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Alora's Nightmare

Posted on Thu Dec 12th, 2019 @ 12:52pm by Commander Alora Knight

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark


Alora woke, feeling that something was wrong. Had it been a dream? She wasn’t sure. She’d felt this way only once before, in the Mirror Universe. She rolled over and shook Alex. “Sweetheart, wake up. I…” The words died in her throat when the man beside her turned. It wasn’t Alex.

“Something wrong, darlin’?” The words were cold, harsh. Ugly. “Not your Knight in shining armor?”

Dylan, Alex’ brother. How did he get here? Where was Alex? She rolled to get out of bed, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Even with her Vulcan strength, she was no match for him.

“Not so fast, lover.” He laughed softly, leaning closer. “Well, not lovers yet, but if you want to see Alex again, you will be.”

“Computer, intruder alert,” she called, still trying to stay calm. Dylan had no interest in her, he only wanted Alex. Did he think she’d meekly stay here and wait for her husband to show up?

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” the computer intoned calmly.

Dylan laughed and pushed her down into the pillows. “Don’t fight or I’ll only have to hurt you.”

She struggled against the pressure he was exerting. How did he get so strong? He was human, after all. And she was half Vulcan. She kicked out, pleased when she heard him grunt.

Alora reached out for something, anything, on her nightstand she could use as a weapon. Her hand touched a knife and she grabbed it just as Dylan rolled on top of her. She stabbed him in the back and pushed him off, getting out of bed.

She turned on the lights and looked back to see if he would come after her. But it wasn’t Dylan in the bed. It was Alex. Her Alex. He was trying to catch his breath. The knife had penetrated his lung and he was bleeding profusely.

“No!” she screamed, running for the medkit. “Computer, medical emergency, Knight quarters.”

“It’s too late,” a male voice said from the doorway. Lex stood there, grinning at her. “He’s not going to make it, you know. You killed him.”

“No!” She pushed Lex out of the way and ran for her kit, but when she got to where it should be, there was nothing but an empty box.

Lex laughed. “It’s your own fault. Marrying him. He cheated on you with Danika, you know. And that woman on his ship. Well, all of them, actually. When you’re not with him, he reverts back to type. He is me, after all. You can’t expect better than that, can you?”

“Shut up, Lex.” Alora pushed him out of her way again, running back to the bed. Alex wasn’t breathing. “No! Alex, please. I didn’t know it was you. Hold on, the doctor should be here any moment now.”

Someone laughed from the doorway. Alora turned to see Dylan again. “You should have listened to me. I wanted him to find us together before I killed him. Now I’ll just have to kill you.”

He approached Alora, but she was too distraught to react. “The least you can do is put up a fight.” He put his hands on her throat and shook her. “Fight me. I want to enjoy this.”

She grabbed his wrists and pulled, but she couldn’t dislodge his hands. She was feeling weak, dizzy.

“Sorry, Alora,” Lex said, watching them. “You pushed me away one too many times. Now you’re on your own.”

Dylan laughed again. “I like this Alex better. I think I’ll keep him.” Slowly her world turned dark.

She woke up, screaming. “Alex!” Her throat hurt. “Computer, lights.” She looked around frantically, but he wasn’t there. There was no blood, either. “Computer, where is Alex Knight?”

The computer was silent. She dressed quickly and headed out the door. He had to be somewhere, and she was going to find him.


Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo


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