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Human-to-Haliian Relations

Posted on Thu Apr 13th, 2023 @ 4:51am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Febin

1,940 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Just after the meeting.

Amu and Ikuto had returned the night before to the Tokyo. The Captain had called a staff briefing that afternoon. Whilst the ship's new chief medical officer, Lieutenant Commander Febin attended the briefing, Amu had been keeping herself busy by sorting out the new medical supplies.

This had brought her upto the ship's main sickbay. She needed to transfer some of the new supplies to the Flight Deck Sickbay. Not to mention officially report into her new boss, even though she had met him on Risa, she still needed to check in.

She timed it so he would be back from the staff briefing. She felt a little queasy for some reason. She guessed it was just her getting back into space after such a long time planetside.

"Doctor?" She asked as she stepped into the main sickbay.

The Haliian Chief Medical Officer looked over at Doctor Hinamori and offered her a smile. He returned to his patient, an ensign, "Your finger is as good as new."

"Thanks, Doc." The ensign hopped off the bio-bed, "Good to go?"

"Go ahead," Doctor Febin gestured for the two doors that Doctor Hinamori had entered just moments ago and the young Ensign was off. He approached, "Ah post-shore leave sprained appendages... Welcome to Sickbay, Doctor Hinamori. How can I be of assistance?"

"You seem to have the place all nicely laid out how you want it" Amu commented with a smile. "I'm here to sort out the medical supplies for the Flight Deck Sickbay. It seems there was a mixup in the logistics and most of the supplies I ordered ended up here."

"Of course," Febin walked towards the supply room off of Sickbay, "Make sure you check in with the Medical Logistics Technician to make sure the supplies are allocated to the Flight Deck's Infirmary. All orders for medical supplies to make sure its streamlined during replenishment in Spacedock gives us what humans call 'buying power'.... never understood that since currency... doesn't exist... but still," Febin rubbed his chin.

Amu chuckled. "Its an old phrase, but it still sort of works I guess." She made her way over towards the supply room with Febin. She had a sudden wave of dizziness hit her. "Woah..." she said as she held onto a nearby bulkhead, her other hand resting on her forehead. "I guess I'm still finding my spacelegs. I must have been on the planet far too long."

Febin was quick to help her from collapsing to the floor, "I doubt its space sickness." He helped her to bio-bed one and then instructed her, "Up."

"You think so?" Amu asked curiously as she hopped up onto the biobed. "I have been feeling a little nauseous recently. I thought it might have just my stomach getting used to the replicated food again. I have had three weeks of freshly cooked Risian cuisine," she told him. "It tends to go away after an hour or so though."

"Risian food does not cause nausea," Febin said point blankly, "Lie down onto the bio-bed face-up."

Amu did as she was told, laid back on the bio-bed. It was unusual to her, usually she was the one standing with the tricorder.

Once she had settled up on the bio-bed he moved towards the head of bio-bed one where his fingers traced the console by her head. Then he smiled to himself at the results, "You're pregnant, approximately been six weeks."

Amu immediately shot up to a sitting position. "What?!" she exclaimed. "Are you serious?!"

Febin popped up a brow which raised his ridge above his eye, "I do not joke... when I'm with a patient."

She sat there stunned by the news. "So, this was basically morning sickness? And the dizziness was just because I'm actually pregnant? Not because of the change of environment?" she theorised. Deep down she knew the answer but just wasn't sure how to assimilate the information.

"Correct," Febin continued, "judging by your reaction you were not planning to have a family. I have a wide arrange of options for you to choose from whichever direction you choose to do so."

Amu shook her head. "Well, were hoping to have children some day. I just didn't expect it so soon." She told him softly. She placed a hand on her belly. "I'm not one to abort an innocent life. How is the fetus?" she asked.

"Healthy," Febin nodded. It was his responsibility to educate on options regarding pregnancy, "I would recommend a regimen of a healthier diet and prenatal supplements you can take orally unless you want to come to Sickbay daily."

"I think I can manage that. The supplements I mean. I have my own sickbay to run, I just wasn't expecting this to happen today" she replied back. "Is there a chance you could do an old-fashioned ultra-sound? I know it sounds strange, but its still one of those things that some women like to announce it."

"I will fill out a prescription for prenatal supplements. I do want to see you once every two weeks during the first trimester. When we move into the second and third, we'll see each other more often. I do want you to come see me immediately if you experience any worsening symptoms you're experiencing now."

Amu nodded in response.

Febin continued, "I do not understand your query, Doctor."

Febin felt even more alien without the familiarity of her request. "More detail will be most helpful."

"Ah. Of course, its a Human thing." Amu replied. "Computer, access Starfleet Medical Database. Send information on medical procedure known as an 'Ultrasound' to the main sickbay console". She said. The computer beeped a few times as it downloaded the information. "That should help..."

