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Chasing down the curable.

Posted on Wed Apr 15th, 2020 @ 1:22pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

1,855 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: corridors of the Tokyo


Kah'Leth had a satchel on his left side, and what might look like an old short barrel shotgun on his right thigh with a bandoleer acrosss his broad chest as he walk arounf the corridor. The crew still had some nighmares going about so he was taking care not to really seem to be chasing down the crew.

"Keep up Nurse Miyafuji." He said calmly. "You might be best to approach than I?" He continued. "YOU are more friendly in appearance."

Yoshika had her medical kit with her, something she had been carrying since she had been dispatched since the ship had lost power. She also had a new belt with several loaded hyposprays on.
"I'll try to get as many as I can. But I'm not very fast" the young nurse explained.

Kah'Leth was using his normal walking strides. "If I go slower we will be back-tracking." He chuckled. "But I will let you lead as you are less intimidating."

"Its not my fault I have little legs!" Yoshika said rather frustrated as she tried to keep up the pace. "Where first Doctor?" she asked as she readied a hypospray.

"Engineering." He said as they near the doors. "You go first as a pretty face is better as a first sight then me."

Sighing Yoshika led the way as they approached Engineering with the cure. Luckily most of the Engineers were pre-occupied with their work.

"Erm..." she said trying to get their attention. "We need to give you all a hypospray to cure this virus... We... erm... can do it while you work?" she said trying to raise her voice slightly but getting ignored or not heard.

A resounding loud whistle echoed over everything. "I do not believe you heard the Little Lady." Kah'Leth's voice followed. "We will be giving you a hypo while you work" He scowled. "You will remain working and we will give it in an arm; we will give it in less comfortable place if you do not comply."

Many of the Engineers turned around to see what all the noise was. Several of them simply shrugged and turned back to their work, not bothered by the process of innoculations.

"Ok..." Yoshika said as she walked over to the nearest engineer and injected him in the arm with no resistance. "Well seems to be working" Yoshika said with a smile turning back to face Kah'Leth.

"You are a friendly motivational type." Kah'Leth took a hypo from an Engineer he had just completed. "The whole Earth term with sugar than a Pain stick."

Yoshika nervously smiled up at the Klingon doctor as she injected the last engineer. "Everyone here is done sir. We've still got a lot more people to cover" she explained as she looked around. She checked her inventory of hyposprays.

"Where to next Doctor?" she asked. It was obvious that Yoshika found the darkness a bit creepy and scary.

"I might suggest you finding slacks as the OPS people in the Jeffery Tubes?" He gave a sly grin. "To maintain your demure as I do not fit well in the Jeffery network?"

Yoshika blushed. "Yeah" she said as she looked down at her uniform. Why of all days was the day she had opted for the skirted variant of the uniform. "I'll have to find a pair somewhere..."

"There's a few spares in the equipment cupboard" one of the Engineers said after overhearing the conversation. "We have a similar problem with some of our engineering staff, so we keep spares" he explained pointing to the equipment cupboard.

Yoshika wandered over, and searched through all the protective clothing. She found a pair of trousers and pulled them out, they were a little big on her however they were the only ones relatively close to her size.
"I'm going to go change..." she said. "No peeking!"

"Heaven forbid." He turned his back as it was a human trait he had noticed over the years. "Officer and gentleman Earth thing is clear not to."

Raising an eyebrow in confusion Yoshika disappeared into one of the side wings to get changed. She emerged a couple of minutes later, the trousers with the gold stripe down the center looked odd against her teal medical uniform. They were also very slack on her.

"Ok" she said simply. "I think I'm ready to go. Although, I'm not sure I like the gold" she said with a slight smirk. She looked at one of the engineers. "No offense..."

"None Taken..." The Engineer had to pull back his snicker at the rather 'baggy' sizing of the slacks to a petite frame.

"SO long as you remember the color of your department and 'change back to a nurse?" Kah'Leth reply with a straight face. "Now run along and innoculate the Jeffery Personnel." He started to turn. "I will meet you when you are done." He look over his shoulder. "Be careful not to flirt too much in confined spaces, might give the wrong impression of my Nurses having good bedside manners.

Yoshika simply blushed. "I'm not going to flirt in there! I have a job to do!" she said back in response. She sighed as she found a Jeffries Tube hatch and disappeared inside. "Can you let me know where people are?" she asked from inside. "This ship has lots of crawlspaces, and I can't go through every single one of them"

"Are you a nurse wthout a tricorder?" Kah'Leth raised an eyebrow.

