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An Astral Reunion! (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 10:22pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 10:22pm

1,336 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: Deep Space 7, Promenade
Timeline: December 15, 2395; 1900 hours

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"But anyways," she continued, turning her attention back to Nozomi. "Where were we with our discussion...?"

"You and Maki were gay and I didn't even realize it?!" Nozomi blurted out, as if the realization had just sunk in for her.

Commander Romanov practically spat out her drink.

"Jesus Christ; the least you could do is give us some warning..." she grumbled.

And now the continuation...

"You mean you didn't know?" Honoka asked as she looked around. "It was pretty obvious for years. At least it seems to everyone else it was" she explained. "I mean, I knew before we went off to Starfleet..."

"B-but when?" Nozomi stammered. "I was always under the impression that you two hated each other!"

Nico simply smirked. "Surely that a sign you should have picked up on..."

"Surprise?" Eliza smirked.

"My God..." Nozomi groaned, burying her face in her hands. "I'm a terrible friend, Nicocchi; if I'd known you and Maki swung that way, I would've nudged you two in that direction sooner..."

Eliza shook her head. "It wouldn't have done you a lot of good, comrade; you know just as well as I do that both of them would've put up a fuss about it."

"Okay, I guess you have a point," Nozomi sighed, before sitting back up and turning her attention to Nico. "So, gotta ask... what's it been like, dating Maki? I mean, not I ever think I've seen you two all lovey-dovey before."

"Well we've kept it quiet that's all" Nico explained. "It's only recently that we've felt ready to tell people. It's been nearly four years and we already have a few plans in the works"

"Oh?" Nozomi smirked mischeviously. "Do tell, Nicocchi."

Nico began to blush bright red. She seemed to be a bit hesitant at first. "Well..." she began. "About six weeks ago, before Maki shipped out again. We went to see a specialist in legal DNA engineering" she told them quietly.

"Basically, the guy we went to see is able to manipulate and grow cells for different species who want... well you know..." she paused again. "It's not so hard for Humans. So you know... Its Maki's too as well as mine"

The whole table fell into stunned silence.

"You are considering having a child?" Commander Romanov was the first to reply.

Nico nodded simply.

"Oh, Nicocchi, that's wonderful!" Nozomi squealed as she reached over to hug Nico. "I'm so happy for you two, and I really hope it works out!"

"Congrats, Nico," Eliza smiled warmly. "I knew it was one of Maki's biggest concerns when she first came out to me."

Honoka simply smiled in response.

"But speaking of Doctors," Nozomi continued, gently breaking the hug. "Am I hearing things correctly? Maki's serving in Starfleet now?"

"Yeah she is" Nico said. "Oh and we're past the 'thinking' stage..." she told them placing a single hand on her stomach. "Why do you think I'm not signing up for a year."

Nozomi cupped a hand to her mouth. "Oh, Nicocchi... I regret that I never saw the signs between you two, but you must be so grateful to have an opportunity like this..."

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl, Comrade?" Eliza asked, leaning forward with a look of mild interest.

"Too early to tell. But let's not make this all about me. We're here to have some fun right?" Nico replied as she stood up. "How about we get some of that food we're here for?"

"Sounds good to me!" Honoka said as she also stood up eager to go.

"Allow me, Comrade," Eliza insisted, motioning for Honoka to sit back down. "The last time we left you unattended at a buffet, you ate them out of yeast rolls and got all of us kicked out."

"As tempting as it would be to ask for some Horumonyaki right now, these powdered strawberry pancakes are calling out to me," Nozomi interjected, noting the item on her menu. "Elichi, would you be so kind as to pick me up a platter while you're up there?"

"Will do," Eliza nodded. "Nico, anything here you'd like?"

"Anything is good" Nico said with a smile.

"Got it," Eliza nodded before turning towards Commander Romanov. "Commander-?"

"Borscht," Commander Romanov replied without a moment's hesitation.

Eliza chuckled. "Alright, then; I'll be back with everyone's food in a couple of minutes, so sit tight."

And with that, Eliza set off for the buffet, leaving Nozomi and the others at the table.

"So..." Nozomi began, turning her attention to Nico and Honoka. "You guys been keeping in touch with the other girls? How are they doing?"

"They seem fine" Nico said. "To be fair, its rare I hear from many of them apart from you guys. Everyone has lives you see"

"Yeah, itsbeen a while since I heard much" Honoka replied. "Butt last I heard everyone was doing ok"

"Ah... to think it's already been 12 years since Astral broke up," Nozomi lamented nostalgically. "Used to think those days would never end, huh?"

"We were young, you can't blame us" Honoka replied. "And we're all still good friends"

"And look how far we've come," Nozomi added, leaning Towards Nico with a teasing smirk, "The World-Famous-Idol Nico-Nii has finally found her knight in shining armor, and is all ready to settle down and start a family."

"Well as leader..." Honoka said standing up and lifting her glass up. "Even if we're not all here, here's a Merry Christmas to us all" she said with a grin. "May we have many more years to come, and lots of tasty food to eat!"

"You always did like those celebratory toasts, Honoka," Nozomi laughed as she lifted her glass in kind. "Well, if I must offer my two cents, I'd also like to toast the good fortune that's been dealt our way this year; to Honoka, for her recent promotion to a department head; to Nico and Maki, for the miracles of modern medicine and the opportunity with which they've been graced; and to Elichi, for answering my prayers and blessing me with this wonderful opportunity to finally see active deployment."

Honoka couldn't help but smile. "Well, shall we get some food? There's plenty, so lets have some fun". Nico nodded in agreement.

"No need, comrade," Eliza replied as she returned to the table, her arms delicately balancing two trays of piping hot food. "Dinner's officially served, on my expense."

Nozomi pouted. "You should've told us if you needed help, Elichi!"

"But I didn't," Eliza chuckled as she began started passing everyone their food. "But thanks for your concern, Comrade."

TAG Honoka and/or Nico

"Wait, hold up," Nozomi interjected, pulling out her PaDD and sliding it across the table. "Commander, would you mind getting a group shot of us? It's for Maki and the girls back home."

Commander Romanov looked up from her Borscht and pouted. "But I'm starving!"

"It won't be more than a minute, Commander," Eliza nodded as she moved over to join Nozomi, Nico, and Honoka. "When you're done taking the photo, then you can have your Borscht."

Commander Romanov scowled, but nonetheless obliged as she picked up the PaDD and held it out.

"Alright... now, say "С Рождеством"."

"S Rozhdes... You know what, forget it," Nozomi laughed as Commander Romanov took the picture.

Posting By (In Order Of Appearance):

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Lieutenant Honoka Kousaka
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-80120-A)

Nico Yazawa

Captain Eliza Nanjo
Commanding Officer, USS Moscow (NCC-61025)


Commander Katyusha Romanov
Executive Officer, USS Moscow (NCC-61025)


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