshika narrowed her eyes at the Marine Caotain. "We don't talk about that..." she whispered so only her abd Liz would hear.

"Your plan is the right play." Daxer said to Kurumi, as she moved to break the restraints holding each of them to the tables. "The sedative complicates things. She will have to be carried, until she can be properly treated."

"Um, excuse me?" Liz interjected. "Did I not make myself clear, lady? I said I wasn't given the same sedative as Johnson. I can feel my lower body still."

"I'm sure we'll be OK." Amu said "Afterall I can still move." She explained as she helped Talia to her feet. "Easy does it Talia."

Talia nodded doing her best to put up a fight against the sedative in her system. She wasn’t going to be a burden on anyone.

Meanwhile Yoshika helped Liz onto her feet. "You stable?" She asked.

"Oh yes." Liz responded. "You have no idea how good it is to be in an upright position again."

"Good," Yoshika said. "Any injuries? I don't suppose you have a weapon?"

"Nope." Liz said. "Just a puddle of vomit on the floor and a spinning head... But it's letting up now that I'm in a standing position."

"What now Daxer?" Yoshika asked turning away from Liz.

"Kurumi is right. We need to find our way to the main breeding chamber." Jen said as she looked at the 5 women that were with her. She quickly assessed the situation at hand, taking Kurumi's disruptor into account. "If the rest of the away team has had any luck, they're probably there already. Only problem is that they took my tricorder, so I don't have access to the mapping scans... so let's go start opening doors."

"Thinking about it logically..." Kurumi said. "We can't be that far away. These rooms seem like experimentation or examination rooms. So if the Elachi have ant sort of sense, we're already close."

“Just watch out for the scientists” Talia offered. “They look harmless enough, but they’ll soon betray you to the nearest guards.”

"Well, lets not waste any time shall we?" Yoshika suggested. "I think its about time we got out of here..."

Suddenly a loud klaxon began to wail, echoing through the room and seemingly the entire base. It was followed by an audible announcement and warning which their Starfleet comm badges quickly translated into Federation Standard.


To be continued...


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