Mission Update, New Mission and Welcome!
Posted on Fri Jun 25th, 2021 @ 8:40pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 12:29pm
To all crew.
The mission 'Allegations' is now closing. I will be closing the mission later tonight, so if you have any posts that need posting please wrap them up and post them out. If they are backposts remember to label them as 'Backpost'.
I am very proud of you all for the participation levels I have seen. I know its been a bit of a different type of mission for us all. If anything its been a learning experience for us all.
Our next mission will lead on directly from Allegations as the third and final part of the story arc "The Elachi Invasion". This mission we will be seeing more action and more use of all departments, especially those in the starfighter department.
New Mission - Operation Romulus Return

Captain Taiga Aisaka has been cleared of all charges by the Starfleet JAG Corps. However there is a bigger problem that still needs to be solved. Elachi vessels have been detected in the Romulan Neutral Zone as if to fortify the Romulan Border. With the Tal Shiar's involvement in Federation and Romulan internal affairs it is a worrying time for both parties.
The USS Tokyo is requested by Ambassador T'Rei to escort her and an exposed agent, carrying important information back to the Romulan Senate. However the Elachi in the Romulan Neutral Zone and Tal Shiar pose a potential threat to entering Romulan Space.
The Tokyo has been authorised by Starfleet Command to cross the Neutral Zone and into Romulan Space with Diplomatic Immunity from the Ambassador, but the Tal Shiar and Elachi don't intend for the ship to reach Romulus...
We shall begin the new mission tonight hopefully, I will be starting a briefing of the senior officers and then get the ball rolling.
Welcome Stephen!
Also a huge welcome to Stephen, who will be joing us as Lieutenant Marcus Decius. Stephen is a long time friend of mine and has served on real life aircaft carriers in his time in the US Marine Corps. I am honoured to have him join us aboard the Tokyo, please give him a warm welcome! I am looking forward to what we can learn from his experiences and his writing.
Overall, well done to everyone for a fantastic mission. Try and get your posts wrapped up and posted within today if possible. If you don't hit the deadline, when you do come to posting ensure you are posting it in the "Allegations" mission as to not mix timelines/missions.
I look forward to whats going to happen next. As always, keep yourself safe in these trying times, look after one another and take care.
Captain Taiga Aisaka
Category: General News