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A New Appointment

Posted on Fri Nov 10th, 2023 @ 1:35pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Captains Ready Room

Captain Aisaka had just finished her meeting with Doctor Hinamori and spoken with Thomas & Talia. She had spent the last half an hour going through the people she had recommended to fill the Chief Medical Officer's spot and she understood the reasons why Amu didn't want to take it herself. She therefore she had finally made a decision. Luckily the comm system had been partially restored and intership communications had been restored.

She sat behind her desk as she tapped her comm badge. "Lieutenant Ellis, can you report to my ready room please?" she said simply.

“I’m on my way”

The soft voice of Dr. Eli Ellis came through the comms. It took him a few moments to arrive, shaking with nerves the whole time he was walking to her ready room. He’d only recently started aboard ships and already it’d been quite…exciting, but with the loss of the CMO, things had been kinda rough in the medical department.

Still, Eli mustered up his courage, straightening his uniform, lab coat and glasses and pressed the bell key on the pad next to the Ready Room door. He shifts on his feet as he waited for a reply.

"Come in!" Taiga called. "You'll have to push it open, the motors broken!". She was seated behind her desk and had two glasses filled with water waiting for them. With the replicators offline, this was the bests she could do.

Eli pushed the doors open, grunting softly as he struggled for a moment with the doors before they finally gave way. He turns to face the Captain, his face a soft pink from getting the doors, and the heat. Environmental Controls may have gone offline again.

“You wanted to see me, Ma’am?” He asks, coming over to stand near her desk, his hands linked together in a nervous energy.

"Yeah I did," Taiga said. She motioned for him to take a seat in front of her. "I would usually offer you a drink, but I've only got water. As you know the replicators are offline at the moment..."

“I understand. I’m working with only partial systems in the Main Sickbay at the moment myself, so water is fine with me. Thank you”

Eli rambled for a moment before he sat down in front of the desk, taking the glass and drinking some of the water before he sat the glass back down.

Eli was a thin guy, his hair, a deep black, with the brownest eyes hiding behind his thin blue glasses, which his pushed up on his face. His uniform was a short sleeved white tunic and Starfleet Waistcoat, over which was the Medical White Lab coat. To say that the uniform fit him well was an understatement, it practically hugged him, accenting his body and curves.

“For the moment though, all patients are doing well, and we’re triaging the rest on a needs basis. I’m also trying to take stock of pharmaceutical inventories and what other supplies we have available to us. Not sure how long we’ll be in this place so I want to be prepared for anything that might happen”

Taiga nodded. "Speaking of being in this place for a while. I've just finished talking with Doctor Hinamori," She paused for a brief moment. "She came to me with concerns regarding the position of Chief Medical Officer. Due to obvious reasons she has decided not to take the position herself."

Eli was confused for a moment.

“She’s not taking over? If I may ask, who you might have in mind, if Doctor Hinamori will not be taking over as the CMO?”

He got that nervous feeling again, taking another big sip of his water.

"She recommended you," Taiga said. She picked up a PADD on her desk and skimmed its contents. "I've been reading up on your file. After Doctor Hinamori, you're next qualified."

Eli eyes got wide.

“ I’m..I don’t know what to say. I had thought Dr Hinamori would be taking over, but…you said she recommended me?”

Eli stammered out, flustered and honored both to be recommended for the CMO slot.

“ read my file?”

He asked.

Taiga nodded. "Yes, I looked at your qualifications and current experience." she explained to him. "I believe that you will be best suited to take over from Doctor Febin. All the other medical officers we have on board are not as qualified, the majority of them are basic medics or nurses."

She paused for a brief second. "I will also promote you to the rank of Full Lieutenant as well. If you're willing to take the job?"

Eli blushed, his mind racing. Here he was, 31 and already being considered for Chief Medical Officer of a Federation starship. He thought of some of the greats: Beverly Crusher, his friend, the Voyager EMH, Dr McCoy, Julian Bashir. Now he had the chance to be one.

“Captain, I..I humbly accept the position of Chief Medical Officer. You can count on me!”

Eli said with a burst of confidence that he was sure would come back to haunt him later. For how, he was shaking in excitement. A new opportunity, a crew he’s been getting to know since they’ve crashed here.

“When should I start?”

Taiga reached under her desk and pull out a red velvet covered box. She slid it across the desk towards him. "As soon as you put this on..."

Eli takes the box, opening it to find a full gold pip. He takes off the hollow pip and replaces it, now signifying that he was now a full Lieutenant in Starfleet.

“Thank you Captain. I promise to uphold your trust in me.”

The comm beeps from the overhead.

“Sickbay to Dr. Ellis?”

Eli taps his comm badge that was under his lab coat.

“Ellis here”

The voice of one of the nurses piped again.

“Medical Emergency in Sickbay, it’s Lieutenant Johnson.”

Eli bolted up quickly, twirling and heading for the door.

“I’m on my way.”

He stops for a moment.

“Thank you Captain.”

Taiga gave him a simple nod. "Go do what you need to doctor," she said to him with a friendly smile. She felt reassured that they now had a proper Chief Medical Officer, although losing Doctor Febin was a huge loss to the crew, now they had someone she was confident could keep the ships three sickbays running.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Dr Eli Ellis M.D.
Chief Medical Officer


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