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The Forbidden Fruit (18+ Mature Content Warning)

Posted on Thu Feb 8th, 2024 @ 7:04am by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

1,348 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Captain Beurling and 1st Lieutenant Rudd's quarters

[WARNING. - This post contains mature content and language of a sexual nature. Read at your own discretion.]

During the walk to the quarters she shared with 1st Lieutenant Rudd with her... Less than willing partner in hand, she had a gut feeling that what she was about to do to Yoshika was wrong. That feeling of dread only grew the closer they got to the quarters.

But still, Liz pushed on. If there was a chance, however small it might be, that a one-night stand could end her Pon Farr, then it was a chance Liz had to take.

Yoshika was literally being pulled along as she was led by the Marine Captain. They eventually arrived at the Captains quarters, and once she had let go of her wrist it was then that Yoshika spoke. "You have a tight grip..." she said rubbing her wrist.

"Vulcan strength has its advantages..." Liz muttered as she removed her tunic followed shortly thereafter by her bra. "I know they're not as big as Bishop's and have a lot more mileage on them... You're definitely not the first to lay your hands on them, and you certainly won't be the last..."

Yoshika couldn't help but stare a little. She didn't realise that Liz would be this forceful so soon. "I am... Erm..." she said as she hesitated to unzip her own tunic. She was a little shaky as she stood there.

"Don't be shy..." Liz said. "I don't show these to just anyone. Sugar Tin Lizzy hasn't performed publicly since... Well, since Shimada's bachelor party."

Though she didn't show it, Liz was surprised by how easily her stripper nickname rolled off her tongue. Like she had said, it had easily been a decade since she had last used that name.

"Sugar what now?" Yoshika asked slightly confused. She wasn't quite sure what Liz meant.

"Oh, that's right; I've never told anyone: I stripped professionally for many decades. It was mostly a side gig, but it did get me some good booty calls..." Liz explained as she removed first her skirt, then her black pantyhose, before finally her panties to become fully naked.

"Now, tell me, Yoshika..." Liz muttered, using Yoshika's first name. "What's your hesitation to take this beautiful used motorcycle for a spin? Is it the high mileage? Is it the fact that it's been through multiple owners?"

Liz grabbed Yoshika's ass as she moved around the nurse's backside.

Yoshika let out a little gasp, she clearly wasn't expecting the sudden move from the Marine Captain.

"Or... Are you afraid that you might like what you see on the test drive?" Liz asked as she pressed her naked body against Yoshika, the nurse's right arm going between her breasts. "Afraid that you might want to take the bike home, and call it... Yours.."

Liz licked Yoshika's cheek. Not a passionate full-tongue lick, but just enough of one to be sexually stimulating. Granted, this was a faster way to relieve Pon Farr, but consensual sex was better for not getting court martialed for sexual misconduct.

"This... this is new..." Yoshika said nervously. Her eyes glistened as she looked up at Liz. "Be gentle ok... I don't have much experience with this sort of stuff..."

Liz's touch telepathy was severely limited due to only being half Vulcan, but she could tell that her seduction efforts weren't necessarily having their intended effect.

"Still not feeling it, eh?" Liz sighed as she stepped back. "Damn, what's a marine gotta do to get some good ***** around here?"

"Well..." Yoshika said nervously. "All I can think of is Liz. And if I should be doing this..."

"Hmmm... Your loyalty to Bishop is troubling..." Liz muttered as she sat down to have a think. "As is your inability to be swayed by vices. I mean, another woman strips naked for you and you're going to let all this beauty go to waste?"

As Liz was about to brag about how great she looked for her age, a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

"Oh, god; you think I'm ugly, don't you?" She asked. "That's the reason behind your hesitation, isn't it?"

Yoshika shook her head. "No, not at all!" she replied. "Its just... Oh screw it. This is meant to be a medical procedure right?!" She finally removed her tunic and then the rest of her clothing. "I'm probably the ugly one..."

Liz smiled. Yoshika had finally come around, and all it took was her underhandedly shaming herself. This was going to be fun...

[A Few Hours Later]

Liz lay in her bed, still breathing heavily even after all was said and done.

"I must say, nurse..." Liz commented. "If that medical procedure was half as good as the ones you give Bishop, she's lucky to have you..."

Yoshika sat pouting on the edge of the bed. "You said you'd be gentle!" she complained.

"Hey, you said you wanted me to show off my Vulcan strength." Liz responded as she reached for her pack of smokes. "It's got to be one or the other, kid..."

Yoshika continued to pout as she placed both hands over her stomach. "Well I guess... But I still can't believe you did that to my belly button. I thought you were going to rip it off or something!" she replied. "And what you did to..." she paused as she began to blush bright red. Finally she shook her head. "Nevermind. Did it cure your pon farr?" she asked.

"Well, I don't feel like I need to kill Major Shimada anymore. So, that's a start." Liz muttered as she lit a cigarette. "And don't think this was all me, either... You're one of only a small handful of people who have ever full tongue licked me in... That area... I know I say that place tastes like maple, but damn; I didn't expect you to actually go for it..."

Yoshika's face turned the same colour as Captain Aisaka's uniform. "P...Please don't talk about that!" She burst out. "I got a little excited ok!" she said as she stumbled upon her words. She finally held her head up and looked away as if holding her head high above the clouds. "It was a 'medical procedure' thats all." she jumped up and turned to face Liz, a determined look in her eyes. She pointed at Liz. "And you will keep this confidential! Patient-Doctor confidentiality!" she demanded now not seeming nervous even considering she was still in her birthday suit.

"You don't have to worry. My lips will remain sealed." Liz said calmly, offering Yoshika her lit cigarette. "Want a puff? Helps me calm down..."

The young medical officer shook her head. "No thanks. Smoking isn't good for you. Humans gave that up centuries ago. Quite frankly so should you! It's just a way of killing yourself slower! Not to mention all the gunk and stuff it puts into your lungs!" she said in disgust.

Liz shrugged indifferently.

"80... No, 90 some years and I'm not dead yet..." Liz muttered. "But, that debate's a kettle of worms for another day. In the meantime, I believe we both have things we need to get back to..."

Liz then got up to go fetch her clothes from out in the common room.

Yoshika scowled. She didn't like that the Marine Captain smoked. She crossed the bedroom and picked up her uniform. She began to pull them back on. "I should go now." She said as she finished getting dressed and straightened her comm badge.

Liz nodded wordlessly as she too finished dressing herself. The Marine XO also had places to be, and no doubt would have to explain why she was late.

Yoshika quickly left the Marine Captain's quarters. Luckily no one saw her leaving, however she was walking a little funny as she hastily moved down the corridor.

Posting by

Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine XO

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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