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The Gift

Posted on Fri Apr 14th, 2023 @ 2:54am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya

1,451 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Tactical Information Center

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga slipped off the biobed and quickly put the red command jacket back on. "Thanks doctor" she said as she turned to face him forgetting to zip up the jacket. "Thanks for giving me the best news any doctor could ever give me," she told him with a genuine smile before turning to leave.

"Don't forget to zip up your jacket!" He raised his voice slightly while she moved to the double planned glass door out of his Sickbay. He smiled and felt like that was the most fatherlike moment he have had.

Taiga stopped, she quickly zipped up her jacket without a word. Without turning she waved back to him over her shoulder as she stepped through the doors and into the corridor beyond.

And now the continuation...

"Computer locate commander Takasu," Taiga asked outloud. She needed to talk to Ryuuji as soon as possible.

"Lieutenant Commander Takasu is in the Tactical Information Center" the computer's female monotone voice replied simply. Taiga nodded as she made her way towards the nearest turbolift. She ordered it to take her to the TIC down on deck nineteen.

[Deck 19]

The captain stopped outside the door of the TIC for a few moments, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before she stepped through the door. The TIC was rather empty, in fact only Ryuuji was present, along with Chief Warrant Officer Roromiya.

"Captain Aisaka" Karuta Roromiya, the ships air boss said in greeted. She gave the captain a friendly nod. "I was unaware you were inspecting."

"I'm not inspecting" Taiga said simply. "I'm here to see Ryuuji. Could you give us some privacy?" she asked.

Karuta nodded and without another word passed the captain and made her way out of the door into the corridor. "Whats up Taiga? Its not like you to come down here to see me. Is something the matter?" Ryuuji asked curiously as he moved over to his wife.

Taiga walked past him and stood at the large windows that looked down onto the flight deck below. From up here the Tactical Information Center had a full view of both sides of the flight deck as well as the starfighter storage racks. She watched for a few seconds as the ships deck crews worked below them. The large spacedoors at either end of the flight deck were closed and locked for warp flight.

"Yeah, something is wrong. I needed to come and tell you right away..." she said her voice starting to get a little shakey. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks as she continued to watch the deck crews.

Ryuuji moved over slowly. He had not seen Taiga like this in a very long time. "What happened?" he asked softly. He paused for a brief moment as Taiga turned to face him. She was smiling, however the tears still flowed down her cheeks.

"Ryuuji. I went to sickbay like the new doctor asked," she began as she stared into his eyes. "Ryuuji. We did it."

"We did it?" Ryuuji asked raising an eyebrow slightly confused.

Taiga simply placed both hands on her belly. Ryuuji's expression changed, suddenly he realised what she was meaning. "Taiga are you..."

"I'm pregnant Ryuuji" Taiga said.

Ryuuji couldn't help himself. In a flash he was embracing Taiga, pulling her into a tight hug. He didn't care that he was lifting the tiny captain off the deckplates as he held her close. "Taiga!"

Eventually he let her go, placing her back down on her own feet. However continued to hold her hands in his. "You're really pregnant? We're going to be parents?" he asked as if making sure this wasn't some sort of prank.

Taiga nodded as she gripped his hands tighter. "We're going to be parents Ryuuji. I'm going to be a mother and you're..."

"Going to be a dad. I can't wait!" he exclaimed excitement building in him. Slowly he released one of her hands and placed it gently on her belly. "Our baby is in here right now. And I'm not letting anyone harm him/her, or you!" he told her.

She couldn't help but smile, she loved it when Ryuuji became protective. They had been wanting this for so long, and now it was finally coming true. Taiga's first baby they had lost on this very ship, but now they had another chance to finally expand their own little family. She moved closer to him and kissed him gently.

"Don't worry. No one is going to be taking this happiness away from us this time. Doctor Febin is going to be monitoring my pregnancy closely. He knows of our past... issues..." she told him softly. "I needed to tell you first. We're finally going to be adding to our family. You told me that you wanted children in our house back in Japan..."

"Yeah. I did."

"Well, that dream will come true. But they'll be born and live here first." Taiga told him softly. Both of them dropped down to their knee's. Ryuuji pulled Taiga closely into an embrace right there on the floor. He didn't care if anyone walked in, he had just received the best news of his life.

"It seemed that it took putting a ring on your finger for this to happen," Ryuuji joked.

Taiga giggled in response. "Sure it did..." she replied sarcastically. "And not the two weeks on Risa of constant sex..." she teased him. "Like seriously, it was like you couldn't control yourself!"

"Thats because you're the most beautiful woman in the entire galaxy Taiga. You also agreed to be mine for the rest of eternity, and I couldn't be happier" he told her as he held her close. "But this, this baby of ours. I will be the best father I can possibly be for him or her. I know you will be a fantastic mother." he kissed the top of her head and began to stroke her hair.

"How long?" he asked.

"Two weeks according to the medical scanner. So, by my calculations..."

"Our wedding night?"

Taiga nodded. "That works out about right" she replied.

Ryuuji beamed. "That makes this baby extra special. We created him/her on our special day out of love. Thats a special sign, at least I think it is."

Taiga turned and looked at Ryuuji. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and smiled as she gazed into his eyes. "Lets keep this a secret for now. The crew don't need to know yet. I still need to lead them, but I promise not to over-do anything. I am not losing this special gift that you gave me."

"I gave both of us." Ryuuji told her softly. He moved closer kissing her gently on the lips. "I know you want this. I will admit, I also have wanted this just as bad. I am the luckiest and happiest man in the entire quadrant right now"

"You're a hopeless romantic you know that!" Taiga chuckled.

"Oh I know," Ryuuji smirked as he rose to his feet and held out a hand for Taiga to take. She took the hand and Ryuuji helped her to her feet. "Can I?" he asked as he hovered his hand over her belly.

Taiga nodded as she lifted up her uniform. "You won't see or feel anything for a while yet," she told him. That didn't seem to matter to Ryuuji as he placed his hand on the smooth pale skin on Taiga's belly.

"Hello little one. I know you can't hear me yet. But I am Ryuuji Takasu, your father. I will be taking care of you and your mother for as lon as I breathe. Welcome to our family," he said softly. He then crouched down and placed a single kiss just below Taiga's belly button. Taiga giggled, it was quite ticklish.

Standing upto full height, he took Taiga's hands again allowing her uniform to drop back into position and gazed into her hazel eyes. "Thankyou Taiga. For being so beautiful, for marrying me and now giving me the honour of being a father." he told her some tears forming in his eyes. "Thankyou" he said.

Taiga embraced him, hugging him tightly. She had never seen Ryuuji like this before, seeing him so filled with joy that his stoic exterior was so broken down. "I love you Ryuuji" she whispered to him.

"I love you too Taiga. And I love the child that we will bring into this universe together" Ryuuji sniffled. "Thankyou Taiga. Thankyou..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Brief appearance by:
Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Air Boss


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