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Dinner for 3

Posted on Mon Aug 21st, 2023 @ 10:13pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Captain's Ready Room

The chime at the ready room door rang loudly. Taiga looked up from her desk, she had made it clear that she wasn't to be disturbed unless it was urgent. She was deep into her research of the Karlax Nebula. She had spent the last six hours hoping over the information provided to her by Commander Nishikigi.

She didn't answer, instead turning back to her computer console. 'Maybe if I pretend I'm not in they'll go away...' she thought to herself. She was however surprised as only a few seconds later the doors of the ready room swished open.

She was about to look up at whoever had entered and give them a piece of her mind. However, she was met by the kind face of her husband Ryuuji. Her anger instantly subsided.

"Pretending to not be I'm again?" He asked with a smirk.

"How'd you guess?"

"It's the oldest trick in the book." He smiled. It was then that Taiga noticed that Ryuuji was carrying a silver tray. A pleasant smell assaulted her nostrils as he walked closer. "Plus, you skipped lunch again. And I know you haven't used your replicator, I checked."

"Are you keeping tabs on me now?" She replied as she crossed her arms and scowled at him.

Ryuuji placed the tray down on her desk. "I'll always keep tabs on you. But not I'm a creepy way..." he said, suddenly realising that it did seem a bit controlling. "I made a promise to love and cherush you. But also to care you until the day either of us departs this life for the next. So I'm fulfilling that promise."

"I'm not hungry though..." Taiga said. She was instantly betrayed by her stomach which growled angrily like a rottweiler. Ryuuji just smirked at her.

"Uh huh..."

"Shut up! It's because you brought food in here!" She snapped at him her cheeks turning bright red.

"Are you forgetting that you're eating for two now? Granted you're not that far along, but the doctor did say you'll need more calories to help the baby grow healthily," Ryuuji told her.

Taiga sulked as she sat there. "Fine."

She pulled the tray towards her. She knew instantly that Ryuuji had cooked this just for her. She lifted the silver lid to discover two plates. He had made her a rice omelette, topped with ketchup.

"Thanks Ryuuji," she said as she took a plate off the tray and placed it in front of her. "Why two?"

"Because I want to eat lunch with my wife. The mother of our child whom she is currently carrying in her tummy," he said with a proud smile. Taiga couldn't help but smile, she loved the fact that her and Ryuuji were finally going to become parents.

"Ok." She said as she pulled apart the chopsticks and began to dig in. "So I've been thinking. We've kept my pregnancy a secret for a while now. When should we let the crew know? It's not going to be long until my belly starts to stick out..."

Ryuuji pondered on the thought for a moment. "Taiga, some of them might already know, or at least presume. Afterall, you're..." he stopped looking away for a moment.

Taiga sighed. "You can say it you know. I'm short, I get it and I'm as flat as a washboard. Yes, it's quite obvious I've been getting bigger in that area too. But it's not like I advertise it."

"Well, at the moment only I've noticed the difference. I will admit, your belly does feel and seem more 'plump' than it was a few weeks ago. But you can't really tell through your uniform." Ryuuji admitted.

"Plump huh..." Taiga replied as she took a bite of her food. "Don't say my belly is plump. It sounds like you're calling me fat!" She told him sharply talking with her mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Taiga," Ryuuji said.

She swallowed. "I'm hungry though!"

Ryuuji sighed. This was definitely the Taiga he had known for years. The spoiled childish brat whom he had fallen in love with. At least, she was this way behind closed doors. He secretly hoped that she would lose these 'old ways' once she brought their own child into the universe.

"Still..." he replied. He noticed that in the short time she had had the food, she had quickly eaten it all. She must of been hungry. She sat back in her chair and had a hand on her belly. "What's up?"

"Stomach ache. This happens more often than not. Ever since I got pregnant everything I eat feels like it's rotating round in my stomach like a cement mixer..." she groaned as she closed her eyes in her chair.

Ryuuji put down his chopstick and walked around the desk. He didn't ask or give Taiga a choice as he lifted up her uniform.

"What are you doing?!" Taiga asked.

"Helping you." He said as he began to rub her belly in a circular motion. Her skin was soft and smooth, he could feel that her belly wasn't 'squishy' anymore but was starting to become much harder abd more solid, the result of the child developing inside her.

Taiga didn't protest, Ryuuji often did this when she had a stomach ache and it actually helped. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a little." Taiga said. She sat back and allowed him to rub her exposed belly. She didn't mind, it was soothing plus she was carrying his child; it seemed only natural he would want to be close to him/her. "Ryuuji..." Taiga said.

"Yeah?" Ryuuji replied looking up into her eyes.

"I want to tell people. But after this mission ok. I want to be sure we won't lose this one." She told him. Ryuuji stopped his rubbing and instead kept his hand still on her belly.

"I want to tell people too. I will do anything in my power to protect you and our baby Taiga. There's nothing in this universe that will stop me from making sure you are both safe," he told her softly. He placed both hands on the side of Taiga's stomach, up close you could just make out the subtle difference in her figure. He leaned in and looked directly at her belly. "Don't worry, daddy will look after you and mummy forever!" He whispered before placing a kiss right on Taiga's belly button.

Taiga giggled uncontrollably. "That tickles Ryuuji!" She laughed. Ryuuji looked up at her. "Oh..." he has a mischeavous smile on his face. "...does it now?"

"Ryuuji..." Taiga said. "Don't you even..." she burst out into fit's of laughter again as Ryuuji started to literally tickle her. "Ryuuji Stop!" She begged through her laughter.

Meanwhile on the bridge, Ensign Winpenny looked up from the mission ops console. The faint noise of laughter and giggles could be heard from the ready room door. He turned to the officer beside him, Lieutenant O'Reilly. "Is that the Captain laughing? I didn't think she could do that..."

"Apparently it just takes the right man for Captain Aisaka to actually be herself..." O'Reilly said. "Best to not think about it. She is a complicated woman."

Win penny returned to his work, he had learnt not to ask questions regarding Captain Sisaka since he had come aboard.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer


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