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An Astral Reunion! (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2021 @ 10:21pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'

1,500 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: Deep Space 7, Promenade
Timeline: December 15, 2395; 1900 hours

"Oh, Nicocchi would dig these earnings!"

As the Tokyo sat docked at Deep Space 7 for a refuel, Nozomi found herself with a few hours to kill, so with Marcus's permission, she'd ducked out to get some Christmas shopping done for her longtime friends in Astral. In spite of the fact that the nine of them had gone their own separate ways after their recording contract ended, Nozomi still tried her hardest to keep in touch, because even if she was busier than she typically was at this time of year, the fact would remain that they were some of the first people she actually considered to be her friends.

She was nearly a quarter of the way through her shopping by this point; she typically got Elichika a quilt for Christmas, but now that she was a full-time captain, she knew she just had to get that model of a Prometheus-Class Advanced Escort in a bottle, for as tacky as it was, she reckoned it would probably look great on Eliza's desk; She'd found a whole crate of old-world records at the second-hand store, and while she didn't know most of the songs on them, she fondly remembered that Hanayo always liked to collect them, so she'd practically bought the whole crate; Rin, while for the most part tomboyish, did like to dress up every now and then, so she when she eyeballed a dainty, cream-colored purse in one of the store fronts, she could practically hear the Nekomi mewling with delight; and of course, Nico, ever one to be the center of attention, would look great in a pair of earings she'd spotted while perusing the selection at a jewlery store, so that was about four presents down, five to go- and that wasn't even counting the gifts she was planning on getting for her friends aboard the Tokyo.

As she was stepped out of the Jewelery Store, contemplating whether or not she should circle back and hit up that used book store for a cookbook for Lynette, she barely caught the flash of Ginger hair as someone rushed up and all but pounced on her.

"W-what the-?!"

"Hi Nozomi" the red haired Lieutenant Honoka Kousaka said as she gave her a huge smile. "I thought I saw the Tokyo docking here"

Nozomi's eyes widened with surprise. "H-Honoka?!" she gasped.

"Surprise" Honoka said with a grin. She then stepped aside. "I'm here with Nico, first time on a station and all" she grinned.

"No way," Nozomi gawked, as if bumping into Honoka hadn't already taken her completely by surprise. "Nicocchi? Here?!"

"Yeah, and she's going to go into Starfleet soon" Honoka replied with a smile. "Right after.... oops. I shouldn't tell you that yet" She grinned. A few seconds later a small Japanese woman emerged from around the corner, she was rather small but had black hair tied up in twintails.

"Oh look. Its Nozomi. What you doing here?" she asked simply as she wandered over to Honoka.

"Niccochiiii~!" Nozomi squealed as she ran up and glomped Nico Yazawa in a bear hug.

"Woah, like calm down Nozomi!" Nico called out struggling against the bear hug. "Put me down!"

Nozomi chuckled as she gently set Nico down.

"But in all seriousness," she remarked as she stepped back and got a good look at the two of them. "Honoka and Nico? At the same station? What are the odds of that?"

"As the Vulcans would put it," came another familiar voice, "Astronomically small."

Nozomi's jaw dropped when she spun around to find a familiar blue-eyed blonde propped up against one of the bulkheads.

"Hey there, Nozomi."

"Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh!!!!" Nozomi rambled excitedly as she rushed up to give the blonde a hug.

"Looks like someone here missed me," the blonde chuckled as she stroked Nozomi's hair.

"I missed all of you guys!" Nozomi insisted as she broke the hug and stepped back. "Seriously, am I hallucinating or something? What are you three doing here?"

"I noticed that the Tokyo and Hyperion were both in the sector," the blonde explained. "I got in contact with Honoka and asked if she could arrange with Captain West to make a stop here. She also said she'd also have a surprise for us when we got here..." She shifted her gaze over to Nico. "...looks like this was it."

"The ship was already in the area. Plus, as the Chief Engineer I needed to take on some supplies" Honoka said proudly. "Plus, I had to meet up with Nico. I am helping her with her application into Starfleet"

Nico simply nodded. "But, I'm doing a delay start. Not for another year" she explained simply. "Thats when Maki gets back from her deep space assignment" she smiled proudly. "Oh wait, you guys do know that me and her are a thing now right?"

Nozomi's brain looked like it was about to explode from the overload of information. "Wha... you both... but when..."

The blonde chuckled and wrapped an arm around Nozomi's. "What's say we talk about this over dinner? Commander Romanov's already getting a seat reserved for us, so it would behoove us not to keep her waiting..."

Nico simply smirked back at Nozomi. "Come on now. Its not that hard to believe. We just kept it quiet until recently, she is a Starfleet Chief Medical Officer now. So she's got her own life to live" Nico explained as she followed Eliza out of the shop.

"All good fun" Honoka smiled as she followed too. "Where we eating? Does it have really yummy food?" she asked.

"You never change..." Nico sighed.

"Commander Romanov always speaks highly of this place whenever we're in the sector; apparently, their holiday menu's to die for," Eliza explained as she led the three of them across the promenade to where her first officer was allegedly waiting for them. "And it was hopping when we got there, so it leads me to believe there's some credence to what she's saying."

The restaurant which Commander Romanov had managed to get seats in didn't disappoint. It was a large all you can eat, buffet style restaurant where you paid an entry fee and helped yourself to food over the space of two hours.

In the center was several large tables with different foods on from across the quadrant and from different planets. Along the back wall was a large counter, fridges and freezers holding only desserts. A young Bolian greeted them.

"Hello. Welcome" he said with a smile. He passed them some menu's. "We have these items out today for you to try. How many seats?"

"We should already have a table for five reserved," Eliza nodded. "We should be listed in the guest book under Honorable Madame Katyusha Romanov?"

The Bolian looked down at the desk obviously at some sort of book or screen. "Yes indeed" he replied simply. He tapped a button and another Bolian came over. "Tol here will be your server today. It seems you've reserved a booth"

Tol nodded at the women. "If you would follow me. I believe a member of your party has already arrived"

The four of them proceeded to follow Tol towards a large, circular table in the back, where a short, blonde woman-- likely Commander Romanov, by method of deduction-- was presently seated.

"Ladies, since I don't believe we've been acquainted as of yet, this is Honorable Madame Katyusha Romanov, my Executive Officer," Eliza explained as the four of them took their seats. "Commander Romanov, I believe I've mentioned them on a prior occasion, but these are Lieutenant Honoka Kousaka, Ensign Nozomi Kusuda, and soon-to-be Cadet, Freshman-Grade Nico Yazawa, respectively."

"D'aaawww," Nozomi cooed at Commander Romanov's petite build. "She's like a little lolita in Starfleet uniform!"

Commander Romanov, evidently, was not amused at Nozomi's remark.

"If I were you, Ensign, I would show a little more respect to your superiors," she scowled.

"Remember the 'Holiday Spirit,' Commander?" Eliza interceded, shooting Commander Romanov an icy glare.

Honoka couldn't help but smirk. "Don't be too hard on her Eli" she said.

"My apologies, Comrade," Eliza sighed as Commander Romanov reached over for her drink. "Commander Romanov has a bit of a Napoleonic complex; she tends to get a little sensitive on the matter."

"But anyways," she continued, turning her attention back to Nozomi. "Where were we with our discussion...?"

"You and Maki were gay and I didn't even realize it?!" Nozomi blurted out, as if the realization had just sunk in for her.

Commander Romanov practically spat out her drink.

"Jesus Christ; the least you could do is give us some warning..." she grumbled.

To be continued...


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