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By Human Standards Its Healthy

Posted on Mon May 1st, 2023 @ 5:09am by Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Commander Febin

1,826 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Descent

Doctor Febin was pleased that his first shift onboard the Tokyo had been fruitful and passed quickly. He was still technically on-call, medical officers were solemnly off duty until a moment arises and it was all hands on deck for any form of a medical emergency. His life on Halii was different in comparison to when he worked in the private sector, he'd only put in eight to sometimes rarely twelve hours a day and never worked on the weekends. He loved his new life in Starfleet, he felt belongingness to something much larger than him, his former medical practice, and his life on his homeworld.

He entered the officer's lounge for a post-shift herbal tea and a small snack to nibble on where he would observe interactions between alien crewmembers. The crew seemed to be mostly made up of humans but there were more than just those onboard. He found himself an empty seat by a porthole. There wasn't much of a view since they were still docked.

The server came by and he ordered and then pulled up his PADD. He looked over the schedule and then tapped the button to send the schedule out to every senior officer. They didn't know the other staff member's appointment times, the joys of technology and software.

"Hey, Doc!" a familiar voice called out.

Standing at the door was none other than Commander Nishikigi, waving to Febin as if she were an old friend- of course, the two had only known each other for less than twelve hours, but it was no less admirable that she had this air of casual friendliness about her, even as a Chief Of Intel.

Febin looked over to see the Chief Intelligence Officer approaching his table, "The light shone upon you." He brought his hand in front of his face. His fingertips gracefully touched his forehead and then continued to speak in Haliianese through the universal translator, "I offer my respects to you."

With the same hand, he gestured to the seat across from him, "If you wish to join me, you're more than welcome, Commander Nishikigi."

"Gee, thanks!" Commander Nishikigi grinned, taking a seat. "Apologies for bothering you at such a late hour, by the way- I figured while I had you, I'd take the opportunity to ask about my appointment."

Febin didn't have to look at the PADD he had brought with him, "Your appointment is set tomorrow for 1500."

"Yeah, about that..." Commander Nishikigi began, scratching the back of her head with an air of sheepishness. "I kind of already have a prior commitment with Lieutenant Nezuko to help her set up a new TLS protocol at that exact time, so I was wondering if it would, eh... well, you know, be possible to reschedule?"

Febin brought the PADD and the schedule up, "I can fit you in for 2030 tomorrow evening or at 0530 the following day."

"I can do 2030," Chisato replied. "As far as I'm aware, I'm not scheduled for a shift at that time, and even if I am, Lieutenant Chihc can take over for me for 20 minutes while I get my appointment out of the way."

"Of course. I'll put you down for 2030 tomorrow," Febin made the necessary revisions to his schedule to reflect the schedule. It gave him an hour and a half in between evaluations to dictate his medical reports to the Medical yeoman.

He placed the PADD down where it was placed before and the server returned with his hot tea and his snacks that resembled a crossover of a protein bar and a sausage roll with various different kinds of vegetables along its sides.

"Thank you for this bountiful meal you have provided me," Febin said affectionately.

"You're welcome," The server smiled and then looked over to Chisato, "Can I get something for you, Commander?"

Chisato's eyes glistened like a kid who had just been turned loose in a candy shop. "You're offering?"

The server gave Febin a look and then turned to look at Chisato, "You are in the officer's lounge, Commander. Is there something, you'd like to order?"

Febin gave the server a disapproving look after he sensed the feeling of irritation coming across as condescension towards Chisato. That wasn't something he'd confront as it was an internal feeling even if it was something that should be corrected, "Please bring us back a menu for the Commander, please."

"Of course, Doctor." The server left the table leaving the two of them alone once again.

"Now this is what I call service!" Chisato giggled, turning back to Febin. "I almost feel like I'm at one of those cute maid cafes back home... eh, minus the cute maid theming, but the hospitality's still there, so that's what counts..."

"You humans are quite an interesting species," Febin replied while he brought the cup of herbal tea to his top lip with both of his hands to smell the aromas of citrus and lavender. He then lowered it and took a light sip.

"Ooooh..." Chisato gawked, her mouth watering at the sweet, gentle aroma as it wafted across the table.

Before Febin could respond to Chisato, the server had come back with the menu and placed it down in front of her, "I will be back in five."

"Can I have what he's having?" Chisato asked oh-so-innocently. "That kinda looks like it would hit the spot- ooh, and maybe some lemon drizzle traybake, if it's not too much to ask?"

