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Flight Deck Orientation

Posted on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 @ 1:16am by Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant JG Palu Vraaku ‘Jumja’ & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy' & Lieutenant JG Aika Thompson & Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard & Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank'
Edited on on Sat Apr 15th, 2023 @ 6:55pm

1,786 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Flight Deck
Timeline: 1300 hours

[USS Tokyo - Flight Deck]

With the recrewing and repairs to the Tokyo came a bunch of new Starfighter Pilots. Many of them had yet to arrive with the ship still being scheduled at the fleetyards for another two weeks. However, any new fighter pilots had been ordered to report to the main flight deck to begin their orientation and training on the Tokyos fighters and flight deck systems. The orientation would be run by both the CAG and XO of the Tokyo, so it was a big deal to ensure that they all turned up in proper uniform and on time.

"Stop fidgeting," said Lieutenant jg Aika Thompson, chastising her friend as she worked to fix his uniform collar.

"Ugh." Lieutenant jg Vyse Ingelbard found the collar itchy, and his best friend's fingers at his throat ticklish and if he was honest a bit intimidating.

"We're meeting the CAG and the First Officer," she reminded him. "They won't let us fly if they think we're unrespectable slobs." She laughed. "Maybe I should let you be a mess. Then I'll make Squadron Leader first."

"Not on your life!" he replied, pushing her hands away to fix the collar himself. "That spot's mine."

"Prove it!" Aika said, cheerfully. "Let's go in there and show them who we are!"

After holding a pose of the two of them dramatically pointing to the door into the flight deck (during which time three deck officers had to squeeze around them), they walked in together, proper and organized, ready for their introduction and orientation.

Next to step out onto the vast flight deck we're the Kagamine twins.

"Rin you really should go to bed sooner!" Len scolded her as he led his sleepy looking sister over to the group.

"But Len, it's a new bed! It's hard to sleep until I find a favourite spot!" She whined. Len simply rolled his eyes as they joined the group of new pilots. Today was officially their first day and there was no way that he was letting his lazy little sister miss their orientation.

Masamune Busujima shuffled onto the flight deck. Orientation was always the worst. Granted, he understood why they were necessary, he just wished that he would be able to tour the ship at his own pace, as he didn't do well in a group.

Amidst all the clamor, hardly anyone noticed the tall, lanky male with spiky red hair and skin so pale you'd wonder if he was sick as he strode out onto the flight deck. A few brave souls dared to glance in his direction, but one look at the smug, overconfident grin on his face was enough to make them wish they hadn't. Whomever this newcomer was, it was clear to anyone who noticed him that he was up to no good.

An enlisted Bolian suddenly called out, "Attention on deck!" He had been keeping an eye out for the CAG, expecting his arrival based on the amount of new pilots waiting around.

A tall, gruff-looking Klingon entered through the doorway onto the flight deck. He walked quickly, hands balled as if marching. Before long he was approaching the gathered group. "Good afternoon pilots.. I see we are waiting for a few more. In the meantime, introduce yourselves. To work well together, we must know each other."

He paused to look each pilot in the eyes.

Rin was first to speak up. "Ensign Rin Kagamine, and this is my brother Len. We're a dynamic piloting duo! Our call signs are Twin one and Twin two." She told them all pointing to herself and her brother in turn.

"Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujjima, call sign "Lost Boy."" Masamune spoke up, glad somebody had already spoken so he didn't have to be first. "Previously assigned to Starfighter patrols in Sector 001, and before that the USS Haruna."

Moklor nodded after Rin and Masamune spoke, appearing pleased.

A Bajoran fighter pilot had run over soon after the group had been called to attention. He'd been busy chatting with a redheaded female warrant officer, a member of the ground crew. "Uhhh, Lieutenant Junior Grade Palu Vraaku", he said nervously. "I'm just looking forward to flying, sir."

"Apparently not as much as you like to converse, Mr. Palu", Moklor said while fighting the urge to grin.

“Lieutenant jg Vyse Ingelbard, sir!” answered Vyse, being next in line.

“And Lieutenant jg Aika Thompson, sir,” added Aika. “We’re both here from Golovin Air Station.”

“And we’re glad to be on the team,” said Vyse.”

All eyes then turned towards the suspicious newcomer, who was propped up against a bulkhead and hoping not to be noticed. Scowling when he realized he was going to have to go through this dating profile bullshit again, he straightened his posture and pressed out some of the more pronounced creases in his tunic.

"Ensign Sora Kobayashi," he mumbled with a deadpan expression. "Triumph Squadron, call sign "Blank." I'll spare you my boring life details, as I'm sure you babies didn't come here just for me to put you all to sleep."

