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Stupid Mistakes (Backpost)

Posted on Thu Aug 8th, 2024 @ 6:55pm by Major Chiyo Shimada & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Alice Shimada & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

1,466 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

The past few days had been a rollercoaster for Liz.

Ever since being told by Dr. Ellis that she was indeed pregnant, Liz had been feeling rather lethargic; only really wanting to hug the toilet as she internally debated getting an abortion. Liz knew that she wasn't ready to face Chiyo when she went to her sister in arms' office and told her the truth: That she had selfishly asked for a night from Tatsuo and now the repercussions were playing out in real time in her belly.

Chiyo had every right to be disappointed in Liz, and being told that she was going to be moved to light duty was almost a foregone conclusion. And afterwards, Liz felt more miserable rather than vindicated, as Chiyo now knew that Liz had betrayed her trust.

It was all the more surprising, then, that when a few hours later, Chiyo showed up to her and Hann's shared quarters after she herself had been ordered to light duty after she had allegedly "went drill sergeant" on a Lieutenant. Liz didn't have time to ask for details, because Chiyo had told her that she had scheduled a meeting with Counselor Johnson, and Liz would be required to attend.

And so, here she was, like how she had dragged Tatsuo back to her quarters that night, now she was the one being dragged to Counselor Johnson's office by Chiyo. Alice, the soon-to-be half sister to whatever was developing inside Liz's womb, walked alongside the two women, seemingly just as confused as Liz was on the matter, though for different reasons.

In her office Talia was setting up ready for the arrivals, the children’s corner would come in useful for Alice if she needed the break away from discussions. Putting out some juice and a jug of cold water along with some cups she waited for the inevitable arrivals.

The doors to Talia's office swooshed open, and Chiyo, Liz, and Alice walked through.

"Sorry we're late. Counsellor." Chiyo said. "It seems that those who think with their vaginas lose some of their brain power once fertilized..."

Talia offered a polite smile. “Not to worry, please come on in and make yourselves at home. There’s juice or water, please help yourselves.”

"What kind of juice is available?" Chiyo asked. She knew Alice would be disappointed if there wasn't apple or cranberry juice.

“I believe there’s Orange or Apple” Talia smiled warmly. “Help yourself to as much as you like.”

Chiyo nodded to Alice. "Have at it."

Liz went to follow Alice to the juice, but Chiyo put out a hand to stop her.

"Oh no, you don't." Chiyo said. "Only water for you: I don't want you to decide you don't like the juice options and throw up all over the counselor's carpet."

"Meanie..." Liz pouted before taking a cup of water.

“If morning sickness has become a big problem, I suggest a trip to medical might be in order” Talia offered a warm smile. “I have to admit I’m glad to be past that stage.”

"Maybe a house call would be a good idea?" Liz asked. "When I'm not trying to puke up whatever my body hasn't digested, I barely have the motivation to move, let alone get my ass to sickbay."

"Sounds to me like I need to make you motivated!" Chiyo said. "Clearly you had the audacity to sleep with my soon-to-be-husband behind my back, and now that you have what you wanted-!"

"Hey, I never asked for Tatsuo to knock me up!" Liz snapped back.

"Well, when you dragged him off to your quarters with the express intent of having sexual intercourse with him, there's kind of an implication there, sweet cheeks!" Chiyo responded.

“Alright that’s enough!” Talia gave the pair a slightly annoyed look. “We’re not here to be tossing mud at each other, we’re here so we can help you all to resolve your feelings. What’s happened has happened, now you need to learn to move on.”

Liz sighed.

"I knew this was going to happen." She grumbled. "I knew from the very first day I started not feeling well that you would be ashamed of me. I f*cked up, alright? I admit it! And now we all have to find a way to live with my mistake."

Talia offered a nod of her head. “That’s good.” She looked towards Chiyo.

"Honestly, I don't understand what the deal is with having to do this shit." Chiyo responded. "All I've done is stand up for my family, and now everyone thinks I'm some kind of bad person or emotionally compromised wreck."

“I can understand it must feel that way” Talia nodded. “I’m just here to try and smooth out the kinks so-to-speak. I need to get both of you to a point where you can at least be civil to one another.”

"Well, you've definitely got your work cut out for you, doc." Chiyo said. "Because the way I see things, and I'm sure Captain Beurling sees something similarly, my trust in her has been shattered into a million tiny pieces with the stunt she pulled."

"Maybe not necessarily the shattering glass aspect, but I know you won't be able to look me in the eye for a long time." Liz responded. "Look, just like you're doing right now!"

Chiyo lowered her head and sighed.

"Probably because I feel like my loyalty's a bit for nothing right now." She admitted. "I mean, I do nothing but stick my neck out for Tatsuo, and he goes and sleeps with other women behind my back. I already knew he knocked up that one intelligence chick from Redemption... Akikawa, I think her name was, but now this? Gah, if only he weren't so stupid as to volunteer for away missions and ignore me... That's why he's not here, by the way."

“Perhaps we should invite him to a separate session” Talia looked at Chiyo. “He should be involved with this as much as everyone else. It does take two to tango after all.”

"We very much should." Chiyo agreed. "Because until he's here to defend his actions, I'm afraid we're just going to be running in circles."

“Not necessarily” Talia smiled. “We all know what happened, but we need to at least get the two of you to a point of peace. I know that’s easier said than done, but right now it’s what you all need.”

"Exactly." Liz agreed. "Look, we're supposed to be sisters in arms. Your daughter calls me Auntie Liz, and I want my child, if I decide to keep the thing, to be able to call you Auntie Chiyo."

"She's right..." Alice finally piped up. "I've enjoyed having Auntie Liz around, and I'd hate for my father to be the reason she disappears from my life."

"Well, I... Guess I hadn't thought about how it would affect you, Alice..." Chiyo muttered.

"Look, if Tatsuo's mission goes as planned, and we're able to restore power to the holodecks, maybe we should go on a little fishing trip?" Liz suggested. "It's something the guys and I used to do all the time back in my youth, and perhaps doing something peaceful for a change instead of all death and destruction all the time might help to make amends..."

Talia nodded. “That’s a very good idea, spending time in a more social setting could help to get things on the right track.”

"Well, we could certainly give it a shot..." Chiyo admitted before turning back to Talia. "However, I'm not sure if there's going to be room on the boat for you, Counselor: This might be something Liz and I need to work out on our own."

“That’s fine by me” Talia smiled warmly. “Just promise me you won’t let it turn into a massive argument okay?”

"We'll figure someway to work it out." Liz promised, Chiyo nodding to affirm she held a similar position.

“Wonderful” Talia smiled warmly. “This is a very promising start, just remember I’m here if you need to vent okay?”

Chiyo nodded. "Well, I think that's what we can do for now? Until we can get the man that started this mess to sit down with us?"

Talia nodded. “You’re right there, it’s definitely an encouraging start.” She smiled warmly. “Any problems or worries you all know where you can find me.”

Chiyo nodded before turning to Liz. "Well, then, let's get you back to your quarters, shall we?"

Posting by

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Deputy Commander
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor
USS Tokyo

Alice Shimada
Civilian Child


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