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"Why do you smoke so much, Miss Beurling?"

Posted on Tue Nov 9th, 2021 @ 3:26pm by Captain Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling

2,032 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Liz & Perrine's Quarters, Deck 4
Timeline: Prior to "Ready At Any Time"

At the end of a long day of work, there was nothing that Liz appreciated more than a long sonic shower. As she got out, she remembered something she needed to say to Chiyo, and figured it best to just shoot her a message, as the Captain loved her private time at the end of the days just as much as Liz did, if not more so, what with her being a single mother and all.

Stepping out into the main area of her private side of the quarters with only a towel wrapped around her, she saw her nightgown that she had left on her bed. However, Liz knew the message wouldn't take long to write, and proceeded towards the door leading to the common area; the desk of which was right outside her private area.

Liz figured that by this hour, the 2nd Lieutenant she shared the quarters with would be in bed. However, she had no sooner stepped out into the common area that she received a horrified gasp from the area of the couch in the common area.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you have any decency?" Came a voice from the couch.

"Says the snooty French girl who was harassing a reg for no reason earlier today." Liz responded as she settled into the chair.

"G-gross!" The 2nd Lieutenant responded. "You're getting your naked body germs all over the-!"

"On the contrary, Perrine; I am quite clean." Liz responded, putting a cigarette in her mouth; the last one she would have before turning in for the evening. "Now, if you'll excuse me; I have a memo to write for Captain Shimada tomorrow." She explained as she lit the cigarette.

Perrine coughed as Liz blew out a puff of smoke.

"And that's another thing;" She choked. "Why do you smoke so much? Wasn't the act criminalized?"

"That, Perrine; is a long story, and I'd probably bore you to sleep." Liz responded.

"Come on;" Perrine begged. "Surely, you must have an explanation for your rabid, primitive habits!"

Liz blew out another puff of smoke.

"Fine:" She said. "You want to know so badly, I'll tell you:"

"Really??" Perrine gasped.

"Though, frankly; when I'm done telling it, you'll probably wish you've never heard it." Liz said. "Anyway; many years ago; long before you were born, or even your parents were born, I was a youngin attending high school in Quebec..."

Lac-Megantic, Quebec; circa 2310:

"There were these upper classmen who rode to and from school on loud motorcycles. I was told that they were delinquents, and that I'd best avoid them. But, I wasn't afraid: In fact, I was enamored by them..."

Several bikers were filling their tanks at a Harnois petrol station just down the street from Lac-Megantic's high school; Polyvalente Montignac. They seemed to be chatting excitedly amongst themselves over an incident that had happened earlier that day at the school:

"Did you see the look on that bitch's face, when I pushed it against the window??"

"Yeah, that'll teach spots not to mess with the brothers again..."

As the bikers talked and refueled, someone was approaching the gas station from the direction of the school, and judging by the way the young girl was dressed, there wasn't much doubt that she was a student at the school.

"In fact, John; there's someone right now. Probably a friend of spots', looking for a rematch..."

The biker mentioned as such looked up at the approaching girl, who at that moment, waved her arm once in greeting.

"I don't think so, Billy; I've never seen this girl before. Do you think she's friendly?"

"Well, we're about to find out: Hey, Sophy; get lost!"

However, Billy's words did little to deter the approaching sophomore, who came right up the Billy and John at the pumps.

"If you think threatening me is going to scare me, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that." She said. "Now, who's the big boss I talk to when it comes to joining your little band?"

The girl's comments caused the bikers to laugh.

"That's funny, kid; but your face is enough of a joke for today."

"Billy, be kind! If this girl wants to join the Brotherhood, then we need to treat her inquiry seriously! Sorry about that, little lady; but the big boss isn't here with us here at the moment; can we take a message?"

"Yeah, when you go back to your clubhouse or wherever you go; make sure you tell him that Elizabeth Beurling from Polyvalente Montignac is interested in joining your club." The girl said.

"Will certainly do, but I must ask; aren't you a little... overdressed to join The Brotherhood?"

"O-Overdressed??" Liz asked, blushing and clutching her skirt.

"Yeah, and way too brightly colored in that school uniform: You'd be a rolling target rolling with us! The Brotherhood have a dress code, too, you know: Lots of dark colors: Black is preferable."

Present Day

"I don't know;" Perrine commented, interrupting Liz's story. "This sounds more like the story of how you joined a biker gang rather than an explanation for your rabid habit."

"You do realize that you asked for an explanation, right?" Liz responded. "Nobody starts doing something randomly one day because they feel like it; habits often form framed within context of larger events. Now, if you're done interrupting me and I can continue?"

Perrine sat back in silence, folding her arms across her chest and letting out an audible huff.

"When I joined The Brotherhood, because I was only 15 at the time, I became the newest clubhouse bitch, which meant... Entertaining the bikers..."

"You're joking!" Perrine exclaimed. "You mean you actually slept with those delinquents??"

