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Meeting the new engineer (Part 4) (Backpost)

Posted on Wed Jun 23rd, 2021 @ 2:03am by Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Jefferies Tube
Timeline: After 'Meeting the new engineer (Part 3)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

Hobb changed the way he was crouched in the jeffries tube, and leaned in to look. 'That component looks pretty fused there.' He dug about in his bag for a second, before taking out a small tool. 'Alright. Micro plasma torch.' He motioned at her, 'put the module down.'

As the module was already resting on the floor of the Jeffries' tube, Mika released her grip on the module and crawled back to give Hobb room to work.

'Thanks,' he held the plasma torch as steady as he could above the fried component. 'Got your tricorder, Ensign?'

Mika reached to her hip, where she kept her tricorder clipped and grabbed the device, readying it for use.

And now, the continuation

"Right here," She said as she adjusted some settings.

'Alright, link it to the plasma torch - we'll use the telemetry to have the component cut out of the module - hopefully it's just fused around the edges, and not underneath as well. Ready?'

Mika's fingers danced over the tricorder's instruments as she paired it up to Hobb's plasma torch.

"Ready." She responded once she had the two devices linked.

'Alright,' replied Hobb as he readied the torch, 'have the tricorder steady the torch's 'flame' to cut only a millimetre into the module, regardless of the height of my hand - they're steady, but not that steady.'

Mika merely nodded as she programmed the settings into the tricorder.

Sticking his tongue out as he concentrated he slowly and methodically worked his way around the component, appreciative of the work Fujimoto had done to help him. It took a few minutes, but eventually the component had been completely cut around.

'Alright, the proof of this will be in the pudding, as they say,' Hobb said as he set down the torch.

Mika carefully watched as Hobb cut each and every piece holding the fried component into the module, making the necessary adjustments on her tricorder to ensure the flame didn't cut any deeper than what Hobb had requested. The process was slow-going, but eventually, the last piece had been cut.

"I believe that's the last one." Mika noted. "Moment of truth, I guess..."

'Yeah ...' Hobb replied quietly as he slipped the brand-new component from the bag and gently slotted it in to the hole created by the plasma torch. He set aside the damaged component gently on the Jeffries tube floor, and proceeded to bond the component to the unit, and began the process of connecting it all up.

'Alright,' said Hobb after long moments of silence as he concentrated on his work. 'Time to fit it back where it came from.'

"Right." Mika said as she began working her tricorder before realizing she didn't know if the reverse process would be identical. "Any special way we're putting this back together?"

Hobb's lips twitched in amusement, 'I'm glad you're ready for some on the job training,' he pointed at her tricorder. 'Fortunately, you can't have the lift stuck for any length of time.' He indicated the junction, 'you could have done this all on your own, if necessary.' The Engineer smiled, 'can't have this simple, and crucial a system dependent on having Engineers about- if we're all wiped out, you still need to be able to scramble your fighters.'

The older man hefted the piece of equipment and slotted it in to place. 'Right, forgive me, but what was the name of your colleague?'

"That was Ensign Busujima, sir." Mika responded. "She has certain... Issues preventing her from crawling into narrow spaces like this."

'Ah, well, it's good we didn't call her down,' Hobb replied with a warm smile. He tapped his commbadge, 'Lieutenant Hobb to Ensign Busujima.'

"This is Ensign Busujima." =A= Came Saeko's voice over the com badge. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?"

'Can you try the fighter lift for me? We've replaced the part indicated, so the problem should have been solved,' asked Hobb kindly, 'save us coming back down here if it hasn't worked.

Several minutes of silence passed over the comms as Saeko tried out the lift controls, multiple times in both directions.

=A= "Well, the lift seems to be working for now." =A= She reported. =A= "I just hope the speed of the lift isn't too much of a concern for the time being." =A=

'Excellent thanks. Speed isn't essential right now - we're in Federation space. But I can recalibrate the software and check if any of the motors need repairing in the meantime so long as it moves,' Hobb explained to both Busujima on the comm and Fujimoto in the tube as he hugged his knees and leaned back against the tube wall. Then he figured they probably didn't have the same interest as he did. 'Uh, anyway. We should get going now we're done here.'

"Very well:" Mika nodded, turning around in the Jefferies tube to head back in the direction they had come.

Posting by

Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
Chief Engineering Officer

Ensign Saeko Busujima
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Mika Fujimoto
Fighter Pilot


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