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An Unexpected Guest (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 2:52am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer
Edited on on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 3:04am

1,207 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Ready Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"I'll do that." Jen said, moving to sit by Taiga again, giving the woman a sombre look. "Just so you know, my orders are to try to save them first. My orders to kill are a last resort, and they're on a need-to-know basis. You, me, and the away team. No one else gets told... Don't need your crew thinking of me as a cold-hearted murdering bitch."

"This'll stay between you and me," Taiga said. "I'm sure that you'll fit it nicely again once you get to know this crew. Afterall..." she was cut off as she seemed to jump as if caught by surprise all of a sudden.

"Captain?" Jen raised an eyebrow at Taiga's jump, seeming somewhat concerned. "You good?"

And now the continuation...

Taiga nodded and have her a smile. "Yeah. Baby just kicked that's all." She said. "It's such an unusual feeling."

Jen leaned over, reaching out. She hesitated near Taiga's belly. "May I?"

"Sure," Taiga said. She gently rolled up her uniform. Her skin was smooth and looked very shiny from being stretched and rounded out, yet no visible stretch marks could be seen. Right in the center her belly button was now sticking out. "He/she is getting more active these days."

The Vulcan woman laid her hand against Taiga's belly, feeling the obvious movements of the baby inside. "Fascinating... Is it painful?"

"No. It's more like when someone pokes you. But from the inside," Taiga replied. "It actually feels... nice? It's kind of hard to explain."

Jen was about to reply, but stopped, pulling her hand away as some part of her was reminded of the situation they were facing. "There's something I should probably tell you, Taiga." She said, her face a mask of Vulcan logic for the moment. "I didn't bring any sedative rounds for my weapon this time." She reached for her gun, pulling it and dumping the clip out. She handed it to Taiga, allowing her to examine the few visible rounds at the top. "These projectiles are equipped with explosive tips. It won't destroy a room, but it can certainly punch a nice hole."

Taiga rolled back down her uniform. "Explosive rounds huh." She had forgotten that Jen preferred using older style weaponry. "Well... As long as you don't hit friendlies, they may be just the thing we need. The Elachi are tough, and quite frankly we need any advantage we can get against them." She paused for a moment. "You will need to discuss the use if explosive rounds with Major Shimada. It might be beneficial to arm the Marines with similar weaponry."

"My hope is that these will be more effective against the shielding technology the Elachi use, than conventional energy weapons." Jen added casually, her statement would be enough for Taiga to realize Jen had already been briefed with the same information she had. "If not, they should still be pretty useful against the drones... No amount of armor can withstand several explosions in one spot for very long."

"Good point." Taiga replied with a nod of approval. "You have really thought this through huh?"

"Maybe just a little." Jen gave her a barely noticeable smirk. Having once admitted to Taiga that she'd been investigating her, Jen was open about her involvement with SFI. "When you've worked with the Intelligence department as long as I have, you learn to gather as much data as you can before going into any given situation."

"I only wish we knew more about the Elachi than we already do." Taiga sighed. "We have no idea where they are from, what their intentions are or if they respond to diplomacy." She paused for a brief moment her hands running over the curvature of her belly. "However, we now have a understanding of how they reproduce. I've been going over this in my mind, ever since I saw Captain Nakamura on that screen. Could the need to use another species as 'hosts' for their offspring be the reason they attacked Alvatar Colony? Is this something that's been happening elsewhere in the Galaxy and we've just never noticed?"

"That is certainly a plausible theory, Captain." Jen said, giving the woman a raised eyebrow. Even with all her research, this was an idea that hadn't quite occurred to her. "If it's true, then we should certainly assume the worst. The most logical conclusion would be that they're amassing an army... but for what purpose?"

Taiga shrugged. "No idea, but that theory has also crossed my mind." She replied. "My guess is that they have bigger plans. Frankly, if we can find out, it'd be beneficial to know."

"I'm going to proceed on the assumption that they re raising an army, and planning an attack." Jen said, taking her clips and putting it back in the gun. As she put it away, she gave Taiga a look that showed clear concern. "Just in case Starfleet is dumb enough to ignore this potential threat, I'm also going to assume we're the targets."

"From the way they've aligned with the Tal Shiar and the potential of them being involved with the Iconians. I'm going to guess the same thing." Taiga replied. "But we need hard evidence. Because you and I both know what the pencil pushers in the Federation council are like. They won't do a damn thing unless it's presented on a silver platter with everything spelt out for them on it."

"It wouldn't be the first time we've saved the Alpha Quadrant without their help." Jen replied dryly, as she tapped on her ocular implant to emphasize her point. "And the last time we personally encountered the Elachi, Starfleet tried to incarcerate you. Not to mention the attempt on my life, when I was getting near the truth of it."

"Yeah, lets not think about that." Taiga said. "That topic still hurts." she shuffled a little changing position. "Anything else that you think we need to go over before I let you loose?" she asked giving her a wink. Taiga knew that once Jen left this room she would jump head first into her work.

"Just one more." Jen said, giving Taiga that 'concerned friend' look that she'd seen on more than one occasion. "As your friend, I'm asking that you please refrain from joining any away teams on this mission. You're already risking yourself, and your unborn child just by being there."

Taiga chuckled. "Oh don't worry. I'm banned from all away missions for the time being. Ryuuji and Thomas made sure of that."

"I'll have to thank them later." Jen said, giving Taiga a wink and a smirk, as she stood from the couch again. "Now, I think I should go do my part to help find a way to send these Elachi bastards scurrying back to where they came from."

"Well, we've got a couple of hours before we ship out..." Taiga said. "Make the use of the time we have here."

"You know I will." Jen replied without any hesitation. "I'll bring you whatever I find when we're ready to leave. If there's nothing else, I'll get to it."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Jennifer Daxer
Mission Advisor


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