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Checking up the Captain

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 3:46am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.

1,241 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Ready Room

After Amu left sickbay and Eli was confident that Nurse Yoshika could handle monitoring Talia. Eli gathers up his medkit and heads for the ship’s ready room. Amu had mentioned that the Captain was also pregnant so he’d wanted to get a base reading on how she was doing and answer any questions she might have.

It took him a bit to get through to the bridge before he was back standing at the ready room door, and presses the chime to ask for admittance.

It was hot in the ready room, the ship's life support systems were struggling with keeping the ambient temperature at normal levels. The one thing that Taiga hated was heat, she just could t deal with it and it was her luck yo be stranded on a desert planet!

She had removed her red command tunic and was sitting on the couch in her cropped undershirt and skirt. She didn't really care how she looked, it's not like they were on a diplomatic mission. "Come in!" She called as she fanned herself with a PADD.

Eli came in. He too hated the heat was had opted after the checks up in sickbay to find a short sleeve top and a skirt of his own. He smiles as he enters.

“I know captains usually scoff at checkups, but I’d like to see how you and your baby are doin considering our situation. Before you ask, Amu told me and I came straight here after I was done giving her a check up.”

He says bluntly but professionally. His main concern was her and her baby’s health.

"I was starting to wonder when you'd come to check up on me," Taiga said simply. "Please excuse the lack of uniform, it's mot exactly an ideal temperature in here."

“Only if you excuse mine cause, I agree, it’s been boiling hot as of late”

He smiles as he comes over and pulls out his recorder, scanning the captain as he talked.

“How have you been feeling though? Any unusual symptoms or anything odd to note?”

"The occasional run to the bathroom every now and again in the mornings. Ryuuji hates it; for a guy who loves cleaning he hates cleaning up after I've been... you know..." Taiga said with a nervous smile.

“Morning sickness is quite understandable at this early stage of your pregnancy. Have you been feeling any flutters? I can see the start of the baby showing”

He asked in the nicest way possible

"Well, a few butterflies here and there. Bit isn't it too early for the baby to start moving or anything?" Taiga asked. "This is my first... well... technically second pregnancy..."

Eli looks up at the Captain, a look of remorse on his face.

“I can take from that, you’ve had trouble conceiving before this pregnancy? I’d like then to monitor you closely, if you are ok with wearing a biomonitor, just as a precaution?”

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "Is that necessary?" she asked. "Would it be monitoring me, or the baby?" she asked simply.

“Both. It’s simply a device you wear that monitors biosigns and alerts me if there any drastic changes that might harm you or the baby.”

"And where exactly do you want to put this on me?" she asked.

“Just behind your ear. I promise it’s easily removeable if it ever gets uncomfortable. It just attaches by a simple molecular bond, like a commbadge”

"I suppose if its necessary..." Taiga sighed. "You mentioned that I've had problems conceiving in the past. You would be correct." she told him.

Eli handed her a small device.

“I apologize if I stepped out of line with that. With the medical computer down, I don’t have access to the medical records of the crew. With that in mind, I’d like to watch your health and progress more closely.”

Taiga nodded. "I wouldnt say it was out of line. Most of our systems are currently down," she said in response. "So, do I get a clean bill of health?" She asked.

“You do. So far, the baby seems to be healthy and growing. If anything changes, the biomonitor is designed to alert me and I’ll be there in a flash to help. Do you have any other concerns or questions?”

Eli asks as he puts away his tricorder into his labcoat pocket.

Taiga shook her head. "I don't think so. I just don't want to lose this baby," she told him.

"I promise you, Captain. I will do everything medically possible to see that you don't lose the baby."

Eli says reassuringly to the Captain, with a comforting smile on his face.

The Captain nodded. "I appreciate all you're doing. How is everyone else?" She asked.

“Talia and Amu are healthy as well, and I’m working on getting to the rest of the crew as I can. I’m also working on trying to get the medical computers and systems online but some of the systems have been damaged to a point where I’ll need to scavenge parts in order to get them online again.”

Eli commented

"Well," Taiga said. "I'm sending an away team to one of the wrecks, the USS Sazanka. She's an old Constitution Class starship. If memory serves me right, back in those days they kept most of their medical supplies in stasis storage. There's a chance it's still all there, plus the parts can easily be made to work with modern technology." Taiga told him. "Lieutenant Adams is leading that salvage team, want to go?"

“I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard today. Constitution Class ships paved the way for most of what we do today. Just tell me when their going to leave and I’ll be there”

Eli excitedly beams

"The away team is scheduled for tomorrow morning. They'll be going via shuttle. With transporters offline, we have to do this the 'old fashioned way', plus the ship is quite a distance from here. You're looking at about an hours shuttle flight, several days if you walk." Taiga told him with a smile. "Plus, having you there will be a good idea if anyone gets injured. An old starship wreck will have its own dangers I assume." Taiga lent forward and grabbed one of the PADD's from the table and held it out to him. "Here are all the details you need."

Eli takes the PADD looking over the details with a smile.

“I’ll get my medical supplies ready and be there bright and early. Have to go get my hot weather uniform out of my footlocker but that shouldn’t be an issue”

He says beaming at the captain.

Taiga nodded simply. "Report to Lieutenant Adams tomorrow morning for the launch." She told him. "Is there anything else you need whilst you're here?" she asked him, giving him an opportunity to bring up anything else he might have for her.

“Not at this time Captain. I’ll let you know if I have any concerns or problems.”

Eli said professionally.

Taiga leant forward and picked up another PADD from her table. "Well, in the case. By all means dismissed doctor."

Eli nods, getting up and leaving to prepare for the away mission at hand.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.
Chief Medical Officer


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