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Contingencies Upon Contigencies (backpost)

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 8:42pm by Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: After "Planning a Heist"; before "Into the Lion's Den"

Thomas sat in his office, awaiting the arrival of Lt Nezuko, and Lt Yuvek... He knew Nezuko wasnt sitting well with this whole scenario, and Lt Yuvek didn't seem too thrilled about it either... considering things, he figured he would have a discussion with both.

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek pressed the chime outside of the Executive Officer's door and waited to be admitted.

"Enter." Thomas replied as he read some of the reports.

He stepped into the office and walked in front of the Commander's desk and stood at attention. "I'm reporting as ordered, sir." He said, waiting to be addressed.

"Lt. Please, we are just getting ready to discuss things."

Nezuko fell into position immediately, taking a few seconds to switch out her rebreather's battery.

"Computer lock doors, keep them locked." He replied, "Now, Lt Nezuko believes those from the redemption cannot be trusted... based on previous experience and stories... the likelihood of at least some wanting to take the ship... still remains, I am inclined to believe the same. Based on your...unsatisfactory remarks with the previous test. I assume you do not share this...lets all be friends and get out of here together scenario."

The idea of being "friends" with his superior officer caught Jasad slightly off guard. But he decided to let the comment pass. Not being one to mince words, Lt. Yuvek decided to get right to it. "They're Pirates, plain and simple. They shouldn't be trusted with access to any of our systems. If we were in a better situation, I'd recommend having an armed escort with them at all times." The Helmsman stated.

"However, that wouldn't work now because the Commander of our Marine detachment is emotionally compromised and might as well be in line with the Pirates." He continued.

Nezuko signed her contribution. I think her being in line is a stretch, but she is definitely compromised. At a minimum she will hesitate, and with these pirates we evcannot hesitate.

Again interpretting Nezuko's addition for the helmsman, he continued. "The fact is, something doesn't sit well, with us. Totally honest, there could be even more... as First officer to the Captain, I do have to make sure there are contingencies in place should things happen beyond what we are hoping."

"Lts, I want some sort of failsafe in the computers, something only i can access... if things go awry, if the ship is under threat from our new allies, who some how have no qualms about it. We need a back up. Something that Locks out anyone trying to take the ship over." He paused. "Something that the Captain can not interfere. Our first priority is to this ship, and to this crew. As much as we want this plan to work together with the redemption crew, too much is at stake." He leaned back into the chair. "This... plan... can have consequences. Court martial, career deaths. Once we have it planned and set up, whatever that may be, I will scrub you both from the wrath... The captain... means well... and although it is not a disability, being pregnant can cloud judgement. This will be a last resort."

The idea of undermining the Captain did not sit well with Jasad. However, he also remembered how the Captain had allowed her emotions to get the best of her when the Elachi had attacked the Tokyo. It was completely reckless to engage the Elachi on her own, but she did so despite Jasad's protests.

"Sir, any sort of failsafe or lockout routine would have to re-route navigation, weapons, and internal security protocols to an alternative location." Lt. Yuvek replied. "The Bridge will have to be isolated immediate since that will be the first place the Pirates would go to seize control of the ship." He added as he looked towards Lt. Nezuko.

Nezuko nodded. I propose a few alternative locations, in case you can't get to one. Secure locations. The intel suite. The security complex. Torpedo control in the pod. My quarters too; I can make the air toxic to most humanoids with a manual switch, and you can wear a mask.

"That would probably be the best course of action considering neither the Pirates nor anyone else in Command will be too happy to see that you've taken control away from the Bridge." Lt. Yuvek added.

"Whatever location is selected, it must be isolated to prevent either the Bridge or Main Engineering from taking back control." He said.

Intelligence is already on an isolated system, Nezuko replied, the XO continuing to translate for her, helpfully. This was good, as she did not want to leave a written trace of what she was communicating. It will not take much to give someone remote access to key systems and prevent someone from taking control again. Lieutenant Commander Nishikigi and I also improved system security there recently. The Security complex is almost as isolated. I can get it done quickly and quietly. My quarters would need a from-scratch console anyway. She looked Thomas in the eyes. I can do it, sir. Trust me. No one but us will know.

"Do it Lt. Lt Yuvek, the Captain has asked you to get acquainted with the operations console did she not?" He leaned back. Folded his hands carefully and thoughtfully.

"Yes, sir." Lt. Yuvek replied. "Although, Starship Operations is still a concept that I'm having to wrap my head around." He replied. Piloting a vessel inherently required him to understand power and supply distribution along with the careful management of other ship systems. However, Ops would require him to embrace managing an entire starship, albiet a very injured starship.

Nezuko put a hand on Jasad's shoulder and gave him a thumbs-up with the other. She didn't need complex signs to communicate 'I got you, and you got this.'

"If it is going to happen, its going to happen when the ship is at its weakest moment, so its goting to be soon." He paused as he looked to his two officers. "Let's get started. I'll do things on my end end. You do what you guys do best."

"Yes, sir" Lt. Yuvek nodded as he turned to exit the room, followed immediately by Nezuko.


Posting by

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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