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Rookie Mistake?

Posted on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 6:20am by Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 8:24pm

469 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Sickbay, Deck 4

"I'm here for my checkup~" the ship's new Chief Intelligence Officer announced as she bounded into the sickbay, a spring in her step and a wide, toothy grin adorning her face.

Febin was busy putting together a schedule for the senior staff's physicals to be conducted. He looked over to see the Chief Intelligence Officer enter his Sickbay.

Nurse Dogrov peered into his office a moment earlier, "Already conducting senior staff evaluations?"

"No, I have not.," Febin rose to his feet and stepped out of his office. He approached the Chief Intelligence Officer and stopped in front of her path. In his Haliian greeting, "The light shone upon you.

"What can I do for you, commander?"

"Huh..." the Chief of Intel muttered, glancing up at the ceiling lights. "I'll admit, it is pretty bright in here, but a little mood lighting certainly brightens up the place..."

She looked back up at Febin and grinned. "Pun not intended; but now intended. anyhow, what was I... Ah! Yes; now that I'm all settled in, I figured I'd stop by sickbay and get my physical out of the way..."

Reaching over and unclipping her PADD from her belt, she pulled up her medical files and handed the device over to Febin for review.

"In accordance with Starfleet policy, I have a signed copy of SF-2240 indicating that I'm up to date with all my medical evaluations; the latest one I had was... I wanna say two months ago? Da- I mean Captain Sadow has been keeping me up-to-date as far as my medical evaluations go."

"I appreciate you coming by, Commander Nishikigi, however, you are not slotted for your checkup until tomorrow at 2000," Dr. Febin moved across Sickbay to one of the diagnostic systems on the wall and his eyes darted across it, "I have a schedule so I'm up-to-speed on people's medical records and can evaluate the senior department's health to ensure that they can carry out their duties and responsibilities for our upcoming assignment."

"Oh," Chisato replied, seemingly disappointed but not appearing to put up much resistance. "Well, my apologies for intruding, Doc; I guess I'll be taking my leave, then?"

"Thank you," Febin was thankful, "the schedule will go out tonight once the first officer has signed off on it."

With a polite bow of the head, Chisato followed through on her promise and made scarce.

"With peace may the light shine upon your path until we meet again," Febin gave her his Haliian goodbye while she left his Sickbay. Then he made a note to try to fit her in the mid-to-top of his table.

Lieutenant Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer


Dr. Febin
Chief Medical Officer


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