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Dead Man Walking

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 1:53am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada

1,767 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Bridge & Ready Room
Timeline: After "You would really kill me... Chiyo-Kichi?"

Together, Chiyo and Tatsuo rode the turbolift back up to the Tokyo's bridge. At Chiyo's insistence, Tatsuo had removed his cloak and was holding it draped over his arm so that the Tokyo crew could see his older-style Starfleet uniform more clearly.

When the turbolift doors opened, the two of them stepped out onto what was left of the Tokyo's bridge.

"Captain!" Chiyo called out to attract the attention of Taiga. "I bet it's not every day you see a dead man walking: I'd like you to meet the late Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada. You know, the one you regs were so convinced was dead?"

Chiyo's tone had noticeably changed. Gone was the more depressed Chiyo from before the ship had crashed, and in its place was a more sarcastic Chiyo. One whom was ready to have her fun getting back at the regs who for so long told her her fiancé was dead.

Taiga looked back at the major and raised an eyebrow. "Hmm." She said simply looking Tatsuo up and down. "Starfleet huh. Ready Room. Now." She said simply. "Commander," she said to Thomas. "Please join us."

Tatsuo gave Chiyo a concerned glance, but Chiyo returned a reassuring nod to let her fiancé know that Captain Aisaka could be trusted.

Thomas nodded, as he stood he still had his sidearm at the ready.

[Ready Room]

Taiga tool her position behind her desk. "I'm going to get straight to the point." She said directing a sharp gaze at Tatsuo. "If you're a Starfleet Officer what were you thinking attacking us? You could clearly identify this as a Starfleet Vessel. I understand that you've been here a while, but you still wear the uniform. Explain yourself Lieutenant!"

Tatsuo sighed. It was evident to him that Captain Aisaka was in a state he and the rest of the Redemption crew called 'post-crash shock;' a fresh face appalled to the harshness the inhabitants of this hellhole have been forced to embrace to survive:

"I can see you're not one to mince words, and I appreciate that:" He said. "So, I won't mince words either: If you think what we did was un-Starfleet, you're right: But your short-sighted anger towards me and my crew is blinding you to the proper context: If you think you and I are the only ones to have been collected by this nebula, you are sorely mistaken! Lots of ships have crashed here over the centuries, and their surviving crews aren't necessarily the nicest people: If one of the other crews had found you first, the exact same thing would have happened: They'd strip mine this ship for parts, and they won't show your crew the same mercy I am showing you."

Taiga pondered what he had said for a brief moment. "Did you not try to negotiate with the other crews?" she asked simply.

"I am sure that the only reason we are having this dialogue is because of Major Shimada." Thomas replied as he sat next to the Captain. "If we remain here, whos to say that we won't be driven to the same." Turning to the Lt. "If you can present a list of all ships, aliens, and possible allies that may be out there, would be greatly appreciated. We can offer more intact than we can being stripped of parts."

"I'd rather now be stuck on this planet," Taiga said simply. She looked Tatsuo up and down as if examining his posture and body language. "You've been here a while. Would you be interested in being out guide? You know the lay of the land. I have full intentions of getting out of here once we find out how."

The captain paused for a brief moment. "I will overlook your actions if you help us. I will then take you and the remainder of your crew back to Starfleet. You can either re-enlist, or choose to go your own way from there." She looked over at Chiyo. "However I believe that you may want to spend time with Chiyo and your daughter. She has been a single mother long enough and frankly I believe she may welcome you back, if the love you share is strong enough and still there."

"My... Daughter?" Tatsuo gasped, turning to Chiyo for answers.

Chiyo sighed, having evidently been put on the spot by Captain Aisaka:

"Tatsuo, you know how before you left, we did the thing most couples in our situation would have done?" Chiyo asked.

"Yes?" Tatsuo muttered before he put one and two together. "Aw, fu- don't tell me I got you-?"

Chiyo wordlessly nodded as the tears brimmed in her eyes before Tatsuo could even say the P word.

"I believe there's a young woman you're going to want to meet..." She said, turning to Taiga. "Speaking of which; has she been located yet?"

