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Briefing Sleeping Beauty

Posted on Fri Oct 27th, 2023 @ 12:19am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Sickbay/Ready Room

[Main Sickbay]

Sickbay was starting to empty out. The Tokyo had been sitting on the surface for nearly twelve hours. However there were still a few of the crew who were in critical condition, or those who had been knocked out during the crash and let to wake up.

Nurse Miyafuji was standing by the bed of Lieutenant Adams, the Tokyo's chief science officer who had been found after the ship went down in one of the science labs. Doctor Hinamori has theorised that when the ship had started its descent she had been trapped in the lab, or knocked unconscious during the descent.

Kylynn slowly began to open her eyes. She began to re famerialize with the surroundings. "What happened?" She asked.

Yoshika turned to Kylynn and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "The Tokyo has crashed on the surface of a planet in the nebula we were charting," she explained softly. "You've been out for about twelve hours..."

" did that happen?" Kylynn said regaining her conscience.

Yoshika shrugged. "We're still working that out. From what I know some sort of dampening field disabled the ships engines." She flicked open her tricorder and began to run it over the science officer's body, checking her over now she was awake. "The good news is that it was a 'soft landing'... well, if you could call it that. The planet is mostly desert, so we're somewhat buried in sand dunes."

"Well thats a relief...I suppose. Must have been struck by the crash." She explained.

Amu took the tricorder and looked over the readings. "I agree, plus we'll be needing the bed for other people." She looked down at Kylynn. "Lieutenant, I would go get something to eat and drink. The replicators are offline at the moment, so your best shot is breaking into some emergency rations from the mess hall. Also, you should be aware that Captain Aisaka wants to see you when you're feeling better."

"Understood mam, just one more question and then I'll go report to the Captain" Kylynn asked standing up.

Amu nodded, prompting for her to ask the question.

"Is Haylyx ok? Sorry little concerned about my daughter." She asked.

The doctor smiled. "Yes she's perfectly fine. She was with the other children when we crashed. I've checked them all over, they're currently keeping them all busy down in the school room." She placed a hand on the lieutenants shoulder. "She was worried about you, she's looking forward to you coming home."

"Well thats a relief, thank you." Kylynn said as she left the room.

She made her way to the Captain's office and knocked on the door.

[Ready Room]

"Come in," Taiga called from behind trhe door.

"You wanted to see Captain?" Kylynn asked as she walked in.

Taiga looked up at Kylynn with a concerned expression. "Are you ok Lieutenant? It was only reported you woke up a few moments ago?" She asked as she stood up behind the desk. "I understand your dedication to duty and everything, but are you sure you shouldn't be resting?"

"I feel fine thanks Captain. I think I just hit my head to hard. Dunno" Kylynn replied.

The captain raised an eyebrow. She beckoned for Kylynn to sit down in the chair opposite and pulled up a PADD she had on her desk. "How much do you know about the current situation?" She asked. "Has anyone briefed you yet?"

"I know we crashed with minimal Damage on some desert planet. Overheard something about loosing power while I was waking up. Other then that no."

"I see," Taiga said. "Well yes, the Tokyom has crashed onto this strange desert planet. We're on minimal power and we've taken some damage. Engineering is having trouble getting the engines back online and most of our essential systems are damaged or offline," Taiga told her a concerned tone in her voice. "However, we're not alone. There are other crashed ships out there, and we recently learnt that some of them have survivors."

Taiga then spent the next few minutes explaining about the Redemption survivors and how Tatsuo Shimada had agreed to help them. She also touched on the away mission she was intending to send away to explore some of the other ships.

"Now, I was going to save this for later. However, I believe we could use a second salvage team." Taiga said as she slid a PADD towards her. "We've detected several old Federation Starships in the area. I want you to assemble a team to explore these old ships, your mission will be to determine if there is anything we can use to repair the Tokyo or enhance our chances of survival. I've already drawn up a list of capable candidates for you to take with you."

Taiga paused for a moment. "However, your first priority it to yourself Lieutenant. I can schedule the away team to leave the day after tomorrow."

"Is that a order? " Kylynn asked. "Because I'm ready now"

"Yes," Taiga said. "You've just been through a traumatic experience. If I sent you out there now it could be risky. You need a clear head and to be at your best before you go out there." She gave Kylynn a serious look, the last thing she needed was for her to lead an away team that might possibly not come back.

"Understood sir, thank you" She replied.

Taiga handed her the PADD. "Take a look over this list of people. Then make the decision who you want to take." She smiled at the Science Officer. "In the mean time, I would strongly suggest you spend the rest of your day with your daughter. From what I've been told she's missed you."

"Agreed." Kylynn said as she left the room.

"Dismissed..." Taiga said a little surprised that she had just got up and left as quickly as she came. She leant back in her chair and let out a sigh. "Well, at least she's keen."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.
Acting Chief Medical Officer

Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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