Striking While The Iron Is Hot! (Part 1)
Posted on Wed Dec 11th, 2024 @ 1:36am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Thomas Johnson & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Takina Inoue & Lieutenant Mizuki Nakahara & 1st Lieutenant Hann Rudd
Edited on on Wed Dec 11th, 2024 @ 1:39am
1,385 words; about a 7 minute read
The Nursery
Location: Elachi Nursery
Thomas walked up onto the transporter pad, the ship would have a very small window, so as they approached the facility, the team was in, waiting for just the right moment.
"Alright people, we will probably be met with resistance as soon as we beam over, there is no way to determine, a safe spot, when such a narrow window is available to off. So we beam over, safety off, weapons raised." Thomas replied as he checked his weapons again. "This time... hopefully we got them off guard."
Yoshika nodded as she checked her phaser and her meditation. She had been chosen as the medic for the away teams. She had been part of Commander Johnsons team before, she just hoped that she wouldn't be captured by the Elachi like last time.
"All we need to do is punch a hole in their defenses to allow the main attack force through." Chiyo explained as she checked her phaser rifle. "Once the cavalry arrive, we'll be on a more even playing field."
"Since we really don't have any way of guaging the effects of long-term exposure to those spores, I would highly recommend that everyone wear a respirator," Chisato advised as she and her team proceeded to don the aparatus in question. "We've seen that Captain Nakamura's managed to live this long, but there's no way of telling what state she's going to be in when we find her."
"If we find her," Takina remarked as she checked the settings on her phaser.
"Positivity Lt." Thomas replied as he turned, "Respirators on." He turned to the transporter operator, whenever they are ready ensign."
Nezuko was ready. Tricorder (modified so she could use it for quick type-speaking) was on her belt. Sidearm was set to stun in her hand. Her own respirator would be fine against the spores. She nodded to Thomas, ready to go.
Daxer walked into the transporter room at the last second. Along with the holstered pistol, were several ammo clips attached to her belt, with a tricorder on the opposite hip.
"Sorry I'm late." She said as she grabbed a respirator and stepped up onto the transport platform with them. Like the others, she put on the respirator, and pulled her gun. "I'm ready now."
The transporter operator nodded and proceeded to input a series of corresponding commands into his terminal.
"Stand by to beam down," he reported, his free hand reaching for the lever. "Good luck to you all."
And with that, the away team disappeared in a shimmer of light.
[Elachi Nursery]
The team materialized, and immediately, there was a siren going off, people running around. Upon being noticed, he was able to take two of the officers down with his weapon, before he ran for cover. "Not as dead as we hoped." He replied although they knew it wasn't going to be an easy beam in."
"I suppose it's still better than sweating my ass off in that hot box of a Borg Cube... Mizuki muttered.
Takina rolled her eyes. "You're still not over that?"
"Knock it off, Takina-Chan!" Chisato scolded. "Now's not the time to be trading insults!"
A circular door on the opposite side of the room opened. The segments of the door retracting into the wall in a spiral. Three Elachi, standing upto eight feet tall strode in. However they were only holding some form of light pistols, and their attire was far different from the Elachi that had once boarded the Tokyo. They looked more like scientists than soldiers or security.
They instantly raised their pistols and it soon became evident that these Elachi were not proficient in combat as their shots missed as they began to fire upon the Tokyo away team.
Chisato was first to notice this fact and immediately realized that she could play this situation to their advantage.
"Commander!" she called out to Thomas. "Those three over by the door- they don't appear to be all that heavily-armed; if possible, I'd like to take them alive for questioning."
Noticing what she was stating, "Affirmative... If we can do it without any casualties, I would rather less blood on our hands than necessary. Perhaps there could be a way to determine... who exactly they were in their... previous lives."
"I'm not picking up any DNA in their system that's not Elachi," Yoshika said as she kept her head down from the shots whilst studying her tricorder. "They could have been born Elachi."
"That would make capturing them pointless." He replied, there were reports upon, how they were fiercely loyal, to their race... especially those that weren't harvested from other races. Looking around the room, the three were the only ones present in the surrounding area. Raising his rifle, he paused only a moment, before firing on the trio, quickly taking them out. "Lets move out."
As two of the Elachi fell, the final one tapped some sort of device on its arm. Instantly the three Elachi disappeared, vaporising themselves in some sort of self-destruct command.
"Dear God..." Chisato gasped in horror.
"Looks like they'd rather self-destruct than risk being captured," Yoshika commented as a cold shiver ran down her spine. "I wonder if they value life at all?"
"Certainly not their own," Takina remarked. "Question is, why?"
"I think they're hiding or planning something... That is the most effective way to keep a secret from your enemy." Daxer said, seeming very calculated in her reply. "There isn't anything left to interrogate."
"They never really become the type to talk whether they are captured or not." Thomas replied walking over, caustiously. "Not even any dust... Killed or transported. I know last time, we thought our people were disintegrated when they were just transported away."
"So, perhaps it escaped to another part of the facility?" Mizuki speculated.
"I am not sure. But it is a possibilty." Thomas replied, as he gestured for them to continue with their mission.
The away team pressed onwards, slowly and carefully making their way down the corridor from which the Elachi scientists had first emerged. Though they had been anticipating to run into increasingly heavier resistance the further they went- after all, they hadn't necessarily been subtle about kicking down their front door- aside from alarms that were blaring from just about every other turn, the hallways were disconcertingly quiet.
"Do we even know if we're going the right way?" Mizuki asked.
"I thought you knew?" Thomas quipped, his odd sense of humour peaking through. "Truth is, we don' really have any real intel on these facilities, so we are going by what we see right now." He didn't like it at all, but it was the truth. "The fact that its so quiet right now. Worries me, and making me want to increase speed to what we are here to do. But, that will only cause problems, mistakes, and possibly lives." He turned to Daxer. "Anything you can add?"
Yoshika's tricorder beeped. "I'm picking up lifesigns from beyond that door," She reported. "Many of them, but they're... erratic. Its like they're scrambled..."
"Then lets not have them scrambled anymore." Thomas replied as he picked up the pace. "Lets clear the room, then see what we can do." He looked to Daxer. "Prepare yourselves for what we find." He informed the crew. "What we find may not be what we hoped for."
Daxer situated herself next to the door with her weapon drawn. She nodded to Thomas to indicate she was prepared.
Chiyo set her phaser rifle to a lethal setting, nodding to Thomas before focusing her gaze down the rifle's scope.
Once everyone was in position, Chisato reached over and unclipped a flash grenade from her belt.
"On your signal, Commander," she nodded.
Thomas said nothing just gave a nod of confirmation to go ahead.
The doors snapped open and Chisato lobbed the flash grenade into the room. It went off in a blinding- but harmless- flash of light, giving Daxer and the Marines the chance to get off a few shots.
"Don't shoot!" came a voice from within. "DON'T SHOOT!!!!"
To be continued....