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Second Chances (Part V)

Posted on Mon Jul 19th, 2021 @ 12:15am by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,561 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


She carefully backed out and headed for the main entrance. Even though she was familiar with old cars, this was as exciting as her first time. As she exited the hanger, she let out a rebel yell.


As she exited the hanger onto the lit-up track, she saw Soren and Isabel sitting there in a 1970 Red Barracuda with its engine sticking out of the hood. The car was in idle and the top was down. As they approached, Soren looked over with a smile, while Isabel stood up from the topless car.

"Do you have permission to take that car out, homem velho (old man)." She shouted before giggling.

"She's in good hands, Princesa." Rafe shouted back as he whistled to her before making a gesture with his hand.

A small door opened in front of them as two drones hovered upward and stopped just high enough for the cars to go past but not too high for them to miss it completely. On the drone was three lights. A red, yellow, and green one.

"Give it some gas, Bobbie." Rafe said as he looked to her, putting on the belt. "Rev that engine and let them listen to her growl."

She did so, grinning at the other two. Bobbie Sue wasn't sure what Isabel meant by Rafe having permission. It was his car, of course he could give her permission. The car handled like a dream. She revved the engine again. It sounded to her like a bobcat ready to run. She watched the lights go from red to yellow to green and took off. The car was a dream, eager to go as fast as she'd let it. She was careful to keep the car under control as she raced to the finish line.

After she crossed the line, she eased up on the gas, cruising a bit before braking. "That was magnificent." She looked over to Rafe. "How'd we do?"

"I told you." Rafe laughed as he placed his hand on the dashboard and tapped it slightly. "She's faster than she looks." He looked over to her, smiling a bit, before gesturing behind them just as Soren and Isabel pulled up in the Barracuda.

"That was intense." Soren laughed as he took off the helmet. "Better than any holodeck simulation." He looked over to Bobbie and Rafe, smiling a bit as he asked. "What's under that hood? A warp core?"

Rafe looked to Bobbie before looking back to Soren and replying. "Magic, my friend. She drives like magic... just like her owner." He looked back to Bobbie and winked.

Those words...Bobbie looked at him. "Magic?" Did that mean this was Max' car? An image of the photo flashed in her mind, followed by Isabel asking if Rafe had the owner's permission. She shook her head, surprised she didn't catch on before. "Yes, the owner is definitely magic." And just like the car, he had more under the hood than you'd expect.

She grinned at Soren. "Yes. That was better than any holodeck simulation." She ran her hand along the dashboard in a fond caress. She glanced at Rafe before turning back to Soren. "If you want, you can ride with us back to the hanger."

Rafe looked at her and smiled, knowing she had pieced something together in her mind, a look on her face she shared with Max. He subtly tapped his index finger on his nose before looking back to Isabel. "Isabel? Why don't you take the Cuda and drive this old man home?" He placed his hand on Bobbie Sue's, tapping it slightly, before saying. "Take another drive around the speedway. Take it slow this time. Gives you two plenty of time to talk. I'll meet you two back at the house. Just drive up to the back door." He took his hand away before stepping out, turning to her one more time, saying. "Don't worry about the door. You're already programed in."

Soren stepped out of the Barracuda and walked over, smiling to Rafe as they passed, before getting in on the passenger side. He put on the belt and looked over to Bobbie, looking her up and down, before asking. "How come you got the one with your name on it?" He laughed slightly.

"A present from my uncle. He's the one who told me about this place. His name is Max." She waited for the other two to drive off before putting the car in gear. "He's the one you saw leaving my quarters." She did take it slow, explaining to Soren about Max and his mother.

She stopped the car again and turned it off so she could look at Soren. "There's something else you need to know. Max is the one who arranged for you to get back into Starfleet. He also arranged for your legs." She paused for that to sink in. "Actually, it was an old friend of his who made them. His name is Rafe and he rebuilds and races old cars." She pulled out the PADD. "Uncle Max has a way of...doing things. He wanted you to see him leaving my quarters. I wondered what he was up to, but I had no idea until Rafe gave me this."

"So wait... hold on a minute." Soren said as he did his best to process everything he was just told. "You're telling me that my mom was a Starfleet Intelligence Officer that worked for your Uncle and the car guy, Rafe, made my legs?" He looked away from her, for a moment to take it all in, before looking back at her. "So, when she was running off to do things it was for you Uncle and my dad let her leave all those times?"

"Yes. It was her job, before you were born. Rafe said she was supposed to retire, but she wanted to keep working, at least in part. Max takes care of family, and since your mom worked for him, you were considered family. I couldn't tell you before, but Max wanted you to know. Here, maybe Max can explain it better." She held out the PADD so they could both see and hear it and pressed her thumb against it to activate the message.

The screen flickered slightly before an image of Starfleet Intelligence insignia was show before briefly switching to another symbol that Bobbie Sue recognized as the emblem for Paladin, the group Max, Rafe, and the two others in their group created. Soon, she saw Max sitting in a chair, in an unrecognizable room. He was in a robe and on the desk was a glass.

Max took a deep breath before saying. "Bobbie, secrets are a dangerous thing. More so if it’s your business. Unfortunately, it's mine, so I always need to be careful. If you are seeing this than, Rafe no doubt, spoke to you privately and explained to you a few things. About our relationship. The others involved in our group. And where your friend Soren fits in." He smiled a bit before adding. "And, if I know you, he is sitting right there with you. That's okay, because it tells me, you've decided on your Rule 1."

Soren looked at Bobbie, surprised that Max seemed to already know he was there, and back to the screen. Taken in my what was going on and how he fit in all this.

"Yeah, that's Uncle Max," Bobbie whispered to him. And yes, Max was right about Rule 1, too.

"When Rafe and our friends decided to make Paladin a reality we decided on a set of rules. And we started with the first and most important thing. Rule 1 which reads Tell someone you trust. Someone you care about. Never keep a secret to yourself because it will fester and eventually turn in on you. Keep your circle small but always have a circle. This is important, especially in our line of work, because secrets can often lead to bad things and its always important to have somewhere there to act as an anchor to hold you down and share them with. Someone you can trust to hold onto them. For a long time, Bobbie, my circle consisted of those four men and you. It's all I needed and all I wanted, to be honest, but things changed. Friendships fall apart and others faded away, but sometimes new friends come and they fill your life with something other than a vault to keep your treasures, but they come treasures themselves." Max smiled a bit for a brief moment, looking off to the side as if looking at someone or something off screen, before returning his gaze to the screen itself.

Bobbie knew exactly where he was looking and smiled. She was glad he had someone else in his circle. Someone he could trust and love. Someone who clearly trusted and loved him, too. She hoped...well, that Soren fit into her Rule 1. Both Uncle Max and Rafe seemed to think he was worth it. She wanted that, too.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Rafe, Isabel, Max Hunter, and other NPCs by Dillinger


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