"Haliian Batoya Cake?" The server asked, "Or the Haliian Poqokder Tea?"

"The tea, please," Chisato replied. "Though, I'm going to have to make a mental note tomorrow to try me some Batoya Cake sometime..."

"The tea it is," the server continued, "what I don't understand is none of the ingredients are the Batoya fruit."

"I could explain the history of the name if you'd like," Febin offered the server.

The server shook his head, "No thanks. I'll come back with the tea in a moment."

"Okay, you got me curious now," Chisato began after the server took his leave. "Why is the Batoya Cake named the way it is if it doesn't use the Batoya fruit?"

"Haliian sense of humor," Febin gave the Lieutenant Commander a large playful grin. He took a knife and cut a piece, "Please. Have a piece, I insist!"

With eyes as wide as a dinner plate, Chisato leaned forward and took a bite.

"Mmm, it's delicious!" she replied. "I'm kinda regretting getting the traybake now, but eh, I'm not going to let good cake go to waste..."

"Well I'm glad that you've enjoyed it," Febin continued to cut into multiple loaves and then cut them into half and moved them to the center of the table, "You can dine at my table anytime. Please, help yourself. Join me for this feast of Batoya Cake."

Chisato grinned. "This is my Chief Medical Officer encouraging me to eat cake? I could get used to this assignment..."

"Well. Again, by human standards, this cake is very healthy and good for you. By Haliian, it's junk food."

"Healthy cake? Say it isn't so!" Chisato quipped. "My old Doctor back on the Lycoris was trying to get me off of cake for the longest of time!"

"Now it's okay to have a slice every once in a while," Febin cautioned her, "but let's see how you do at your evaluation tomorrow."

"Well, no pressure or anything," Chisato chuckled. "It's not like I'm going to magically be putting on 300 pounds overnight..."

"I am sure your metabolism is quite high. Humans have better metabolism than Haliians. Hence why our junk food, is extremely healthy."

"So... what do Haliians consider to be healthy, then?" Chisato asked, her brow furrowed in evident curiosity.

"You should try Haliian spinach dip," Febin grinned. "Or perhaps maybe a parsnip salad."

"Ugh; spinach," Chisato groaned. "No thanks; I'll take my healthy cake over spinach any day."

Febin pulled the plate away, "No cake until you've eaten all your spinach." He roared out in laughter while he returned the cake's plate back between them, "I kid... I kid... I kid... but its obvious you haven't had Haliian Spinach."

"Pleeease tell me it's sweet," Chisato pouted childishly.

"It is sweet but if it lingers on your tongue for a while it has a spicy kick to it," Febin smiled.

That seemed to get Chisato's interest.

"Mmmm... Sweet and spicy? I could definitely see myself going for that..."

"See? Vegetables can be fantastic," Febin commented. "Eating healthy is important for all beings in the universe as the light shone upon us all."

"Hey, let's not get panicky, now..." Chisato chuckled.

"I'm a Doctor, I don't panic."

"Well, I mean... everybody fears for something; it's what makes us mortal."

"I remember a quote I found when I was in the accelerated Starfleet Academy program to fast track my commission: 'You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.' The only fear I had was leaving my home, Halii. Now, I am here. At a table sitting across from a human."

"And they're not half-bad, are they?" Chisato replied. "I mean, like, a small handful of them probably are, but a few bad apples don't necessarily spoil the whole bunch."

She chuckled again. "I'm sorry, Doc; I didn't mean to go off on a philosophical tangent there."

"Oh, no worries."

Febin's commlink chirped, "Sickbay to Dr. Febin."

He pressed his commbadge with three of his fingers to accept the commlink, "Go for Febin."

"We need you down in Sickbay right away, sir."

"On my way," Febin picked and finished his tea, "Sorry for... what do you humans call... 'dine and dash'? Or was it' I forgot my moneybasket at home'?"

"No, I understand," Chisato nodded. "Your work comes first, Doc; and it's been a pleasure getting to know you outside of the workplace, so I'd hardly count it as an inconvenience. Until next time?"

"Of course," Febin began to walk away and then turned around placing his hands together. He bowed down remaining eye contact with Chisato, "Thank you for breaking bread with me. The light has shone on our eternal friendship. Until we break bread once more; with peace may the light shine upon your path until we meet again."

Then he walked away from the table and exit the Officer's Lounge.

Posting by (In Order of Appearance):

Lieutenant Commander Febin
Chief Medical Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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