Taiga nodded. "Yes, Alice is safe. Security located her not long after the crash. She was very smart though, according to the report I was given; she had hidden and braced for impact in her bed. They found her unconcious but alive bundled up in blankets and sheets. She has been treated by medical and taken back to your quarters, the blankets and sheets lessened the impact so she's fine."

That's my girl... Chiyo thought proudly.

Tatsuo ran a hand through his hair. Chiyo unexpectedly reentering his life was one thing, but now knowing they'd had a kid together? Things were getting more complicated by the minute.

"Alright; I'll help you:" Tatsuo said. "But it sure as shit won't be easy getting off this rock. You're not the first one to get the bright idea to try and leave at the earliest opportunity, and you certainly won't be the last."

Tatsuo's mind flitted to the time the Redemption attempted to leave; it was after Captain Reizei had passed and Commander K'rala had assumed command. It was safe to say the Redemption's attempted departure was unsuccessful, and the place where the Nova class starship had crashed a second time was where it had since remained. K'rala had paid for his hubris with his life, and following this unsuccessful attempt, Tatsuo had been elected by the surviving crew as acting captain to succeed him.

"But I'll do what I can to help you..." Tatsuo affirmed. "Maybe with our two crews putting their heads together, we might just be the first successful attempt at leaving this god forsaken place."

"I sure hope so. Plus, the Tokyo is far more advanced than the Redemption. A lot has changed in Starship design in the last fourteen years." Taiga told him. She paused for a moment as she looked at each Thomas and Chiyo in turn. "Plus, I believe we have one of the best crews in the whole fleet. I have full faith in each and every one of them," her face beamed with pride as she looked at her officers.

After a brief silence she approached Tatsuo and held out a hand. "If your crew is willing to work with us, I am willing to extend the offer to each and every one of them. However, as per Starfleet protocols I am now the ranking officer. But, because I understand you've been through a lot, your crew will report to you and you shall report to me or Commander Johnson directly. That way you can maintain and manage your own people in accordance with the strengths. Do we have a deal?"

Tatsuo contemplated for a moment.

"We do." Her said, accepting Taiga's hand. "So long as Chiyo-kichi can be an official channel to report to you through: I've gotta be honest, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be willing to talk."

"She's second officer of this ship, so I can accept that," she said in response as she firmly shook his hand. She released his hand. "Have your men report to our sickbay. I want you all checked over before we start anything, no doubt this planet has been rough on you all." Taiga told him. "You'll be reporting to Doctor Hinamori, our Chief Medical Officer is currently..." she paused as she looked down "Unavailable for the time being." she added.

She then turned to Chiyo. "I also believe that you should have some time to discuss Alice with Tatsuo." Her eyes locked with Chiyo's. "You can take the rest of the day off. Its not like we're going anywhere right now."

"Thank you, Captain:" Chiyo bowed. She wasn't even going to protest being authorized leave. Something like this was going to be an adjustment the whole family was going to have to make. "Once Tatsuo gets all his ducks reported to Doctor Hinamori, I'll gladly take you up on your offer."

Chiyo glanced over at Tatsuo before leaning in. "Though, if I may speak with you in private once we're done here?" She asked in a more hushed tone.

Taiga didn't respond verbally, but she did nod.

Once Thomas and Tatsuo had cleared out, only Taiga and Chiyo remained in the ready room.

"I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Tatsuo and I never had the chance to be married." Chiyo explained. "If and when we manage to get off this rock, I would like you to be the one to finally marry us."

Taiga wasn't expecting that question. She had never performed such a ceremony before. She nodded. "Yes, if we get everyone back to the Federation safely. I will happily do that honour."

Chiyo smiled.

"Thank you, Captain." She said. "I'll still have to get Tatsuo on board with the idea, but he shouldn't have an issue once I explain it to him."

"One step at a time," Taiga told her softly. "First, I think you have some catching up to do. He needs to know more about Alice. I would advise you speak with Counselor Johnson about all this. She might be able to help."

"Like you said, Captain." Chiyo winked. "One step at a time..."

Without another word, Chiyo proceeded to walk out of the ready room, where Tatsuo had been lingering. When Chiyo rejoined Tatsuo, she began discussing giving him the grand tour.

Taiga watched her leave. She rested easier in her chair. That was not what she was expecting. At least now they had some allies on this barren inhospitable planet.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Captain
USS Redemption


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