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Proper order of things

Posted on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 12:03am by Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

1,104 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Corridor near secondary propulsion
Timeline: Prior to Risa

Thomas walked through the corridors, the meet with the chief operations went well, and gained an insight on who she was. Couldn't help but smile as her reaction to him knowing her sign language apparently made her day. It was then he kind of got confirmation that this indeed was the right choice of assignment.

"The last time I checked, my universal translator was working perfectly fine, Crewman!" Lt. Jasad Yuvek said pointedly as he pointed to the wall panel showing that the driver coils still offline and in diagnostic mode.

"Is there some kind of malfunction in yours? Is that why you seem to not have heard my directions to the repair crew for this section?" The Cardassian asked rhetorically.

"No--no Sir, it's working quite fine." The Crewman said, slightly rocking from side to side with obvious angst. "It's just that the repair team prioritized the attitude thrusters ahead of the coil drive because the atti--" The Crewman tried to explain, but was stopped by the Helmsman.

"Crewman, the coil drive takes priority because if have to haul-ass out of a dangerous scene, we need hte coil drive to generate the sub-space field that will create the mass-lightening effect this vessel needs to achieve warp speeds." Lt. Yuvek replied.

Thomas was walking into when he heard who he assumed was Lt Yuvek. Approaching the office. "Lt is there a problem?" He asked as he glanced at the crewman and then back at the Lt.

Lt. Yuvek was slightly annoyed at being interupted; however, as he turned to look at the incoming voice he realized that it was the Executive Officer. He quickly straightened his posture as he addressed the superior officer.

"Sir, no, sir. I was just providing proper guidance to the Crewman in regards to carrying out the repairs of the propulsion system in a more efficient manner." He said, casting an eye to the Crewman.

"The ship isn't going anywhere until all systems are repaired and updated. There will be no need to fly the ship anywhere." Thomas replied as he looked at the crewman.

"Yes, sir, you are correct. However, I'm trying to explain to significane of prioritizing the coils before other secondary systems. Whith a vessel this large, the focus should always be on what will allow us to manuver with greater efficiency." Lt. Yuvek replied.

"That would be true if we were in space. In drydock, they have their own time allotment, schedule for certain things. Your drive for priority is commendable. But at this time... I believe we are off duty. Lets head to the bar, ill get you some kanar."

"Very well sir," Lt. Yuvek said as he turned back to the Crewman. "I'll leave you to your tasks, but I expect an update at 1720 hours!" He said pointedly as he turned and began to follow the Executive Officer.

As the two headed off. "I read you file Lt. You are good at what you do. Glad to have you onboard."

"Good?" Lt. Yuvek chortled slightly. "Sir, you need a good Helmsman to pilot a runabout or a Constellation-class vessel. But for this. . ." He said as he ran his hand along the wall of the corridor with obvious admiration.

"You need a phenomenal Helmsman to properly handle this flying fortress." He said.

"And thats why I was never a pilot." Thomas replied as he entered the lift. "To me, I figured a defiant class was the same as a sovereign."

"Beast of a different nature, sir." He responded as the doors to the nearby lift closed. "Defiant can manuver in ways that a Sovereign could only dream of; however, it doesn't generate nearly as much power as a Sovereign does. Defiant packs a punch, but a Sovereign is a flying fortress in terms of firepower and ability to provide cover for supporting units." The Cardassian added.

"A Definat is usually not going to be the key to any task force or fleet, so it is free to manuver more freely without having to maintain cover for other vessels." Lt. Yuvek said. "Sovereign's ability to manuver is secondary to its task of being the focal point of the combat unit." He added.

"Good to know Lt. Tell me about yourself. What brought you to starfleet?" He asked.

"I wanted something different." The young Cardassian said in a well-repeated tone. It was a question he was very used to being asked every since he first put on the uniform and stepped foot in Starfleet Academy.

Why would the Federation's enemy want to become a part of its military?

"I saw first-hand what happened when Cardassia allowed its ambition to surpass its ability. We wanted to better ourselves and defend our people, but joining the Dominion was the worst decision we had ever made." He said bitterly.

"I wasn't going to sit around on the homeworld and eek out a living as a miner or a Firstmate on a garbage scow." He said. "I was going to create a better future for us---I mean myself." He said, catching himself momentarily.

"Thats a good enough reason," Thomas agreed. "Is there anyone else?" He inquired. Noticing the catch.

"N-nothing sir, it's nothing worth mentioning." He said, avoding discussing his family anymore than neccessary.

"Besides, Cardassia won't be crafting any magnificent vessels like the Tokyo anytime soon. If I want to pilot the best, then I need to be where the action is." He said.

"That is exactly true..." Thomas noticed the hesitation once again, but decided not to delve into it. "Based on the state of the ship currently, there has been action already and doubt it will change."

"Depends on your definition of action, sir. From what the Captain has told me, we're being assigned to be a. . .Crossing Guard..." The Cardassian said, thinking hard of the juvenile term he had once heard during his time at the Academy.

"We're a fortress and yet we're being tasked with babysitting border pirates." He said with disgust.

"Oh wouldn't think of it like that." Thomas replied, "I would think of it as protecting the school yard from the bullies..."

"A rather small and insignificant school yard, sir." The Helmsman responded. "How long do you anticipate we'll be assigned to patrol this border before we're given a more worthy assignment?" Yuvek continued.

"As long as they see fit." Thomas replied. "I am hoping its not for an extended stretch. But one could only guess."

"At the end of the day, I guess that's all we can do, sir." He said as he entered the bar.


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