Yoshika's head stuck out of the Jeffries tube and looked up at the Klingon. "Yes, I do have a tricorder. But its got a range on it!" she said sarcastically. "Plus, it's not like I can constantly scan and crawl along..." she told him with a sigh.

"Ranging to life sign is a automatic function." Kah'Leth chuckled. "Should I replicate a necklace to let it hang from Nurse Miyafuji?"

A silence hung over the room as Yoshika stared at the Klingon blankly. "I'm just going to go. I'll see you later Doctor..." she said as she slowly disappeared back into the jeffries tube. A hand came out and pulled the door shut behind her, it clicked as she locked it shut.

"Women..." Kah 'Leth shook his head and headed along the corridor inoculations along the way for this section.

[A Little While Later]

Yoshika emerged from the jeffries tubes and made her way to the meeting point with the doctor. By this time the ship had returned to warp and most of the ships systems were slowly coming back online.

"I got everyone in the engineering and crawlspace areas" she explained simply. "How did you do Doctor?" she asked.

"Shot three on the run and the others fell into allowing me to complete my section." Kah'Leth replied with a straight face. "And as to how well you did Nurse Miyafuji?" He patted her on the head. "Come along and I will get you an Ice Cream dessert."

"Ice cream! At this time!" Yoshika replied back a little surprised. She began to blush slightly. "I'm not a kid you know... unless you mean something else? Or you're just hungry... oh please don't make me eat gagh!" she said trembling slightly. "I don't like slimy things that you have to let wriggle down your throat..."

"I'll have them put Gummy worms on your Sundae; but do not expect me to feed you." He turned his back. "I will not do that with you in the wrong colors." He tried not to laugh.

Yoshika's eyes narrowed. "I don't need feeding!" she said back in an almost tantrum like tone. "Have we at least got everyone with the Hypo's?" she asked. "You know, before you take me on this dinner date huh?"

"I was just being polite in rewarding a good job as Human females tend to like sweets as a reward for doing well." He said calmly. "The ship is working and the Medical teams are completed their tasks." He noded "Did you expect the two of us to incoulate over 800 people alone?" He chuckled and glanced at her. "I think you beginning to like those slacks." He tried not to chuckle. "On some job sites people go to drinks and talk of day's events and is that considered a Dinner Date?"

She blushed a bright shade of pink in response. "What would you know about Human females! And I meant the dinner date thing as a joke" she sighed. "I know we can't inoculate the entire crew, I was just asking" she said back. "Oh, and these trousers. I borrowed them, I'll have my own back on tomorrow. Unless you don't want me wearing anything... at... all..." she stopped and simply blushed. She swung around and started walking off down the corridor. "You better make it a double, no triple serving of ice cream. And NO gummy worms!"

"You are not Betazoid so uniform is kind of mandatory. " He said as she was two steps away. "And if you say please I will have them add sprinkles and a cherry." He even managed as 'Innocent a face as a two meter tall Klingon can.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Yoshika replied simply. "Lets just go..." she sighed as she continued down the corridor. She had no idea how this Klingon became an officer, not to mention her Department Head. "I think we've both deserved a break, and I'll take those sprinkles and cherry please; and thank you"

"You are welcome." Kah'Leth nod. "And did exceptionally good work today, hence the reward as the other medical staff liked the gesture." He shrugged. "And is not the pat a Japanese gesture to show that one has done well in Japanese culture?"

"Kinda..." Yoshika said stopping slightly. "Even I can admit its confusing at times" she explained to him in a softer tone. She turned to face him and bowed slightly. "Thankyou doctor for your hard work. Thankyou for the praise, I will do my best to work hard" she said hoping that this would clear some things up.

"Return the slacks, I owe you a sundae for a job well done." He said as he return the bow.

Yoshika nodded simply. "Well, lets go shall we?"

H did not offer her his arm as the height difference might have made her uncomfortable.

"Why did you refer to this being a date dinner thing?" Kah'Less asked. "Is there something I should be aware of Yoshika?"

"Doesn't matter" Yoshika replied simply. "Lets just go"

Kah'Leth stopped.

'Are you sure?" Kah'Leth asked. "We worked well, not there is tensions." He crossed his arms. "Would you wish to continue as you do not look like you enjoy your Sundae?"

Yoshika just smiled back at him. "How about we just call this... a bite to eat between acquantainces?" she asked. She would have said 'friends' but she didn't want to come across as rude. She led the way down the corridor, with their job done it was time to finally relax a little. At least now it was all over.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer

Petty Officer 2nd Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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