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Second Chances (Part IV)

Posted on Sat Jul 17th, 2021 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,742 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


"The four of us were going to change the universe, but our views would often clash. Max was always our balance. The judge to every indecision." He let out a laugh. "From how to proceed on a mission to who paid the check. Max was always the deciding factor because we trusted him to consider all the options and we trusted him." As he eased the photo back into the glove compartment he continued. "When they turned on us, turned on Max, you can imagine how your Uncle felt. They weren't just colleagues. They were brothers. Brothers who turned their back on their goals for their own reasons. Reasons that forced them to break their code, but also, go against the Federation. He would die for them, and in some ways, he still might. Max still feels he could reach them, but it's weighing on him."


"He might, but..." she shook her head. "Sometimes he acts like he's invulnerable. Maybe now, though." She shook her head again. "In many ways, we're both daredevils." She'd already decided to tell Max about her night. Now she would ask him about this, to help him stay safe--or at least be careful. Maybe not for her, but he now had a wife. She didn't want to lose her favorite uncle. Not for a long time. "I still trust Max with my life. He pushes boundaries, but he always knows where they are."

Rafe laughed a bit. "We were all that way, Bobbie. Tough as nails. Willing to bend every rule to get the best possible outcome. We walked around like we were immortal, even though we weren't. Together we could do anything." He extended his hand on the seat, turning to her, as he continued. "That's just the way it was, back then. We all heard of the stories of Kirk and the Enterprise. Naturally, we wanted to be the same, but Max always got on us when we were on the edge of bending to breaking that line." He shrugged a bit. "You don't have to worry about Max, but you keep the lines always opened. You be his anchor if you have to. Remind him what he risks of losing and never, ever, break that line himself. He's better than that. Between the four of us, the one we knew would reach Admiral rank first, would be Max Hunter." He laughed a bit before saying. "We had a saying, back in the day, when it came to your Uncle. Maximillian Hunter isn't just the best. He's Magic and magic is at its strongest when you believe in it."

"Max is magic, and I've seen him pull off miracles." She smiled, but her expression was serious. "I'll do what I can. We've always had each other's back, at least since I was old enough to stand on my own feet. I know someone who can help, too."

Rafe smirked, getting out of the car, as he walked over to the workbench. "Max is magic, alright." He laughed a bit as he picked up a PADD off the desk and walked back over to the car. "Sometimes, he knows what you are going to do, before you do it." He tapped on the PADD and handed it to her. "Even when it comes to making sure someone sees him exiting a room, when we all know, he doesn't make those kinds of mistakes." He let out a slight chuckle, leaning against the driver’s side door, looking to her.

Bobbie Sue turned off the car and took the PADD. She laughed when she read what was on it. "No, Max doesn't make those kinds of mistakes. I wondered what he was up to." She held up the PADD. "Do you need this back or can I show it to Soren?" She laughed again. "I tried so hard not to let Soren know who Max was, and now this. I wonder what else Max has up his sleeve."

"The message on it is if you, and you alone, but I can tell you this." Rafe said as he stood up. "But, if you were worried he can't be trusted, I can tell you for certain he comes from a good family." He said as he walked back around to the hood. "His mother was one of Max's first recruits in Paladin. The group the four of us founded." As he wrapped the tools in the cloth on the side of the hood, he continued, walking them back to his workbench to put them away. "She was a great Intelligence Officer and hated having to say good-bye. When we found out she was pregnant, we gave her the right time, but she was one of those officers who couldn't stay away. Not when there was work that needed to be done. Her husband knew he couldn't stop her, but he also loved her enough, to trust we would watch over her. And we did. Just like we kept an eye on Soren. After his accident she came here, to me, asking me to help." He put his tools away and walked back to her. "I designed his legs in one of the labs below. With the help of my wife, whose medical knowledge is far beyond mine, we managed to develop a way to graft them to him and help him walk again. She was hoping he would return to Starfleet, so you imagine her surprise, when he ran off." As Rafe returned to the hood, he closed it, making sure it was secured before walking back to the passenger side door. "When the boy finally was caught, she called in one last favor."

"And got him back in Starfleet," Bobbie Sue said. "I met him the first time on the USS Pathfinder. It was his first assignment after rejoining. I admit I was attracted to him then, but I wasn't there very long. And now we're both on the Tokyo. I wonder if Max had a hand in that, too." She tapped the PADD on her leg. "I should tell him here, if you don't mind. So, he'll know your connection." She looked over to Rafe. "I assume that's why he gave you the PADD. Otherwise, I'd have a message on my computer back on the ship." She paused. "One race first? I'm not sure how he'll react, and I don't want to miss out now that I'm here." Max, bless him, was always one step ahead of her.

Rafe got back in the car, sitting back in the passenger seat, before looking over to her. "If you're looking for Max's permission, Bobbie..." He gestured to the PADD. "You've already got it. As for if Max had a hand in you two being reunited on the Tokyo." He shrugged. "I can't speak to that. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. Only he can tell you that, but if he did, maybe it’s because of something he sees. Something you two haven't seen yet, but will someday. Not just a connection, but something else. Something you can only find together." He shrugged again, laughing a bit. "What do I know? I'm an old man who loves old things." Rafe gave her an assuring smile before taking her hand. "When you're ready querida (dear) listen to his message."

"Nothing wrong with old things, or old men," she said. "Personally, I don't think you or Max will ever truly grow old. Okay, one time around in any car you choose, then I'll listen to Max' message and tell Soren." She grinned. "If all goes well, we can take out another car. But that will be up to you." She knew that whatever Max had to say to her would affect a lot of things, and she wanted to give his message her full attention. Right now, she was a little distracted by the cars. So, once she got to drive one, she'd be able to give Max and Soren her full attention. "I assume Isabel will be getting a car for Soren to drive. Should we join them?"

Rafe raised a finger, gesturing her to wait a second, before reaching to the back seat. He pulled back with a neatly folded racing uniform and a helmet. Both of which had Bobbie Sue's name on it. The helmet even had a Bobcat on either side. "You'll be needing these. Complements of your Uncle and myself."

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you. I'll thank Max later." She sat back. "Does Soren have one, too?" She gently took the clothing and the helmet. First the jumpsuit and jacket in her quarters and now this. Max had outdone himself and she would have to come up with a way to thank him properly. And Rafe, too. She would definitely come back here whenever she could.

Rafe laughed softly, putting his arm around her, before answering. "Probably, but not one so personalized. Maybe on his next visit." He said as he smiled back at her. "For now, família (family) first." Rafe leaned back against the seat and placed his hand on the dashboard. "For now, how about, you take her out for her first spin? I put my money on her over whatever Soren picks."

Bobbie Sue grinned. She stepped out of the car and slipped the racing suit over her clothes. It was a little tight and bulky over her jeans, but she wanted to wear it for her first time on the track. She then put on the helmet and got back in. She buckled up and turned to Rafe. "Ready."

Rafe looked ahead and clapped his hands before pointing to the main entrance which was big enough for the car to go through. "Vamos para a linha de chegada (Let's go to the finish line)." He shouted before laughed. "Just go forward, Bobbie. I'll lead you to the pad that brings us outside to the track."

She carefully backed out and headed for the main entrance. Even though she was familiar with old cars, this was as exciting as her first time. As she exited the hanger, she let out a rebel yell.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Rafe, Isabel, and other NPCs by Dillinger


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