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Taiga The Failure...

Posted on Tue Dec 3rd, 2019 @ 6:09am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,038 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Various

Where was Taiga? That was the question that ran constantly through Ryuuji's mind. The fact that suddenly and without warning the ship had been thrown into darkness was concerning him. However he wanted to find Taiga first, no doubt she would be on the bridge, but he knew her better than that.

Taiga was one to go off and try to sort the problem on her own. She was never one to sit still in these sorts of situations. Therefore Ryuuji knew that he should probably find her. When the Tokyo had been thrown from Warp, Ryuuji had just finished his shift on the starfighter flight deck, and had just left to return home. He had been planning on cooking a nice meal for both of them as a surprise for Taiga when she finished her shift.

He didn’t know why, but he was drawn back in the direction of their quarters, he didn’t know why it just felt like the best thing to do right now. Turning a corner he felt someone run into him. He looked down.

“Taiga?” he asked. The little petite woman had run right into him. “What are you doing here?” he asked. He could see that she had been in a rush.
“Trying to sort things out. Don’t you see that?” she replied simply. Ryuuji could sense she was under intense pressure, but why was she so far away from any vital area.

She began to walk off, Ryuuji instantly followed her. He didn’t know what else to do. He just knew that he had to follow her. He didn’t even know why. He was a little confused when Taiga entered into a cargo bay.

“Taiga... wait” he called out. He found himself standing in the cargo bay surrounded by the shipping containers and supply crates which held everything from extra parts to emergency rations. To his surprise Taiga was sitting leant against one of the crates, an emergency ration pack ripped open as she chewed on its contents.

“Erm...” he said. This was no time to eat. They could be useful elsewhere right now.
“Sit" Taiga said instructing Ryuuji to sit opposite her. He raised an eyebrow in confusion before sitting opposite the small woman. A ration bar was thrown in his general direction which he caught. He ripped it open and its flavour was bland and chewy, but it contained everything a person needed for three days.

“You know Ryuuji. I've been thinking" Taiga said simply. She was messing around with her uniform. “Is this the right thing to do?” she asked.
“You mean the ration packs?” he asked in return.
“No...” Taiga said as she unzipped her uniform. He could see that her small body was stained with blood, heavily concentrated around her stomach area.
“Its obvious that I can’t seem to give you children that we so desperately crave" Taiga told him as she shuffled closer to him. “What sort of future wife would I be without being able to give you a future for your bloodline?” she asked tears forming in her eyes.

“That doesn’t matter to me!” Ryuuji told her, his voice raised slightly. He didn’t like the way Taiga was acting, especially now and covered in her own blood. “Just as long as I have you...”

Taiga broke away. She zipped back up her uniform. “I think we should just end this" Taiga told him. “I’m useless to you and I’m a useless Captain!”.
“No you’re not. Why are you acting this way?” Ryuuji asked jumping to his feet. Taiga was already leaving. He began to chase after her.
“Taiga!” he called. “Wait!”. There was one thing that Taiga had over Ryuuji and that was speed. Ryuuji tried his best to keep up with the blonde haired woman, but for every corner he turned she was turning the next one.

Suddenly he stopped. It was a dead end, the only thing at the end of the corridor was the aft airlock. His eyes opened wide as he saw Taiga through the glass in the door, standing looking out into space. He ran over, the sudden sprint only lasting a few seconds.

“TAIGA!” he shouted slamming his fist against the door. Slowly Taiga turned around, she had been crying, her uniform stained with blood. A small bundle of blankets wrapped up nestled in her arms.
“I'm sorry. I told you I was useless. What shall we call him? Even though he'll never breath. He never was born alive Ryuuji... I’m a failure!” she sobbed. It was only at this time did Ryuuji notice the airlock counting down.
“Just come back through Taiga. We can sort this!” he told her. Somehow his mind had forgotten the fact that Taiga had yet to become pregnant. All he wanted now was his fiancée back and his child, regardless of anything else.

“Taiga. Don’t do this. I need you!” Taiga shook her head. “You can do much better. I'll be gone soon, with all the baggage, you can move on and find a better woman to give you what you want. I’m a failure".

The countdown finished
“Goodbye” Taiga said simply with a smile. The door of the airlock opened and Taiga and the bundle of blankets were sucked out I to the vacuum of space.

“TAIGA!” Ryuuji shouted, collapsing to his knees, tears pouring from his eyes as he slid down the door to the airlock. He wanted her back, he needed her back. Why did she go? Why would she leave him? He needed her. His despair hit him like a train, he couldn’t help it as he curled up on the floor, it was like someone had ripped out his heart, taken all the happiness away from him and thrown it out into space. Which to him, had just happened. He didn’t know what to do, he was lost in the darkness and he just needed to grieve alone. Right now, nothing else mattered, he just needed his happiness, his Taiga back in his arms...

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief


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