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Amari's Orientation (Backpost) (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Aug 23rd, 2023 @ 3:30am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Amari
Edited on on Wed Aug 23rd, 2023 @ 3:31am

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: USS Tokyo Engineering
Timeline: After 'Amari's Orientation (Backpost) (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

"Hmm..." Ellie responded sharply. "Well, my advice is to get your tech authorized for use before attempting anything here with it: Starship technology is infinitely more complex than that of a runabout, and we don't need you tripping any silent arms by using unauthorized technology to accomplish your daily tasks."

"The implant is primarily a scanner, it doesn't really interact with your technology but it would be nice to get it integrated properly so I can receive messages and all that through it." Amari said, she could fully explain how it worked if Elizabeth wanted. "It's certainly helpful but I don't always need it to feel how machinery is functioning."

"Feel?" Ellie asked, perking a brow. The fact that feeling technology had been brought up twice in as many minutes led Ellie to suspect that there was more behind the phrase that Amari was referring to.

Amari nodded slightly. "My clan teach that technology is almost alive, it has feelings and needs personal interaction just as they do physical maintenance. If you know how listen you can feel how it is functioning." She explain somewhat hoping the woman would ask for an example.

"Care to demonstrate for me?" Ellie asked almost as if on cue.

And now, the continuation:

"Lets see." Amari took the Padd Ellie had shown her. Keeping the display facing the human Amari placed her hand against the back of the device. "This Padd is quite old, it's life is severely diminished.... it needs its power supply replacing quite soon." She said after a few moments. "And not just recharging, it's battery lifespan is low."

"Well, supposedly this ship just went through a major refit. Though it's not surprising that they didn't replace all the PADDs and a few older ones slipped through the cracks." Ellie shrugged. "And you found all that out just by touching the PADD? That's... Impressive."

"That was a pretty basic example." Amari said putting the Padd back down. "Some things talk more than others, some keep their feelings down deep and need a lot of attention. Sometimes you can find out things a scan wouldn't show you. I'm looking forward to feeling more federation technology."

"I'm sure you are." Ellie responded, genuinely unsure how to respond otherwise. "Anyways, where were we with the orientation again?"

"Maybe a tour of engineering?" Amari replied. "I'm going to be spending a lot of time here so I need to get to know where everything is."

"Right, well; the PADD might be your multi-tool, but the engineer's workstation is generally going to be one of these engineering consoles:" Ellie said, guiding Amari over to a nearby engineering console. "You'll need to be here when you need to do basic things like venting the plasma ducts, reversing the polarity of the deflector dish, and reversing said reversal when finished, realigning warp manifolds, that sorta deal. These are wired into the ship's main systems, so I'm sure you can 'feel' more of the ship as a whole while operating one."

"It will be interesting to try." Amari remarked as Ellie showed her around the work stations. "I'd love to get my hands against the warp core itself though."

"I wouldn't, if I were you." Ellie said. "The warp core's probably the most dangerous thing on the entire ship. If the radiation doesn't get you, a load of other reasons to end up in sickbay will. My general rule of thumb is, don't touch the warp core unless you need to save the ship."

"Noted, though if what Lieutenant Yuvek says is true, I'll probably get the chance soon." Amari said with a slight chuckle.

"Well, we always hope that's not the case." Ellie giggled nervously. "However, with as much danger as we typically find ourselves in, Yuvek's probably right in that it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Now, I assume you've seen the Chief Engineer's office already?"

Amari nodded. "First thing I did when I came down here, met Lieutenant Rhea; quite an interesting woman."

"Indeed she is." Ellie agreed. "Certainly has been doing a good job keeping engineering going after Lieutenant Ambrose was reassigned. So yeah, the Chief Engineer's office is where you'll be going when you need to interact with the Chief Engineer, be it Lieutenant Rhea or whomever else occupies that office. Fusion power generators 1 to 4 are located in upper engineering, as are my quarters. I know, I'm a lucky girl; I live close to where I work. I'd imagine you have different quarters, given your officer's commission and all."

"Deck 4, not too far from sickbay." Amari replied. "Very useful if I have any accidents with your technology." She decided not to go into detail about her first encounter with a starfleet issue toilet.

"Deck 4, eh?" Ellie asked. "Well, you're practically neighbors with Major Shimada, then. Don't know her personally, but I have at least once guided her daughter back to the turbolifts because she got off a deck or two too early. Kid's told me that she and her mom live on Deck 4 in a family unit."

Amari nodded slightly. "There are a lot of people I haven't met yet, still getting my.... bearings., I have over half the ship still to explore.

"And you will in time." Ellie nodded. "Hell, even I'm still learning the ship. But there is one place I know like the back of my hand, and they are the Jefferies tubes! Have you ever been inside one?"

"Not yet, I know they run across almost the whole ship." Amari replied. "I bet it's easy to get lost in there."

"Oh, it can be:" Ellie agreed. "You've probably never had this problem, but when the ship is of an overall different shape than one which you were assigned to before, it can be quite disorienting, to say the least."

"That does not surprise me, starfleet does appear to have a vast array of differently sized and shaped ships." Amari remarked, she looked in the direction of the warp core. "I believe the nearest access hatch is down past the warp core?"

"You would be correct..." Ellie replied, leading Amari towards the aforementioned hatch.

Posting by

LTjg Amari

Senior Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Houston

With a special guest appearance by:

Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston
USS Myogi


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