"You know, for a Federation officer, you have a lot of preconceived notions." Liz said. "I'm surprised you made it this far with that attitude:"

"Because I am a proper lady!" Perrine responded. "Unlike you, who I can only assume did drugs and slept around with bikers."

"We all do things we're not proud of when we're younger." Liz responded. "But as Federation Officers, we put on that uniform to rise above our primitive indecencies and set a better example for the galaxy. However, if you do not change your attitude, Clostermann, than by the good grace of whatever god you believe in, I will have your commission, and you will spend the rest of your life running freight near Breen space."

"I'd love to see you try!~" Perrine said in a mocking singsong voice. "My dad is a prominent politician in the UFP, and if you ruin me, I'll make sure to get him to ruin you!"

"Are you attempting to blackmail me, 2nd Lieutenant?" Liz asked.

"N-No, it's just-!" Perrine stammered, turning red. Clearly uncomfortable that Liz had used the term 'blackmail'

"Well, then; we'll see what Captain Shimada has to say on this matter..." Liz said, turning around to mention Perrine in the message to Chiyo. "May she be more merciful than I can be..."

"No! Wait! I didn't mean it-!" Perrine cried.

"Then I'll make sure I mention it in my report..." Liz responded coldly.

Aw, man... Perrine thought to herself. There goes my chance to impress the captain!

"Now, where was I?" Liz asked as she typed. "Oh, yes; The Brotherhood: They weren't as bad a lot as you would be so quick to apply your stereotype of an outlaw biker to. In fact, one of the reasons I joined them was because they stood up for a bullied upper classman and gave her bullies a taste of their own medicine. You know, for being an outlaw biker club, we actually did a surprising amount of good for the community... Not to say the road to membership was a bed of roses, though; with me being an aforementioned 'clubhouse bitch'. However, once I turned 16, I got my motorcycle license, and got a motorcycle shortly afterwards. It was a vintage cycle from 1944, but it was something to be proud of, as mine was the real deal, whereas most of the other guys rode on replicas."

Lac-Megantic; circa 2311

"One of the good things we did for the community was actively tackling bullying: We weren't eligible for Bikers Against Child Abuse, so instead we did our own thing; Brothers Against Bullying. Us and a few other clubs in the area helped empower bullied kids stand up to their tormentors at school. Shortly after I became a full member, me and another guy, John, were assigned as primary contacts for Penney; the very bullied upper classman I had seen the Brothers protect and had inspired me to join in the first place..."

It was 2:30 AM as Liz and John rolled up on the residence of Penney, who had contacted them after having a nightmare. As they rolled into the driveway, an upstairs window opened and Penney leaned out, waving to them; clearly excited to see them.

"Go back to bed, Penney!" John called up to Penney. "We'll make sure those fuckers don't come back around tonight!"

Penney nodded and closed the window as Liz and John positioned their bikes on the lawn. As they sat on the lawn, observing the quiet neighborhood, Liz folded her arms under her chest and exhaled, her breath condensing into a cloud as it left her mouth.

"Sure is cold tonight;" She said, making small talk with John.

"Yep..." John said as he lit a cigarette. "Willing to bet it's snowing up at higher altitudes."

After lighting the cigarette, John took a puff of it.

"Mmm-hmm." He said. "Warms your insides on a cold night like tonight. Want to try some?"

Liz pondered John's offer, as the night was particularly cold, and there was little options of getting warm where they were.

"Ah, sure; why not?" She said, holding a hand out for the lit cigarette.

John handed off the cigarette and Liz took a puff: Yes, the rush of warmth from inhaling the burning tobacco was nice, but Liz was also surprised by the refreshing flavor it carried. Liz blew out her first puff of smoke and handed the cigarette back to John.

"You're right." She said. "Say, you got any more to spare?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." John said, grabbing his pack and bumming a second cigarette for Liz. "You want a light, too?" He asked, offering his lighter.

"Don't carry one on me, so..." Liz responded, accepting the lighter after putting the cigarette in her mouth.

Present Day

"That's it??" Perrine asked. "That's the story behind your habit?"

"I told you that you'd regret hearing it." Liz responded, sending the message to Chiyo and signing out. She turned and stood up, facing Perrine. "I'm off to bed; it might be wise for you to do the same."

Having said her peace, Liz returned to her private section of the quarters and undid the small knot she had managed to tie in the towel, letting it fall to the floor. Liz took the nightgown which was still lying on the bed and returned it to the wardrobe, electing to sleep nude tonight, as a nightgown, in addition to being rather uncomfortable to sleep in, as not only did it require one to adjust themselves two or three more times than necessary whenever they rolled over, but the nightgown also took time to change out of if she had to hastily put on her uniform.

Posting by

1st Lieutenant Elizabeth F. "Liz" Beurling
Marine Vice Commander

2nd Lieutenant Perrine H. Clostermann
Fire Team, 2nd Platoon


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