
A personal request

Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 10:47pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Ready Room

With the Tokyo finally docked Dana wasn’t sure where she would end up, ex-Borg weren’t the most welcome anywhere they went, plus Dana had only ever known the planet and the Starfleet crew who’d taken her in. Wanting to catch the Captain before the crew departed for shore leave Dana headed for the Ready Room.

Arriving at the Ready Room door a few minutes later Dana pressed the chime and waited until she heard permission to enter before she stepped inside. “Forgive my intrusion Captain” she paused in-front of Taiga’s desk hands clasped behind her back. “I wish to request permission to become a part of your crew.”

"I was hoping that you would ask that," Taiga said in response. "Starfleet has offered all of the Redemption crew positions here on the Tokyo if they want them." She told her with a smile. "Of course, you'll need to do some general re-training..."

Dana nodded. “Of course Captain, I am willing to do whatever is required. The Redemption crew made me part of their community, I’m looking forward to becoming part of this” She offered a brief smile.

Taiga couldn't help but smile. "So tell me, consider this an interview of sorts. What department are you interested in joining?"

Dana paused to take a seat, realising her standing up might be considered rude. “Actually I haven’t considered changing to any other department besides Operations. I’ve been working in Ops since I was taken in by the Redemption crew, I’m quite happy to remain there if you have a need of another Operations Officer?” She gave Taiga a curious look.

"I'm sure that Lieutenant Nezuko could use good officers like you. I'll draw up your official transfer orders and give them to you shortly." Taiga told her giving her a smile. "I'm sure you've already looked into this, but the Tokyo is a far more advanced ship than the Redemption. There's been a lot of advancements in the fourteen years you were on the planet."

“I realise I have a lot to catch up on Captain” Dana offered a smile. “I do possess limited Borg knowledge, which helps me adapt to some changes. The biggest changes are obviously the personal ones, I was accepted by the Redemption crew, they more or less taught me how to be more Human. Now I need to adapt to a new crew, and I know not everyone is comfortable with ex-borg.”

"Being ex-Borg is not as uncommon as it used to be these days," Taiga said softly in response. "It seems that more innocent souls escape the clutches of the collective every day. Since Admiral Janeway delivered them a huge blow to their core the Collective haven't been as big of a threat as they used to be." Taiga paused. "I imagine you wouldn't know much about that? Do you mind me asking, when were you assimilated?"

“I was assimilated when I was 5” Dana paused. “The colony I was part of that was along the Romulan Neutral Zone was destroyed. People killed or assimilated. I was with the collective until the cube was downed in 2360.”

"So you've been 'raised' by The Borg. If you can call it that." Taiga said. "I think it might be a good idea to talk with counsellor Johnson regularly. She can help you with 'fitting in' here on the Tokyo."

Dana nodded. “I was expecting you to say that Captain” she offered a brief smile. “My social graces are not entirely as they should be, so I think that could be a good idea.”

Taiga gave her a small nod. "Well, there's more than just seeing the counsellor to help with that. We have a whole cultural database you can access. Plus I'm sure that anyone on this ship will help you if you ask for it." Taiga stated. "After all, it wasn't your fault that you were assimilated, so there's no need for people to take it out on you. But if they do, you let me know straight away."

Dana nodded. “Of course Captain.” She offered a more confident smile. “I’d like to try and find out more about my real family, who they are, or were. See if I have any other family members out there.”

"I'm sure we can do some digging into the Federation database's for that," Taiga said. "Your best bet would be to ask Commander Nishikigi. She'll know where to look for information like that. And I would advise you do look for it. It might help give you a better sense of identity."

Dana nodded. “I plan to Captain, if all of this has taught me anything it’s that family are important. I always used to think the Borg collective was my family, but not anymore.”

"You're part of this family now." Taiga said. "And thats how I like to think of my crew. We're more than just officers on a Starship. We live here. We work side by side. We raise our children here, in this case new members will be born here. And unfortunately some of us might die here." Taiga explained. "I see us as a family, a community from across many worlds. And I am glad to have you join us."

“Thank you Captain” Dana gave a warmer smile, she was still learning to use social graces it had taken years just to learn to be anything near Human again. “I like that, family...” she nodded. “I like that a lot.”

Taiga smiled. "Well," she said as she rose to her feet and held out a hand. "Welcome officially to the Tokyo."

Dana smiled as she shook her new Captain’s hand. “Thank you Captain.”

Taiga released her hand. "Make sure to report to Commander Johnson, and have Lieutenant Nezuko find you some quarters." she said to her. "I'll have you slot into the duty roster for tomorrow. Anything else you need?"

“I will...” Dana shook her head. “and no I don’t think so Captain.”

Giving her a small nod Taiga dismissed her, allowing her to continue with what she needed to do.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG Dana Monroe
Operations Officer



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