Febin quickly glimpsed it over, "Ah, yes. That is something I can definitely do." He pressed a few buttons, "Wait right here."

Febin was gone briefly while he entered his office to pick something off of a device resembling a printer from the twenty-first century that was rarely used but designed for this exact occasion which he didn't find surprising about humans. He picked it up and looked at it. He smiled, he couldn't have been happier for his colleague. He carried it over. He placed it down on the counter and helped her sit up on the bio-bed and then when she was upright he handed it to her gingerly.

Amu couldn't help but smirk slightly at him handing her the printer. "Doctor, by any chance do you have children?" she asked curiously.

Febin shook his head solemnly, "No. My ex-wife Ikara wished not to have children. We were both devout medical doctors on our homeworld, Halii. Maybe one day, I'll have children of my own."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that," Amu replied in a slightly sadder tone. "I'm sure you'll find someone who you can have a family with. For Humans this is a special time, its why I requested an Ultrasound over a tricorder scan. Its more personal." She paused for a moment. "I will have to talk this over with Ikuto, can you keep this a secret... Until we're ready to tell people?"

"I will not speak of this to anyone as its strictly doctor-patient confidentiality," Febin felt slightly insulted that he would partake in such gossip.

"Yeah, I guessed that," Amu smiled. "I know its part of being a doctor, but no doubt the news will get out eventually." She let out an audible sigh. She looked down at her belly, there was a new life growing inside her, and she hadn't even noticed. "I guess you could call this a new adventure..." she looked up at Febin.

"Well, since you've never had this before..." she said blushing slightly. Gently she pulled up her teal tunic to reveal her belly underneath. "Would you like to be the first to have a feel?" she asked nervously. "Even if there's nothing yet to feel, its kind of an honour thing amongst my culture."

"If you wish for me to have that honour," Febin slowly nodded his hand offering her his hand. He was unfamiliar with this human requirement for touch. He realized even Haliians required touch of some sort but the canar stone and their telepathic abilities were the most they required.

"Aren't Halians touch telepaths?" Amu asked as she gently took his hand and placed his hand flat against her belly, just below her navel. "Can you sense it?" she asked curiously.

"We are," Febin nodded and continued, "I do sense neural activity but I cannot make sense of it," Febin replied. He smiled while his hands rested on the bare-stomach of his colleague. He loss his train of thought as he dropped down a rabbithole of thoughts of the past ifs -- if his wife Ikara and him decided to have children.

"I didn't know you could sense that. It might make an interesting medical study..." Amu pondered completely forgetting that Febin had his hand on her belly as she began to wonder about how to study it. It was like she was daydreaming, planning stuff out in her head.

Febin continued, "It doesn't have its own thoughts as of yet but I do sense the electrical currents from the telepathic link. That's precisely it. It's... the equivalent of static shock." He realized she still had his hand on her lower abdomen.

Amu snapped back to reality. "Ah, well yeah. The brain wouldn't have developed yet." She smiled. She released his hands allowing him to pull away. "Would you mind having someone bring down those medical supplies we spoke about earlier..." she asked. "I need to go have a talk with Ikuto... I think that should take priority..."

Febin was still in awe that Amu granted him to experience this opportunity he had yet to have in this moment, "Yes, precisely. However, I found the static shock... comforting." He offered her a smile, "I wouldn't have allowed you to transport the medical supplies to begin with. I'll make sure the Quartermaster has been made aware to reallocate some of the medical supplies to your infirmary."

Amu pulled down her uniform and slipped off the biobed. "Thanks doctor. That will help a lot. Oh, and thanks for discovering the new tenant which has moved into my belly rent free!" she grinned, finding her own joke amusing.

"Rent-free?" The Haliian replied in a quite flabbergasted tone. "You... humans... are quite... odd..." He trailed off trying to decipher the meaning of the saying she gave him.

Raising a hand Amu chuckled. "Don't worry about it. Its a bad joke really." She made her way towards the door. "Send me a schedule of when you need to see me and I'll have the Exec slot it into my duty roster" she said with a smile as she reached the door. "Anything else you need me for?"

"You'll have it at some point in the next twenty-hour hours," Febin offered his patient a long smile. "Nope, you are free to go... tenant not paying... rent?" He got the joke very wrong and felt it may have been misconstrued as offensive, "I... apologize... if that was not the intent... of your... bad... joke... earlier... human-to-haliian humour does... not... compute."

Amu simply laughed. "Don't let it bother you Doc. Just forget I said anything. See you later!". With that said the pink-haired doctor slipped out of the doors and into the corridor, her whole life now changed forever.

"Humans... they're quite odd but... they're fascinating."

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic


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