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Mothers To Be (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 3:06am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Edited on on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 3:07am

1,399 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1, USS Tokyo

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Taiga smiled. "It took Ryuuji a while. He's the reason I even graduated the Academy." She said. "We've been together ever since. I can't imagine life without him now." She couldn't help it, the smile on her face was genuine and she could feel a warmth in her chest. "I ran away to Starfleet to escape my own demons, and in it I found an angel."

Talia smiled feeling the emotions pouring off Taiga. “We’re both very lucky women.” She paused before changing the subject. “So what happens if we don’t manage to escape this hell hole?”

"We will escape," Taiga said. She placed both hands on her belly. "I have no intent of raising my child here." She added with a determined smile. "What about you three, what are your plans?"

And now the continuation...

Talia shrugged her shoulders. “To be honest I haven’t made much in the way of plans yet.”

"I don't know..." Liz muttered. "All I hope is that, whatever I decide, Major Shimada can one day forgive me for what I did..."

Talia offered Liz an understanding gaze. “Given time, and a chance for the two of you to talk about it, maybe he will.”

"In a way, you're lucky. You got pregnant on the first time..." Taiga said. "It took me... a long time..." she added as she looked away for a second.

Amu nodded in response. "Don't worry Liz, mine wasn't planned either. But it seems that Risa has this affect on us," she said with a smirk. "Seriously, what is it with that planet and sex?!"

"Maybe for you it was all fun and games on Risa;" Liz responded. "But I did a horrible taboo and slept with a man betrothed to my best friend! That is not something that can just be swept under the rug, especially if I've got a reminder of it growing inside of me..."

"Perhaps that's something for another time," Taiga said. "The idea of all this is to help each other, since we're all new mothers to be," she smiled at them. "I don't know about you, but I'm kinda... scared and nervous about it all."

Talia nodded. “You’re not the only one! As much as I want to be a mother I’m afraid of what the future might hold, especially in our current situation.”

"I try to not think about it," Taiga replied.

"Me neither," Amu added. "I like to think of it as a gift. Life is precious afterall." She beamed at them.

"My concerns lie in my age:" Liz said. "I'm not exactly a spring chicken, and it makes me concerned about developmental disorders..."

“I’m sure medical are keeping a close eye on you, as they are all of us” Talia offered a comforting smile. “Developmental disorders are not what they used to be compared to Earth’s history. Medical science has come a long way, hopefully there’ll be nothing for you to worry about.”

"You'll be fine," Amu said. "I've seen much older Vulcans than you have healthy children. Of course Humans are a different matter," she chuckled. "Unlike other species, we only have a limited window in when we can have children. Both the Captain and I are in that window right now."

Taiga placed a hand on her belly. "Yeah, they say once you hit the forties it becomes hard to concieve at all."

"Then it's probably the Vulcan part that's keeping me fertile in the triple digits." Liz chuckled rather uneasily.

"You're probably right," Amu chuckled. "Vulcans can still have children well into their 150's to 160's. Although it's not recommended and is co sidereal illogical." She said.

“Age is not the barrier it used to be for Humans, thanks to medical science. We Betazoid’s aren’t considered to be in our prime until we reach our 40’s!” Talia grinned.

"Is that so?" Taiga asked curiously. She looked over to Talia before glancing over at Amu. Humans were considered 'middle aged' in their forties and fifties. "You know, being Human is a bit of a pain at times. We get no special abilities, we can only have babies when we're young and we don't live as long!" Taiga pouted.

Talia smiled. “Yet you’re a species that never gives up! That’s something to be proud of. Look what Humans have become! You’re instrumental members of the Federation, and you protect and treasure your young.”

"I don't know a species that reproduce like us, that don't protect their young." Taiga replied as she pondered for a brief moment. "I mean most Humanoids have their children develop in a womb of some sort, inside the mother's body." Taiga explained. "So we're naturally protective of them, before and after they're born right?"

Talia nodded. “Right, our bodies nurture our young and our protective instincts for them grow along with them.” She smiled warmly.

"Well, unless you consider the species where the males carry and birth the young, but still the same basic concept." Liz said.

Amu agreed with them all. "So, I've got to ask... Has any of you experienced cravings yet? I can't get enough of Marmite sandwiches at the moment..."

"Oh, goodness no." Liz responded. "I've been too sick to be hungry enough for cravings..." She looked as if the food that had just been suggested was making her queasy just thinking about it.

Taiga smirked. "I've not had much morning sickness. But as for cravings yes. Although, Ryuuji is sick of me demanding banana's and custard I think. You should try it!"

“Bananas and custard? I can’t say that would appeal to me.” Talia grinned. “Mine is uttaberries! Problem is they’re native to Betazed and although the replicator makes a prett good representation, nothing beats the real thing!”

"That's the case with most fruits and stuff," Taiga shrugged. "I should try some though. I'm not really fussy with food, but it seems that this one us!" She rubbed her belly slightly. She looked back at Talia and then at Liz. "Random question. Do your babies kick earlier? In Humans it's somewhere between the sixteen to twenty week mark that we start feeling movement. What is it for Betazoids and Vulcans?"

"I've been told that because I'm half Vulcan, and the father is a Human, that my pregnancy will be closer to that of a Human." Liz said. "That'll probably include when the quickening takes place."

"I can't wait for that to happen," Taiga replied fondly. "I think it'll only start to feel real when I feel the baby kick and move inside me." She rubbed her belly softly. "I've been looking forward to this for so many years, it's not quite sunk in yet."

"Tell me about it," Amu added. "I wasn't planning on having a baby yet. But little miracles do happen. I just hope I'll turn out to be a good mother. I'll admit, I'm dubious about where to even start!"

“I think we’re all the same” Talia smiled. “Being a first time mum is a daunting prospect, but no doubt it’ll all come naturally. It’s going to be a learning curve for all of us.”

"Yeah. It's why I set up this meeting," Taiga smiled. "What do you say to meeting and going through this regularly?" She asked them all.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea!” Talia smiled and nodded.

"If it helps me commit to keeping the thing, perhaps..." Liz grumbled.

Amu nodded in agreement.

A small chime sounded. Taiga let out a sigh. "Looks like our time is up." She said to them all. She pulled herself up and made her way to the snack table. "Same time next week?" She asked. "Oh, and feel free to take any of this. It's only going to be recycled, or I might treat the bridge crew... You never know if they've eaten today..."

“I’ll take a little, give the rest of my share to the bridge crew they deserve it.” Talia smiled warmly getting up to put a little bit more on her plate before taking a bite.

Taiga smiled. "Sounds like a plan!"

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor

Marine Captain Elizabeth Beurling
Marine XO

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Flight Deck Chief Medic


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