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Taiga's Little Miracle

Posted on Fri Apr 14th, 2023 @ 2:54am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Febin

1,854 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Sickbay

Doctor Febin had been busy putting together a schedule for the senior staff's medical checkups for Commander Johnsons' to sign off before he sent them out. The priority was for the Captain and himself to be among the first to see him. There was a note that they were free to schedule or drop in during his duty shift. He planned on pulling a double throughout this period until Tokyo was underway for her next assignment then he'd shift into being on Alpha Shift and on call for the other two.

He had an 'open door' policy. The door to the CMO's office was always open and the privacy seal across the windows would flutter shut upon a private consultation with a patient. He was able to see the familiar woman he had met on Risa enter his Sickbay, it was the Captain herself. He was curious as he hadn't been alerted that the Captain was making her rounds for routine inspections unless it was a surprise visit.

He lifted himself to his feet. He had attended the accelerator Medical Academy courses on Earth, but human gravity was still something he hadn't quite came adjusted to. He flew only an inch or two before his boots touched his office's floor. He walked across and offered the Captain his standard Haliian smile. He gave her the Haliian greeting that translated into Federation Standard as, "The light shone upon you."

The doors of the sickbay swished open and Captain Aisaka walked in. She was no stranger to sickbay, having been brought in here many times before for various things. She spotted the Haliian in his office and poked her head around the door. "Hey Doc, you wanted me to report for that check-up?"

"I have been working on the schedule to send into the XO," Doctor Febin continued, "but since you're the Captain, I can fit you in whenever."

He slipped on his doctor's coat and stepped into the Sickbay, "Anything unusual to report since your last check-up, Captain?" He gestured to bio-bed one. "If you could please remove your duty jacket."

Taiga jumped up onto the biobed and removed her red tunic. Her grey undershirt was the cropped variant, revealing the tiny captain's midriff. "My last check up was being patched up by Doctor Hinamlri after the battle against the Tal Shiar. Apart from that, not much has changed."

He was familiar with the Tal'Shiar's notoriety across the galaxy for being imperviously vicious to those that came across them. He pulled up her previous medical file, "Lay down onto your back with all your limbs downright onto the bio-bed."

He moved to the console to conduct the scan. While most CMO's he knew preferred to use their medical tricorder in Sickbay, he preferred to use the most modern technologies that his Sickbay held so he could easily detect any health anomalies immediately and the data screen was a lot larger so he could quickly decipher the information with much ease.

Taiga nodded as she laid back. "I see you use the new biobed medical scanners." She commented. The beds seemed to feel a lot more comfortable than the last time she was laid on one, however last time she had just gone through hours upon hours of beatings and torture by the Tal Shiar.

"Medicine, Science and Technology work well together hand-in-hand, my Captain." Doctor Febin spoke passionately and with emphasis on my, "I take a modern approach to medicine than an archaic one. The galaxy, erm... as you humans say world of medicine... well the world of part... I do... not understand... but continuing to not get... how you humans call... side-tracked... yes... the new bio-beds... the CMO's best friend. Easiest way to move through patients quickly... and efficiently... efficiently good... especially in Starfleet healthcare.... private... not so much...."

The Captain chuckled. "Well the medical systems on the Tokyo are some of the most advanced in the fleet, along with our tactical systems too," Taiga replied. "I'm glad you're getting to use the very best of the best." She took a breath. "So, if it's quick, am I going to live?" She asked in a joking tone.

"Short term you're not going to die, however, long term; every biological dies," Febin replied pragmatically, "The good news is your healthy, Captain. However, I do think you should add more vegetables and fruit into your diet and forego alcoholic beverages for the human gestational cycle of nine months."

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "Gestational cycle..." she pondered for a brief moment. She immediately sat upright. "Doctor... Are you telling me that I'm... I'm..."

"Pregnant... or if I wanted to find myself... as you humans call... cutesy? Preggers, but not a word of this out of my Sickbay..." Febin nodded his head, "yes, pregnant. Approximately two weeks ago."

Taiga sat there in stunned silence, simply staring out into space. She had finally done it again, the news had hit her like a train leaving her speechless. She could feel something build up inside her as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. It didn't take long for them to start silently streaming down her face as she stared.

