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Our Future, Together

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 5:18am by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'

2,127 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Miyafuji/Bishops Quarters & Holodeck 3

Now that the Tokyo had been moved to flatter ground and the arrangements for the other crews to come aboard were in full swing some of the Tokyo's crew had found themselves with a little down time. Dressed in a white crop top, with a blue jacket and was Yoshika, enjoying an afternoon off as she sat on the couch in her quarters. She knew that Lynette would be off duty soon and she had a little plan for the afternoon.

She didn't have to wait long, of course, for no sooner did the thought cross her mind than she heard the doors to her quarters open.

"Yoshika, I'm home~" she could hear Lynette calling out.

"Oh, hey..." Yoshika replied from the couch. She jumped up immediately and rushed over. Without giving Lynette any chance to react she wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in and kissing her.

The younger girl was perhaps all too happy to return Yoshika's affections, and the two lovebirds spent a good several seconds en rapt in each other's blissful embrace.

"Special occasion?" Lynette inquired as the two of them reluctantly parted for air.

"Not necessarily." Yoshika replied with a smirk. "I was thinking, we both have the afternoon off. So I've booked Holodeck three for us." She pointed over towards the small kitchenette area of the quarters. A weaved picnic basket sat on the worktop. "It's been a while since we've had a proper date."

"A d-d-date?!" Lynette gasped, her eyes glistening with excitement. Try as Yoshika might to downplay the fact, she knew all too well that any date was a special occasion for her girlfriend. Oh, they spent plenty of time together, just the two of them, but Lynette always got so adorably excited whenever she got an excuse just to hang out with Yoshika.

Yoshika placed a hand on Lynette's hip. "That's right. You want to right?" She asked giving her puppy dog eyes. "I worked really hard on making us a picnic..."

"O-of course!" Lynette insisted, a faint blush creeping up on her cheeks as she felt Yoshika's fingers playfully pinching the cartilage on her outer thigh. "There's no way I'd ever think to refuse! Just... give me a moment to get changed, first?"

"Don't be too long..." Yoshika said as she turned away from Lynette. She looked over her shoulder with a smile. "Go put something on that's cute."

"I think I've got just the thing," Lynette replied as she leaned in to give Yoshika a peck on the cheek. "Be right back!"

From behind her, Yoshika could hear Lynette shuffling over to the bedroom, followed by the ruffling of clothes.

Yoshika went over to the picnic basket and checked its contents one final time. She then picked it up and made her way towards the door to the bedroom. "You ready?"

"Just a sec~" Lynette's voice was practically glowing with excitement.

"Come on. We have to be there in five minutes!" Yoshika said rather inpatiently. She wasn't going to tell Lynette that she had made several swaps and favours to get the time for today.

"All done!"

The doors to the bedroom, and there stood Lynette, sporting a white ruffle blouse and denim shorts, With a black leather shoulder bag and Burberry sneakers for good measure.

Wait, Lynette had Burberries?

"Well?" Lynette asked, twirling around so Yoshika could get a better look. "What do you think?"

Yoshika smiled as she looked Lynette up and down. She could feel something burn inside her chest. "Beautiful!" She said. "You look cuter than me that's for sure!"

Lynette's face began to glow like a bussard collector. "N-no, I don't think I could ever compare-!"

Rushing over Yoshika grabbed the picnic basket with me hand, and then Lynette's hand with the other. "Let's go!" She said. "I got us a nice program on a flower meadow, perfect for a picnic!"

"EEP-!" Lynette yelped as she was practically yanked out the door.

[Holodeck 3]

The holodeck doors opened and in rushed Yoshika, practically pulling Lynette after her. Once the doors had shut and disappeared Yoshika released her girlfriends hand. They were stood on a slight hillside, green grass swayed in a slight breeze. The sun above them shone brightly and thousands of flowers bloomed around them. Several small trees dotted the hillside providing shady spots and at the bottom of the slope was a crystal clear stream that trickled over a smooth rocky bed.

"Well, what do you think?" Yoshika asked.

"Wow..." Lynette gasped in amazement. Even if this was just your standard, run-of-the mill holoprogram, it had been such a long time since either of them had seen anything outside of a barren desert wasteland that a view like this was a shock to the senses.

"Makes a nice change of scenery," Yoshika smiled. "There's a tree by the stream down there, a perfect spot." She pointed down towards the stream. "Unless you want a different spot?"

Lynette shook her head. "I'm okay with whatever you like, Yoshika."

Yoshika led Lynette down to the spot she had pointed out earlier. "Hey you..." she said poking Lynette's cheek gently. "Try to relax. There's only us in here... there's no need to be so uptight."

"No, It's not that," Lynette chuckled, gently brushing Yoshika's hand aside. "It's just..."

She sighed.

"I mean, we've been going steady for a few months now, and I've enjoyed every moment that I spend with you, but... is there ever going to come a day where we grow tired of one another?"

A moment of silence fell upon them both. "Why would I get tired of you?" Yoshika asked finally breaking the silence. She took both of Lynette's hands and held them tightly. "You helped me discover who I really am. Who I want to be, and who I want to be with." Her Hazel eyes looking deep into Lynette's blue. "I've never been happier. And I can't be happy without you. As long as you're by my side, I could never grow tired of you."

