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A Cardassian Pilot

Posted on Tue Jan 12th, 2021 @ 12:19pm by Jennifer Daxer & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Earth - Miami Florida
Timeline: Trial Day 2 - 0630 Hours local time


* Earth - Miami Beach, Florida - 0630 hours, local time *

As had been her custom every morning, before she left Earth, Jen sat on the beach with a cup of decaffeinated coffee, just watching the sunrise.

During her time on medical leave, she hadn't had a chance to do this, and she found she had really missed it. It was one of the very few 'rituals' she had that gave her a sense of peace.

As she watched the first tendrils of light appear on the horizon, she noticed the faint movement of an individual's shadow not too far away.

"If you're here to join me, feel free." Daxer said to the unidentified individual, gesturing casually to the beach chair a few feet from her own. "Just try not to block my view... Please?"

Lieutenant junior grade Jasad Yuvek stood for several moments taking in the scene around him. His time on Federation ships and environments was spent in environments that were too cold for his personal tastes.

But here was much more palatable. The increased humidity and heat comforted him and reminded him of his days on Cardassia as a small boy. By no means was it a complete replacement, but it was a comfrot nonetheless.

He suddenly remembered that a person was waiting for his response.

"Oh, I apologize." The Cardassian said. "This is my first time actually stepping foot on Earth. It is. . .different from what I expected." He said as he walked towards the officer.

"Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek, I'm your new Chief Flight Control Officer." He announced as he handed a padd to her with his orders. "I was instructed to report to you." He added.

"Having visited my fair share of planets, I'd have to say the same goes for just about any place one might visit for the first time." Jen said as she took the offered padd. "It's the unique beauty that each holds that makes it worth coming back."

She quickly skimmed it's contents, her keen mind taking in the finer details. "You'll do nicely, Mr. Yuvek." She said, before giving her thumb print, and handing it back. "You'll want to check in with Sickbay, before we ship out for your boarding physical. For now, why not relax, and enjoy a sunrise with me."

Lt. Yuvek glanced out at the horizon. He had never been fond of casually observing sunrises. The scene brought back memories negative memories of his childhood home within the Takian province on C. It was during an early morning such as this that Klingons from the House of K'Tahg raided his colony and brutally executed most of the adults that tried. . .ineffectively. . .to defend their homes.

Even now as an adult, the sight of a sun rising over the horizon did not bring much joy or excitement to him. As he looked over at his new Commanding Officer, he decided that now was not the time to dwell on his life story.

"I appreicate the offer, but I understand there is a significant amount of prep work waiting for me within the ship's Flight Control" Lt. Yuvek said wearily. The Armitage class was a new beast for the young officer to tangle with. He knew he'd have his hands full.

"Suit yourself." The Vulcan woman said simply. "Just make sure to check in with sickbay, before you report for duty.

Posted by:

Lt CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain
USS Tokyo


Jasad Yuvek
Lieutenant JG
Chief Helmsman


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