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Housewarming ('Descent' Backpost) (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Aug 2nd, 2023 @ 4:15am by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling & Ensign Lynette Bishop 'Highlander'
Edited on on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 9:27pm

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Miyafuji/Bishop quarters
Timeline: After 'Housewarming ('Descent' Backpost) (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo

Liz nodded.

"Japan sounds like a lovely place to visit." She said. "Probably not in the summer months, though. I've found summers south of what was once the US-Canada border to be quite incredibly hot. Though anywhere on Earth is much cooler than Vulcan, and I say that in regards to the physical temperatures."

"Japan is a beautiful place," Yoshika replied fondly. "Yeah it gets hot, but that only allows all the gis to wear more revealing clothing which...." she stopped herself from continuing on. She quickly turned away using, since she discovered her own sexuality and came 'out', she had been making slip ups in conversation. Usually she kept such things to herself, but now they started to emerge more naturally.

And now, the continuation:

Liz smiled sympathetically. She had dabbled in enough relationships with women to consider herself bisexual, and she could tell from experience that Yoshika was someone taking her first steps in being "out."

"There's really nothing better than a woman showing off her belly button." Liz admitted. "You know, someone I used to know was attracted to belly buttons because he said that it was the only way to fairly judge a woman based on looks."

"I've never heard that before..." Yoshika said raising an eyebrow slightly. "But I guess it sort of makes sense. It is technically the center of the Human body, plus represents birth and fertility." Yoshika turned and looked over back at Lynette.

"Hey Lyn. If Captain Buerling's friend is right, then that means you must have judged me when you first saw my belly button. I can't even remember when that was, or how. What do you think?" Yoshika asked Lynette a curious look on her face.

"I-I was drunk!" Lynette stammered, putting up her hands defensively. "I couldn't have possibly been thinking clearly!"

Yoshika just smirked. "I love winding her up. She gets so flustered so easy," she said mischeavously.

"You know, you two are lucky to have each other." Liz said with a smile. "Just like how my friend was lucky to have... Major Shimada." Chiyo's former rank almost rolled off Liz's tongue. "He's dead now, or at least that's the commonly accepted story, so I can make up whatever I want about him."

Lynette blushed at the remark.

"hank you so much," she expressed. "These past couple of weeks have been nothing short of a dream for me, to have someone like Yoshika sweep me off my feet and give me the love I had always dreamed of, but never got the opportunity to experience..."

Yoshika blushed. "Yeah... what she said..." she said rubbing her hands together nervously. She could feel the blood still building up in her cheeks as she stood there not sure what to do.

Lynette tugged at her collar. "U-um... what's say we get you something to eat, Captain? For all the trouble you've gone to for us, we probably do owe you a little something in return."

"You know, I do have a bit of a hankering for a cheeseburger." Liz said, stroking her chin. "Either of you made them before?"

Yoshika shook her head. "I've never really made American Food before..." she said. "But I can learn to. I already promised Lyn to learn how to make English food."

Lynette racked her brain for ideas. "I think I made some beef burgers for David a couple of times... certainly wasn't as popular as the Meat Pies, but he always seemed to love it. Hold on, I may have a recipe around here somewhere...

moving over to the Kitchen Worktop, she opened up a small tin with the word "RECIPES" scribbled on the sides in permanent ink and began leafing through its contents.

"Let's see... beef burger, beef burger... A-Ha! I can't believe I still have this..."

She proceeded to furnish a small, yellowed index card and set it down on the worktop.

"Let's see... ingredients... we'll need half a tablespoon of olive oil; 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped; 1 500-gram of British beef steak, minced, 15%; 1 tablespoon of mixed dried herbs; 1 egg, beaten; 4 white rolls; some round, torn lettuce leaves; 1 beef tomato, sliced..."

"Ooh, any chance I could get pepper jack melted onto that?" Liz asked. "American cheese is okay, but pepper jack kicks it up a notch."

Lynette glanced over at Liz.

"Hmm... don't believe I've ever worked with "Pepper Jack" cheese before," she remarked, scratching her chin. "I made a burger with cheese once, but David didn't seem all that fond of it, so I must admit it's not an ingredient I'm familiar with using... about how many slices of this "Pepper Jack" cheese would you recommend?"

"Next time the brothers have a cookout, I'm inviting you to it..." Liz muttered, walking over to supervise. "It depends on how cheesy and gooey the person wants the burger; I personally prefer only one slice of cheese, but I have put two on when I was the grill girl at our cookouts. And put the cheese on once the burger's close to being done. That way it doesn't fall off and burn onto the pan while being cooked."

"Right, Lynette nodded, "then what's say we do... 4 slices of pepper jack? this recipe's for 4 burgers, so that would be one slice for each."

Yoshika watched on from beside Lynette. "This is very different from the food I'm used to..." she commented. "It doesn't seem very healthy."

"That's because it ain't healthy." Liz remarked bluntly. "Bikers usually live on a diet of red meat. If it's not burgers, it's barbeque ribs, or some other meat product. Not to say I don't eat my greens, though. We could have a nice Caesar salad to go with this if you want some ruffage?"

To be continued...


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