Yoshika paused for a moment. "Plus, you're too damn good at what you do in bed. You may act shy, but deep down you can be downright naughty in the right mood. That excites me!" She added with a huge smirk knowing it would make her blush, just the way she liked it.

You could practically see the steam coming out of Lynette's ears.

"Pervert..." she grumbled. "Had to go and ruin the mood..."

Yoshika laughed. "You can talk!" She laughed. "Come on, lets just enjoy a nice picnic together... by the way. The holodeck doors are locked, so no one can get in here. So, if you want to do have some fun, then we can." She paused for a moment. "Afterall, what happens in the holodeck stays in the holodeck."

"Y-Yoshika!" Lynette spluttered indignantly. "Don't make me splash you!"

Yoshika let out a loud laugh, holding her exposed stomach as she bent over, tears of laughter forming in her eyes. "I e missed how flustered you get. It's so thing I totally love about you!" She laughed. After a minute or two she plonked herself down on the grass next to the basket. She laid down on her back, staring up at the blue sky above, resting her head on her arms.

"Come and sit with me. Let's enjoy this time. Even if we never get off this planet, as long as we're together that's all that matters to me." Yoshika said. "And it feels like ages since we just had time to be alone in such a beautiful place."

Lynette needn't be asked twice; she laid down on the blanket and cuddled up next to Yoshika, her body heat complimenting nicely against the artificial breeze.

The two of them just laid there in silence, having all but forgotten the picnic; there was only the two of them, drifting aimlessly, intertwined with the breeze.

"...if we do get back..."


Lynette sat up. "If we do get back... how are we going to break this to our families? I mean, my sister's the only one who knows that I'm gay, and I'm not even sure that begins to factor in how your family will react if-!"

"Why would that matter?" Yoshika asked as she continued to stare up at the sky. "It's the twenty fourth century. It's not like women ate expected to get married and become baby machines like in the past." She explained. "I honestly don't think they'll be too bothered as long as we're happy... Although my mother does often nag me about when shes getting grandchildren." She sighed.

The two of them fell silent, but it was only a matter of time before Lynette spoke up once again:

"Are you... wanting children?" She asked, looking over at Yoshika.

Yoshika ran a hand over her belly. "I think I do." She said simply. "But I never had an opportunity to have one." She told Lynette. "I believe a child need stable parents and upbringing. Plus, I want to achieve my own dreams too."

Lynette sat forward, her knees curled up to her chest as she gazed pensively at her reflection in the stream.

In the reflection Yoshika appeared behind her. She wrapped her arms around her from behind pulling her in tightly. "One of my dreams is right here..." she whispered into Lynette's ear. "The dream of finding the person I want to spend my life with."

"I... I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, Yoshika," the younger girl confessed. "I want to get married and have kids and grow old together- All the things I've been told are the marks of true love. And yet..."

"Yet what?" Yoshika asked.

Lynette sighed. "Will I be able to live up to your expectations, Yoshika? Even if we can't have kids?"

"Of course you will." Yoshika replied as she held her closer. "And it's totally possible for us to have kids together." She told her with a smile. "Medical technology means we can fertilise an egg cell with DNA, similar to how sperms does it to create a foetus." Yoshika explained. "You forget I work in medical, I might only beba nurse but I pick things up along the way you know..." she smirked.

Lynette looked at her in surprise. "You can do that?" she remarked. "We don't need a...."

She blushed again "...male contributor to have kids?"

"It's a lower chance, but that's right. And it's complicated. But there's always that chance," Yoshika replied with a smile. "But it's a very big commitment, it's something we'd both need to be on board with."

Lynette sat there for a good long moment, carefully pondering her choices.

"Personally, I've always wanted to have children," she admitted. "One boy and one girl; that was the family I'd always dreamed of having, even before I realized I was attracted to women. But as much as I'd love to say I'm all on board with it... I can't help but wonder if we're moving too fast? I mean, we've only been together a few months, and now we're talking about starting a family? We haven't even considered marriage yet-!"

Yoshika chuckled. "I'm not saying do that today." She assured her. "But it's an option for when we're both ready to make that commitment. Plus, it'll likely be in my belly. So I'll need time to prepare for that too."

Lynette blinked in surprise. "Oh, no, you don't have to carry it for me, Yoshika! I wouldn't want you to do anything that you're not comfortable with-!"

"I'd want to. Plus, it makes more sense that way." She replied with a smile. "If you were the one to carry the baby, they'd ground you from flying. You'd be miserable and feel useless. However, I can still do my job even with a baby in my belly." Yoshika smiled as she held Lynette closely. "Plus, I know you'd much prefer to dote over me than the other way around right?"

Lynette blushed.

"Anyways, enough of that!" Yoshika said as she pulled Lynette away from the stream. "Let's not let this food go to waste! I hand prepared everything for us!"

"I almost forgot about the food..." Lynette muttered.

Posting By (In Order Of Appearance):

Petty Officer, 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji
Nurse, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Lynette Bishop
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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