Moklor approached Ensign Sora menacingly. The Ensign's initial scowl was met with a Klingon glare. "Very good, Ensign Kobayashi. Just remember to show that same attitude once we get space-borne." He stared the junior officer in the eyes momentarily before moving on. A growl and an aggressive smirk revealed sharp teeth.

"At ease", the Lieutenant Commander called out, letting them relax from the staunch position of attention. "I appreciate all of you. You are all fine in your craft. Everybody here has potential. The goal, as always, is to improve. Here on the Tokyo, you will fly as warriors." Moklor paused to walk down the line of gathered pilots.

"You all have your squadron assignments", Moklor continued. "Your fighters have just also been assigned." He pointed to a row of Valkyrie fighters. "There they sit. Remember pilots. We are not bridge crew. You will be extremely vulnerable, every single time you leave this bay. Master your skills. Know your craft. Fight to keep your wingman alive."

"Check the terminal there", Moklor said while gesturing to a nearby panel. "It will give you the designation number to your fighter. As you see you are all assigned to the Valkyrie platform. This can change. If you would prefer to fly the Gryphon, let me know. I will try to accommodate such requests."

"I am not one for speeches, so I will keep this short. Remember that we are a family. I am here to work for you... To ensure you have what you need to be successful. Do not hesitate to share your opinions or concerns. Are there any questions?"

"Just one... does anyone get to try these things?" Commander Johnson replied as he walked up. He had been watching silently in the shadows in the corner. Something his old Captain had suggested. "Any certified pilot, or can a regular... say pilot certified XO get to try these things out."

"Ah, Commander." Moklor snapped to attention. "There are extra fighters on the roster. If you can qualify on the holodeck, I see no reason why you should be excluded the opportunity to fly one." The Klingon knew the tests would be challenging and that flying a fighter in combat would put the XO at risk. He admired him for wanting to take on such a challenge.

He turned to the others. "Pilots, I know you are excited.. So on the command to fall out, fall out and give your fighters a proper inspection. Remember, check one of the computer readouts or your PADD to find your assigned ship. If there are no more questions, then that is all. Fall out."

Moklor released the group from the briefing, but would remain nearby to answer any queries which might pop up. Soon the pilots would have to get space-borne for a proper test flight.

Upon being dismissed, Masamune looked down at the PADD in his hand and began walking to the area his assigned ship was parked. As he made his way there, he heard distant music being played on some sort of stringed instrument... Maybe it was a harp? Whatever it was, Masamune dismissed it as background noise as he approached his assigned ship.

"So, if I'm looking at this right..." Masamune muttered to himself. "Then my assigned ship should be..."

Masamune lowered his PADD and found himself staring at his assigned fighter.

"Right here..." He said, a smile forming across his face.

However, that smile didn't remain on his face for long.

"Hello, Lieutenant:" A female voice said from behind him.

Startled, Masamune spun around to see who had greeted him. It was a woman around his age, carrying with her some kind of funny looking stringed instrument.

"Jesus! You scared the piss out of me!" He exclaimed. "Next time, make some noise, will you?'

"I would have thought this made enough noise..." The woman giggled. "Anyhow, name's Fujimoto. Mika Fujimoto, call sign "Pickpocket," and as of this moment, your assigned squadron leader."

"Squadron... Leader?" Masamume muttered before realizing that this admittedly cute-looking young woman was indeed his direct superior, and he snapped to attention.

"Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima, call sign "Lost Boy," at your service, ma'am!"

"At ease, Busujima, before you sprain something." Mika giggled before realizing that Masamune's last name sounded familiar. "Hmmm, that's strange: Apparently, Busujima's a more common name than I realized."

"More... Common, ma'am?" Masamune asked.

"One of your squadmates here in Harley Squadron is also named Busujima. I'm sure it's nothing..." Mika said dismissively. "Anyway, I've been told to be on standby to show the new ducks of my squadron out for a test flight. See you around, 'Lost Boy...'"

Mika then turned and left Masamune looking rather confused.

Rin and Ken approached the roster, they had been assigned to the same squadron. That was good as they worked well together.

"This ship looks like its going to be fun!" Rin said quietly to her brother. Len simply smiled as he ruffled his younger sisters hair. Rin pouted, she didn't like it when he did that!

Posting by:

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Commander Air Group

Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Palu Vraaku
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Masamune Busujima 'Lost Boy'
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Aika Thompson
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant JG Vyse Ingelbard
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Sora Kobayashi 'Blank'
Fighter Pilot


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