He was a naturally gifted empath and he came beside her consoling his patient. She was his patient first and foremost, a friend in need. He placed his hand lightly on the shoulder. He felt her overwhelming sense of loss through deep grief, regret, conflict and even joy.

In Haliian, translated into Federation Standard the doctor said in a kindhearted and loving voice, "So lose not heart nor despair." He embraced her in a light hug and gently soothed her upper back with his hand in a calming manner. While there was still a Ship's Counsellor onboard. He was the top authority on physical and mental well being of every crew member onboard regardless of rank. He pulled away offering her a kind and warm smile, "I will be here every step of the way. I'll be here to lead you on this path not only as your doctor or member of your crew but as a caring friend."

Taiga nodded, she still seemed like she was in a daze. "Doctor... I lost my first baby. We've been trying ever since, but the probability of me getting pregnant again was low." She told him softly. Her expression changed to that of a wide genuine smile. She placed a single hand on her exposed belly. "I honestly never thought I could get pregnant again. We've been discussing alternatives, it seems we might have been too premature..."

"You have been blessed and it should be celebrated," the Haliian smiled, "I want to see you once a week going forward from the day as I want to be ahead of any probabilities there could be complications for mother and the fetus. But please note, Captain, that my first and foremost priority is your health." He continued, "I want you to know that you're prohibited from Away Teams unless its of diplomatic necessity."

"Further, Captain, I'll let Counsellor Johnson know that you are to see her twice a week and your partner and you should see her together once every two."

"Understood doctor" Taiga replied. "One question..." she began to fidget slightly. "Is there any chance I might lose this baby? If so, is there anything you can do to prevent it. I don't want to go through that again, it destroyed Ryuuji when I told him. This is big news for us, I don't want to screw it up..."

"I cannot make any guarantees but if you follow my medical advice and don't miss any of our appointments we'll make sure the complications are least likely. There's a sixty-to-forty percent probability that you may lose the fetus. If we work together and avoid high-stress on both the fetus and yourself it should be completely avoidable. I'll be contacting Starfleet Medical and consulting with other doctors and medical professionals for consults when we know more."

"Avoid stress. Doctor, I'm the Captain of a Starship. Stress is part of the job... speaking of which. When will this start to have an affect on my duties? Apart from Away missions etc, I meant like... you know... getting out of my Command Chair..." she couldn't help but blush, she already had to more or less jump into her chair due to her height, but with a baby bump it would be much harder.

"Precisely," Febin continued, "how well do you trust your XO to assign additional responsibilities and command decisions to him if necessary? As for getting out of your command chair, I'll happily come to the bridge to help you out of your chair or perhaps that's a task you could assign to a yeoman."

Taiga blushed a bright shade of magenta. "I could never ask a Yeoman to do that!" She exclaimed. "As for the XO. Commander Johnson seems like a very capable officer to run this ship when I can't. But I have no intention of going on maternity leave unless I really have to. This is still my ship and my home doctor, I'm still responsible for every life on board..." she rubbed her belly. "Current and New..."

Febin loved that some life jumped into the Captain's reaction to his comment, "Of course you wouldn't. You are a kind and just Captain, Captain." He continued, "It will all depend if there's any complications during the birth. I am sure you'd be at least be in bed for a minimum of twenty-four to possibly forty-eight hours, perhaps longer."

Taiga scowled. "Far too long..." she said simply. "I hate sitting still unless I want to be" she told him. A moment of silence fell upon the room. "Doctor is there anything else you need me for while I am here. I have... a lot to think about"

"Don't pull the CMO's prerogative out of my... headbasket?," he was unfamiliar with the word as he placed his hand on top of his head to indicate what he meant, "You're good to go."

He picked up her duty jacket and held it for her to easily get into with his assistance if needed.

Taiga slipped off the biobed and quickly put the red command jacket back on. "Thanks doctor" she said as she turned to face him forgetting to zip up the jacket. "Thanks for giving me the best news any doctor could ever give me," she told him with a genuine smile before turning to leave.

"Don't forget to zip up your jacket!" He raised his voice slightly while she moved to the double planned glass door out of his Sickbay. He smiled and felt like that was the most fatherlike moment he have had.

Taiga stopped, she quickly zipped up her jacket without a word. Without turning she waved back to him over her shoulder as she stepped through the doors and into the corridor beyond.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Doctor Febin
Chief Medical Officer


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