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Just what we didn't need! (Backpost from 'Descent')

Posted on Fri Oct 27th, 2023 @ 12:24am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson

844 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Shuttlebay

Thomas walked up to the doors of the shuttle bay, the shuttle was on approach, and given that this arrival affected the course, slightly, having to slow to impulse so the shuttle can enter the ship, it was only logical to contact the Captain. Also the fact that his actions during the mission prior didn't turn out the best for one of their main academy stations.

Taiga arrived a few moments after Thomas. "Are we expecting someone?" She asked curiously.

"As per regulation, im being looked at for destroying the station, and putting hundreds of cadets and officers unconscious.

Taiga sighed. "I thought I mentioned that your actions were necessary in my report. Obviously Starfleet has something against us," she replied. "Well, let's get this over and done with shall we?"

"Its apparantly protocol." Thomas replied as the doors opened. A middle aged woman appeared.

"Commander Johnson, Captain Aisaka." She replied as she handed the Captain her orders. "This is a routine investigation, considering the federation lost a station, and what could be thought of as deliberate friendly fire."

"With all due respect," Taiga said as she crossed her arms. "Why is this even necessary. My report clearly stated what happened. The Commander here scuttled the station in order to prevent it from falling into enemy hands, not to mention potentially destroying the ecosystem of an M Class Planet." Taiga said sharply.

"Captain, this is protocol when a station or ship is destroyed when not at wartime. Some of the most notable captains have went through it, including Admiral Picard when he lost the Stargazer."

"Fine, well lets get this over and done with shall we?" Taiga said as she scowled slightly.

"I will require access to the away team that was present at the time Captain."

Thomas nodded. "I have nothing to hide, I will make sure they are accessable. But the current mission takes priority."

"Understood Commander. It will take me a little while to set up anyway."

Taiga nodded. "Feel free to set up in the observation lounge," she said simply. "Commander Johnson has the right to legal defence, if he's happy I can be that defence?" She asked turning to Thomas.

"That would be appreciated Captain."

"Very well." Carter replied as she walked past. "I will need a few days to prepare."

"I guess we'll organise some quarters for you then," Taiga said clearly unimpressed by the sudden appearance of this lieutenant who seemed far too stuck up for their own good.

"I will see to it Captain, she and I go way back..." Thomas replied as he turned to her. "If you follow me Lt."

Carter nodded picked her things up and followed.

Taiga sighed as she watched the lieutenant leave. She wasn't sure why Starfleet insisted on having someone interrogate her first officer over the loss of the station. She had outlined the entire incident in her report and stated quite clearly that if the station had been allowed to fall out of orbit then it would have destroyed the entire eco-system of the planet below. Not to mention there would have been a possibility that one of the Federations Enemies could have got their hands on classified Starfleet Technology.

She scowled as she followed them both out of the shuttlebay and down towards the corridor. "Just so you know Lieutenant, we are en route to explore a nebula. There is a chance that you may not be able to contact Starfleet once we have entered it. So you'll need to make any calls before we enter." She stated to Carter. "Also be aware, you may be from the JAG corps, but now you're on my ship you will obey my rules. You will also be expected to peform as any other officer in case of emergency."

She stopped for a brief second. "I will not allow you to overrule any orders I give. This is my crew and I don't need you trying to chew on more than you can swallow. Got that?"

"I neither have the inclination or the ability to do that Captain. My job here is just for the purpose of the destruction of the station. Once that is complete, I will relay my findings to starfleet and be out of your hair."

Taiga didn't believe that for one moment. These types of officers always seemed to want to 'get to the bottom of things' and had an unusual habit of doing what they liked when they liked. She followed with a scowl upon her face until they arrived at the guest quarters.

Stepping forward Taiga unlocked the door and allowed the lieutenant to enter. "Here you are. Guest quarters. Don't expect anything too lavish, this ship wasn't built for optimum comfort like a Galaxy Class." She allowed the lieutenant to walk inside. "I'll be in my ready room should either of you need anything." With that said Taiga left them there, heading back to the nearest turbolift.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Carter
Starfleet Command


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