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Test of Skill (Backpost)

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 11:24pm by Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant JG Amari
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 12:51am

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Deck 9

Coming down a corridor on deck 9 Amari slowly closed in on where Lt Rea had called her to, she'd received the call not long ago and even after asking why she not been given any more information; just. 'Meet me on Deck 9 section 12, bring an engineering toolkit.'

Less than a minute later she spied the equally petite form of the ship current chief engineer. "Lt Rea." Amari called out.

"Hello," Rea greeted Amari. "Glad you made it."

"Your message to me was rather vague Sir, what is our task here?" Amari asked the curiosity evident in her voice.

The Eifie engineer smiled. "I wanted to assess what you have learnt so far. There's some relays on this deck that are malfunctioning. Your task is to locate and repair them," she explained.

"Aye Sir." Amari said and fired up her computer display implant to check if any malfunctioning relays had been logged or any problems had been logged that the likely cause of was malfunctioning relays. Finding a couple of jobs logged she marked them as repairs underway. "This way."

Rea held a PADD in her hand taking down notes as she followed.

A short walk down the corridor led to the first job she'd found. 'Non functional lights in crew quarters 947 and 949' she pulled the wall panel off and took a look around. Her scan showed no power running through the system from the primary eps line onwards. "Hmmm no power." She mused as she assessed the problem.

"Yeah. The power problem was reported about twenty minutes ago." She said with a small smile. "Be sure to make sure if you have permission to enter any quarters though..."

"Understood." Amari said, she opened her toolkit and fitting a power tap onto the conduit just in case anything she jiggled about suddenly reset the power. Disconnecting the primary eps relay she first visually examined it then scanned it with a tricorder. "This one is going to need replacing, there's a crack right through the casing."

Rea made a quick note on her PADD. "Doing good so far..."

Using her computer to send a message down to engineering for a replacement Amari moved onto searching for any other possible causes.

Rea watched as the lieutenant used her implants. "I see you rely on those implants a lot don't you?"

"From what I have seen of your technology, they don't do anything you don't already have." Amari replied not looking away from her work. "I can send messages through a Padd or the combadge, use your tricorders to scan things instead, even my translator implant is not really necessary because of your universal translator, my ocular implant is the most important one right now, I may be able to understand your language through the Ut but it doesn't translate visual data."

"Impressive," Rea commented. She made a few notes on her PADD. "Your lead, I'm just following," she said. She made a few notes on her PADD and smiled. "Whats next?"

"I'm checking further up the system while we wait for my replacement parts to show up." Amari replied. "It's unlikely but there is potential for something further up the system to have caused the fault to begin with."

"So we need to find the source of the malfunction?" Rea asked. She flicked out her tricorder and started to iniate a scan. "I'm not picking anything up..." she then lowered her tricorder. "Can your implants detect anything? Maybe you have better sensor resolution than our tricorders?"

"It is a little better at some things." Amari said, she swiped at her computer display on her wrist and it projected its scans further out from her arm. "To a limited degree it can look through material and display what lies beneath." She waved her arm over a section of the wall and it displayed the conduits and wiring behind the paneling. "Some materials are too dense for it."

"I see. Maybe we could get together sometime to use your technology to enhance our tricorders," Rea smiled. "Any idea of the source of the problem?" she asked. She was hoping that her implants could find the source, it would take longer to use the tricorders or Engineering computers.

"Let's see." Amari walked down the corridor perusing the scans her computer was displaying, everything seemed fine till she reached a power junction that came down from the deck above. "This looks quite worn." She pulled a wall panel off and exposed a series of mechanisms that externally looked perfectly fine.

"They look ok to me... Are you picking up internal damage?" Rea asked curiously. She began to run her tricorder over the mechanisms.

Amari tapped at her display. "Damage is sometimes more than skin deep." Slowly she knelt down and put her hand against one of the mechanisms. "It is...tender, it's coping well but will need relief soon." She said expressing the feelings the machinery was telling her.

"So, we should mark this up for replacements soon..." Rea said with a smile. "You really do have a 'feel' for technology don't you?" She added as she tapped on her PADD. "I think I've seen enough of your capabilities lieutenant. I think you're more than capable of your duties in Engineering. It also looks like you have gotten the grasp of our technology too. I think you'll make a fine Starfleet Engineer, or equivalent in your service."

"Thank you.... Sir," Amari said glad that she had the approval of her immediate superior. A sound caught her attention as a crewman in engineering colours came down the corridor. "Lt Amari, the parts you requested."

Rea smiled. "I'll let you carry on then," she said as she tapped on the PADD she was carrying. "I'm confident to leave you to do reoairs by yourself," she added with a smile.

With that said she left the lieutenant to do her repair work and headed back to Engineering.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Rea
Acting Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer


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