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I regret to inform you...

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2020 @ 6:33am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

787 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet Headquarters

Her uniform was clean, she had made sure that she looked presentable and ready for what she now had to do. Captain Taiga Aisaka sat there in front of the computer screen console ready to record her messages. Even though she was currently in custody, this was something she had to do. Something she needed to do as part of her duty as a Stafleet Captain.

She reached out and tapped the button on the console to start recording. She could see her own face on the screen as she began.

"Hello Mister and Misses Kano. My name is Captain Taiga Aisaka. The Commanding Officer of the Federation Starship Tokyo. As you know, your daughter, Sakura, was my Chief Engineer. I regret to inform you that she was killed in the line of duty.

I can't go into the exact details, but what I can say is that she was a hard working, relaible and model officer. She had served under my command for the last three years and I am sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful young woman with plenty of years to look forward to. However I can say that she died protecting other innocent people, something that has earned her the utmost respect for amongst the crew of the Tokyo and myself.

I am truly sorry for your loss. She will be missed, but not forgotton"

Reaching out she tapped the button to stop the recording. She hated doing these. She glanced over at the PADD of the long list of names that she still had to attend to. Many of them were Starfighter Pilots, their families would be recieving messages from herself and Commander Trigman as well. Taiga felt responsible for all of them.

She reached out to hit record again, this time it was a little different.

"Hello. I am Captain Taiga Aisaka, Commander of the Starship Tokyo. Your daughter, Alora was my executive officer. I have to tell you the unfortunate news that she is currently missing in action behind enemy lines. I can assure you that Starfleet are still endeavouring to locate your daughter, however I am afraid it is not looking good.

I wanted to let you know personally. Alora was a fantastic officer. I will admit that we butted heads at time. But I trusted her with my life, my ship and my crew. I was the officer who gave the orders that resulted in her disappearance. I wanted to let you know that she was a trusted and valued member of the Tokyo's crew. She was looked up to by so many officers and crew, and she gained my admiration and trust for the last two years.

If it turns out that she has been killed, then it is not just a huge loss to the Tokyo and Starfleet, but the whole Federation. I am sorry for there is not much more that I can tell you."

Taiga had run out of words. She stopped the recording. Hopefully, just hopefully Commander Knight would return. However with the Prowler going missing shortly after embarking from the Tokyo she doubted that they survived the enslaught of the alien vessel that had attacked them and the colony. Just another bad mistake to add to her already long list of bad mistakes.

She paused for a few seconds before reaching out again and tapping the record button again.

"Hello. My name is Captain Taiga Aisaka of the Starship Tokyo. Your son, Ensign Justin Timmons was killed under my command..."

So it went on and on for what seemed like hours. Eventually Taiga sat back in her chair and stared up at the ceiling. She had forgotton how long she had been recording these awful messages. It was one part of her job she hated. To her every death that had occured under her command was her fault, her failure to protect them and was her responsibility.

Luckily being confined like this had given her the chance to get all the recordings done. She could make sure that each and everyone's families and next in line got their personal message. She could have easily passed it onto the department heads, but she felt that she needed to be the one to do it.

The Human cost of the battle was huge. Resulting in many deaths across all departments. She had lost count of how many of her crew she had lost. All she knew was that in any normal situation, even in war, the losses were unacceptable. If she ever got out of this and regained her command, she would have to do better to protect them.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


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